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What is the purpose of an organ transplant? - 0 views

    The purpose of an organ transplant is to replace a failing or damaged organ with a healthy one from a donor. This procedure is life-saving and improves the quality of life for many patients. Here are the key points: Life-Saving Intervention: Organ transplants are often performed when an individual's organ fails and no other treatment options are effective, potentially saving the patient's life. Improved Quality of Life: Transplants can significantly enhance the recipient's quality of life by restoring normal organ function, allowing them to lead healthier, more active lives. Treatment for Chronic Diseases: Organ transplants are crucial in managing chronic conditions, such as end-stage kidney disease, liver failure, and heart disease, where the organ cannot recover on its own. Reduced Healthcare Costs Over Time: While the initial cost of a transplant is high, successful transplants can reduce long-term healthcare costs by eliminating the need for ongoing treatments like dialysis or multiple hospitalizations. Extension of Life Expectancy: For many patients, receiving a transplant can extend their life expectancy, sometimes by several decades. Support for Families and Communities: Successful transplants not only benefit the recipient but also their families and communities by allowing individuals to return to their roles as caregivers, workers, and active community members. Advancement in Medical Research: Organ transplants contribute to the advancement of medical science, leading to improved techniques, better outcomes, and innovations in treating organ failure.

How Does a Heart Transplant Save Lives? - 0 views

    A heart transplant replaces a failing heart with a healthy donor heart. It restores proper blood flow, ensuring oxygen delivery throughout the body. This improves the patient's strength, mobility, and overall quality of life. It treats severe heart conditions and extends life expectancy for those with end-stage heart failure.

Importance of physiotherapy for better health - 1 views

    For long, physiotherapy has been used across the globe and found to be a wonderful treatment for those facing body dysfunctions and disabilities. Patients who are searching for ways and means to have their body rehabilitated from debilitating conditions and injuries which are left by accidents and diseases can find physiotherapy to be useful.

Electrotherapy equipment and its importance - 1 views

    Electrotherapy is known to include the usage of electrical energy to provide medical treatment. This form of therapy is used in several types of treatments and makes use of electric current to help speedy wound healing. The electrotherapy equipment is known to form a vital component in physiotherapy, while being used for treating variety of medical conditions.

Benefits of Using Physiotherapy Equipment - 2 views

    Physiotherapy products in India have gained a lot of prominence because of the wide scope of improvement they offer in a person's body movements, in healing from major surgeries, to remain healthy, and to take care of people who suffer from chronic and severe conditions such as paralysis or abnormal muscular or bone growths.

Go for the Color, the Natural Way! - 0 views

    People are suffering from graying of hair spending their time and money in saloons for giving color to their hair besides knowing the fact that they are harmful for their scalp and require..


  What is screening ? Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may b...

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started by lifelinelab on 07 Dec 18 no follow-up yet
Med Guru

Get Latest Technology in Treating Lymphoma Cancer with the Best Care in India - 0 views

    Get Latest Technology in Treating Lymphoma Cancer with the Best Care in India. Get Fast Track Online Consultation with the help Indian Med Guru: Call on: +91-9370586696 E-Mail on: Visit Website:


Thalassemias are a group of inherited blood dyscrasias that were first described in the Mediterranean region.In Greek”Thalassa” means sea and “haema “ means blood. Thalassem...

Bestpathologylabs bestpathlabnearme Bestdiagnosticlab diagnosticcenternearme bestdiagnosticcenternearme diagnosticcenter bloodtestathome bloodtestathomenearme bloodonlinetest onlinebloodtest onlinebloodtestlabindelhi thyroidtestathome thyroidtestlabnearme

started by lifelinelab on 20 Nov 18 no follow-up yet
Med Guru

العربية 2 الهند السفر الطبي: الدكتور راجيش شارما يعرض حالات القلب الخلقية مع ... - 0 views

    الدكتور راجيش شارما يعرض حالات القلب الخلقية مع رعاية مبتكرة للرضع والأطفال والبالغين. يمكن إرسال التاريخ الطبي والتقارير التشخيصية إلى للحصول على رد مبكر من مديري الحالات. اتصل على: +91-9860755000

How To Relieve Constipation Fast | Health Blog - 0 views

    How To Relieve Constipation Fast? About twelve percent of the population worldwide report constipation each year. It is characterized by undue effort and time to expel the stool. Here we discuss some useful home remedies to treat constipation. Sometimes it can be really stubborn and won't go away.
    An average human being visits the toilet six times a day and stays there for about two minutes. However, attending the call of nature is not always this easy. Sometimes, a common gastrointestinal condition called constipation occurs. It becomes difficult to expel the feces. A desire to visit the washroom is not enough to physically eliminate the feces.

Texture Modified Diet - Peach Puree - 0 views

    This article enriches your knowledge about texture modified diet. Further, it talks about the peach puree. Well, there is a thin line of difference between fruit juice and fruit puree. Puree is thicker than juice, which is known as the 100% fruit juice.

Agoraphobia: Extreme Fear of Open or Public Places - Medinfi Blog - 1 views

    Have you come across people who experience extreme fear of public places? Well, this condition is known as "Agoraphobia"! Read the blog to know more!

Definitive surgical treatment for localized malignancies, based on a careful ... - 2 views

    A specialist who is highly skilled in managing all aspects of benign and malignant head and neck conditions (tumors of the mouth and jaws, tonsil, tongue base, voice box and sinuses), including thyroid, parathyroid, and salivary gland disorders. To book an appointment with Dr Vidhyahdaran Sivakumar:

Home remedies to remove dark circles   - 0 views


remove dark circles removing tips

started by create_hub on 09 Oct 20 no follow-up yet

12 Best Foods To Fight Inflammation - 0 views

    Inflammation is our body's natural mechanism to fight against infections and diseases. Here is the list of 12 best foods that can help to fight chronic inflammation. Check out list now
    Inflammation is our body's natural mechanism to fight against infections and diseases. Normally, this is short-term and will subside after the infection is cleared off. Sometimes, in some specific conditions like obesity, metabolic syndrome, high levels of stress, autoimmune diseases, smoking, alcohol abuse, and some chronic infections, our body is put into a long-term inflammatory state. I Found this article great so sharing with others
    Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most essential nutrients for proper growth and development in humans. Health benefits as it promotes cardiovascular, dermal, neurological, immune, and cognitive health. Read More

The best natural remedies to get rid of acidity and constipation - 0 views

There are many home remedies for acidity and constipation. I am going to introduce 2 miracle water recipes that have proven effective in such Conditions. 1) MIRACLE WATER IS FOR RELIEF FROM CONST...

health Medical News water acidity and constipation care

started by emonmitra on 22 Oct 22 no follow-up yet

Premature Ejaculation Treatment - 1 views

    Book an appointment with the best premature ejaculation treatment to get rid of your condition fast. We provide a safe and affordable procedure, which can help you enjoy sex again.

7 Things your face reveals about your health - 1 views

How to check your face for symptoms of disease / 7 things to scan face for health. 1) DISCOLORATION OF OUR SCLERA The sclera, the visible part of our eye sometimes becomes yellow, blue, red, or B...

health tips skin women man face

started by emonmitra on 20 Oct 22 no follow-up yet

Best Eyelid Surgery In India - 1 views

    Fatty deposits around the eyes, under eye bags, and sagging skin on the eyelids can make one's eyes look tired and dull. This may happen due to ageing as the skin loses its elasticity. To get rid of this condition and improve the appearance around the eyes, one can get eyelid surgery, a.k.a. blepharoplasty. The surgery aims to remove the excess tissue around the eyes to correct hollowness under the eyes and folds and bagginess on the lower eyelids. To get the best eyelid surgery in India, consult Dr. Shilpi Bhadani at SB Aesthetics.
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