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swilliams - JUGA - 0 views

    Group access extension: JUGA is Joomla component that allows you additional control over what content is available to which users. It is NOT A HACK (like JACL); JUGA installs and uninstalls *easily* as a component. To activate/de-activate it, install and publish/unpublish the JUGA Mambot. After installing JUGA, merely synchronize it's table with your site's components and content. Then, define which items each group has access to. After assigning users to JUGA groups, activate the Mambot and voila!
Jade Diaz

Design is the Rendering of Intent - 1 views

    Parts that stood out for me: "Over the last year, we've started explaining design as "the rendering of intent." The designer imagines an outcome and puts forth activities to make that outcome real." "It seems pretty clear to us that the Global Entry team had a typical intention of many government (and non-government) design teams: get the service up and running... In contrast, the We The People team wanted to showcase that a government design team can produce designs on par with the best non-government commercial teams." "Well, everyone who participates in the rendering of their intention is a designer, using this definition." "Many of our design deliverables, such as wireframes, prototypes, and style guides, are as much about getting agreement on what we intend as they are to move our intentions closer to done."
Jade Diaz

ThinkUp - 1 views

    Open source app that captures/analyzes activity on social networks. An example:
Jade Diaz

The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App - 7 views

    If we accept this, are there implications for our aim to design a responsive site?
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    Wow, very interesting. The numbers tell the story of the browser use declining. The great increase was social media; people still use the browser on a computer to access the social media site. They don't download a Facebook application to install on their computer-they use the browser. But mobile-wise, that's a different beast. I still think we should create a site that is accessible to mobile devices rather than create an app. I think in the coming years, though, iOS/Android developers will probably be job positions here at UT. Great post, thanks for sharing.
    I take issue with focusing on the amount of time spent in apps vs. mobile web. If you look at the breakdown, 68% of app time is on pure entertainment activities like gaming, social media and YouTube. Which makes total sense that people spend a disproportionate amount of time on those things. Plus that guy looks really annoying!
    RE: Mason-Good points, Señor Mason. But using inflammatory titles gets people reading. My next post will be "LIBRARIES ARE DEAD-EVERYTHING IS ON GOOGLE, ANYWAY".
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