A 2012 study of 2,618 business leaders and security practitioners in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong and Brazil found that they experienced an average of 66 attacks per week, with organizations in Germany and the U.S. reporting the highest numbers: 82 and 79 per week....... Read more on -> http://www.cisoplatform.com/profiles/blogs/4steps-to-swift-security-recovery
Backdoor.Java.Agent.a, a malicious Java application that infects machines for the purpose of building a DDoS botnet. The botnet communicates over IRC and can carry out distributed denial of service attacks using either HTTP or UDP flood attacks. Running on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X machines. [LINK: http://threatpost.com/cross-platform-java-bot-used-for-ddos-attacks/103912]
Read more on -> http://www.cisoplatform.com/profiles/blogs/4steps-to-swift-security-recovery