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anonymous - 0 views

    Comments on the Draft Final Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity

Bottled water facts | Drinking Water Research Foundation - 0 views

    Yale Scientist Refutes Study on Bottled Water Facts Issued By Environmental Working Group One of the nation's leading microbiologists, Dr. Stephen Edberg, professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Internal Medicine at the Yale University School of Medicine, and the director of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory at the Yale-New Haven Hospital, strongly refuted today the Environmental Working Group's study on bottled water quality, citing the study's flawed methodology and lack of sound science. Addressing the study's findings which were released yesterday, Dr. Edberg said, "The Environmental Working Group's study on bottled water is troubling for both its lack of acknowledgement of scientifically based history and for failing to conduct controlled scientific experiments. Its conclusions unduly confuse consumers through faulty methodologies and unsubstantiated findings."

Facts About Water | Drinking Water Facts - 0 views

    Drinking Water Research Foundation Provides education to the public regarding Drinking water facts, drinking water quality, Water crisis facts, Tap water facts, Facts About Water etc. Drinking Water Research Foundation remains dedicated to the continuous development of scientific research in areas of interest to consumers and the drinking water industry, including facts on water, bottled water facts, tap water facts and filtered water.

Water Treatment | Tap water facts | Drinking Water Research Foundation - 0 views

    Provides information regarding Water Treatment, Drinking water facts, drinking water quality, , Tap water facts, Facts on water and Facts About Water.

Water consumption, not expectancies about water consumption, affects cognitive performa... - 0 views

    Water consumption, not expectancies about water consumption, affects cognitive performance in adults

Energy drinks 'health risk' claim prompts reaction from CBA - 0 views

    The Canadian Beverage Association (CBA) has defended the industry's record on advertising sports drinks and energy drinks to children, after the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) labelled them "potential risks for the health of children".

Microbial Safety Assessment of Public Water Supplies and Bottled Water - 0 views

    Drinking water regulations are designed to protect the public health. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is tasked with developing and maintaining drinking water regulations for the 276,607,387 people served by the country's 54,293 community water systems. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates bottled water as a food product. By federal law, the FDA's regulations for bottled water must be at least as protective of public health as the EPA's regulations for public water system drinking water. Despite many similarities in EPA and FDA regulations, consumer perception regarding the safety of drinking waters varies widely. This paper examines and compares the microbial health risks of tap water and bottled water, specifically examining differences in quality monitoring, regulatory standards violations, advisories, and distribution system conditions. It also includes comparison data on the number of waterborne illness outbreaks caused by both tap and bottled water.
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