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Bullet Train project to affect 54,000 Mangrove trees - Development at the cost of Envir... - 0 views

    When PM Narendra Modi had announced the high-speed bullet train project in India in September 2017, few would have imagined the impact on the ecology of the region around the proposed Mumbai-Ahmedabad route. In response to question raised by Shiv Sena legislator ManeeshaKayande in the state Legislative Council, state transport minister Diwakar Raote said Monday confirmed that close to 54,000 mangrove trees spread over 13 hectares would be affected due to the construction.However, he clarified that the number of trees cut down would be far less as the height of the pillars would be well above the trees and the damage to environment would be limited. As a compensatory measure, the Government has also proposed to plant five times the number of trees felled for the bullet train project.

Beat the heat at these super cool tree houses in India! - Gossip Ki Galliyan - 0 views

    Are you tired of looking for an off-beat and super fun travel destination this summer vacations? Don't worry we've got you covered. These are the top 5 tree house resorts in India which give you a picturesque view and allow you to breathe in some much needed fresh air.

Indian Scientists Invent A Solar Tree Which Can Light 5 Homes - 0 views

    Indian Scientists Invent A Solar Tree Which Can Light 5 Homes. During a period when India is looking for more inventive approaches to outfit sun based energy, CRB Tech reviews is proud to bring to your notice that researchers at the CSIR lab in West
Willis Wee

How Nokia is Exchanging Old Phones for Trees in Indonesia - 0 views

    Mobile phone vendor Nokia is promoting a campaign in Indonesia called Give and Grow 2011: Give Mobile Phones, Grow Trees.
Monica Butuc

TechPin » Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree with LEDs for the First Time - 0 views

    How to make $ 40,000 in one month with very quickly. What you need. The latest American news article. Immediately visit
Kyle Jackson

iWant: Apple Gadgets Top Christmas Wishlists | Phones4u News & Community - 0 views

    "iPhones and iPads are topping Christmas lists this year, according to recent surveys, but it looks like a lot of people are going to be disappointed. Figures suggest that 39% of people are hoping to find an iPhone 4S in their stocking this year, while 31% would like to see an iPad2 under the tree."
limonhbs - 0 views

    These gorgeous Christmas ball ornaments are decorated with intricate festive patterns drawn with glitter. They will be the perfect decorations to jazz up any Christmas tree.
Akmal Yousuf

Get started with Business Intelligence in the new Office - - 0 views

    This post is brought to you by Seayoung Rhee, Product Marketing Manager in the SharePoint Product Marketing Group. Reliable business intelligence and insight are key to a thriving business. Excel, SharePoint and Office 365 make business intelligence (BI) in the new Office more accessible to everyone across an organization as part of their everyday work. New and enhanced features in familiar tools such as Excel empower everyone in a business to easily explore, model, analyze, and visualize data from various sources. With SharePoint, users of all levels can collaboratively develop and share insights through dashboards and scorecards, and this experience continues seamlessly in the cloud with Office 365. For corporate environments, these features are further enhanced by SQL Server for higher levels of performance and scalability both on-premises and in the cloud with BI Azure. Ultimately with Microsoft BI, anyone in the organization can develop the insights that help drive new discoveries and make better, more informed decisions. EXPLORE YOUR DATA PowerPivot was a popular add-in to Excel 2010, allowing users to create large data models with hundreds of millions of rows in Excel. This feature is now natively embedded in Excel to reduce the hassle of downloads and installation. PowerPivot is also supported in SharePoint with SQL Server Analysis Services where the workbooks with PowerPivot models can be shared broadly across the organization. New features like Quick Explore aid users in navigating their data, and Quick Analysis provides previews of their charts, graphs, and scorecards. Users can: Combine and analyze large datasets with PowerPivot Summarize data and discover trends with Quick Explore Instantly preview charts and pivot tables with Quick Analysis VISUALIZE YOUR INSIGHTS Introduced with SQL Server 2012, Power View provided a canvas to create visual dashboards in SharePoint. Now this feature is embedded into Excel and SharePoint so

Kindergarten Activities - 3 views

It is a good idea. We should teach our children before sending them school. Different activities enhance their skills and increase IQ level. Christmas is also about to come so, I am sharing an amaz...


PlantSnap App - A New Tool for Identifying Plants and Trees - 0 views

    Next time you head out into the great outdoors, make sure to stop and smell the flowers. Then take photos of a few with the PlantSnap app.
Alexandra IcecreamApps

Ways to Get Your Phone in the Christmas Mood - Icecream Tech Digest - 0 views

    When Christmas is coming, everything around us is stylized and dedicated to this merry time. Everything is decorated and everybody is dressed festive, and so on. Even if you live in a bunker and have no idea what is going on right now and which ye...
    When Christmas is coming, everything around us is stylized and dedicated to this merry time. Everything is decorated and everybody is dressed festive, and so on. Even if you live in a bunker and have no idea what is going on right now and which ye...

Differences Between RMM, PSA, ERP & Ticketing Systems - 0 views

    In the MSP space, three acronyms are familiar - RMM, PSA and ERP - but which ones do you need, why do they need them, and what value does each one bring to the business? Do you need them at all, and how are they different to a ticketing system?

4 Ways PSA For MSPs Revolutionizes IT Help Desks - 0 views

    PSA software ramps up an MSP's capabilities in ways that used to be impossible. It enables MSPs to automate procedures that used to be done manually

Is Kratom Legal withinside the US? What You Need to Know - The Law Cases - 0 views

    Kratom is a tropical tree that grows in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
John Flint

What boxers do you wear? - 4 views

If you are looking for men's underwear that will breathe and sit perfectly on you, then I recommend you to visit the website on oktorom I bought myself a breathable boxer briefs. This is the most c...


Classification Of Machine Learning Models - 10 views

Thanks, this is a very detailed article. Actually, machine learning is our future. I think this will help to solve a lot of problems and it will definitely increase human progress. You can also che...

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D-Mannose: Unveiling the Mystery and Benefits of This Natural Sugar - 1 views D-Mannose is a natural sugar found in various fruits and vegetables, such as apples, oranges, and cranberries. It has gained popularity in recent years for...

Technology Tyres Mobile phone

started by shendazhu on 05 May 23 no follow-up yet

Need Help With Overgrown Yard - 4 views

Oh boy, do I feel your pain! My yard was like a jungle last year, full of ivy and brambles. I even joked about needing a machete to get through it. Then, a friend recommended landscape consulting s...


Mycorrhizal Fungus Improves the Nutrient of Soil - 1 views

    Root Rescue offers exclusive mycorrhizal fungus that increase nutrients powers of soil. The fungi are critical members of the plant microbiome, forming a symbiosis with the roots of most plants on Earth. The fungi are made up of a root-like structure and possess a network of mycelium external to the tree roots that extends into the soil.
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