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Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Working with Tables - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: While there are four types of database objects in Access, tables are arguably the most important. Even when you're using forms, queries, and reports, you're still working with tables because that's where all of your data is stored. Tables are at the heart of any database, so it's important to understand how to use them. In this lesson, you will learn how to open tables, create and edit records, and modify the appearance of your table to make it easier to view and work with. Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example. Watch the video below to learn more about working with tables in Access. TABLE BASICS TO OPEN AN EXISTING TABLE: Open your database, and locate the Navigation pane. In the Navigation pane, locate the table you want to open. Double-click the desired table. Opening a table - The table will open and appear as a tab in the Document Tabs bar. The open table - UNDERSTANDING TABLES All tables are composed of horizontal rows and vertical columns, with small rectangles called cells in the places where rows and columns intersect. In Access, rows and columns are referred to as records and fields. A field is a way of organizing information by type. Think of the field name as a question and every cell within that field as a response to that question. In our example, the Last Name field is selected, which contains all the last names in the table. Fields and field names - A record is one unit of information. Every cell on a given row is part of that row's record. In our example, Quinton Boyd's record is selected, which contains all of the information related to him in the table. Records and record ID numbers -
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Introduction to Objects - - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: Databases in Access are composed of four objects: tables, queries, forms, and reports. Together, these objects allow you to enter, store, analyze, and compile data however you want. In this lesson, you will learn about each of the four objects and come to understand how they interact with each other to create a fully functional relational database. Watch the video below to learn more about objects in Access. TABLES By this point, you should already understand that a database is a collection of data organized into many connected lists. In Access, all data is stored in tables, which puts tables at the heart of any database. You might already know that tables are organized into vertical columns and horizontal rows. Rows and columns in an Access table - In Access, rows and columns are referred to as records and fields. A field is more than just a column; it's a way of organizing information by the type of data it is. Every piece of information within a field is of the same type. For example, every entry in a field called First Name would be a name, and every entry in field called Street Address would be an address. Fields and field names - Likewise, a record is more than just a row; it's a unit of information. Every cell in a given row is part of that row's record. A record - Notice how each record spans several fields. Even though the information in each record is organized into fields, it belongs with the other information in that record. See the number at the left of each row? It's the ID number that identifies each record. The ID number for a record refers to every piece of information contained on that row. Record ID numbers - Tables are good for storing closely related information. Let's say you own a bakery and have a database that includes a table with your customers' names and information, lik
Akmal Yousuf

Access 2016: Designing a Simple Query - - 0 views

    ACCESS 2016: DESIGNING A SIMPLE QUERY MARCH 27, 2017 TRAINING / WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP ADMIN LEAVE A COMMENT WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: INTRODUCTION Blogs: The real power of a relational database lies in its ability to quickly retrieve and analyze your data by running a query. Queries allow you to pull information from one or more tables based on a set of search conditions you define. In this lesson, you will learn how to create a simple one-table query. Throughout this tutorial, we will be using a sample database. If you would like to follow along, you'll need to download our Access 2016 sample database. You will need to have Access 2016 installed on your computer in order to open the example. Watch the video below to learn more about designing a simple query in Access. WHAT ARE QUERIES? Queries are a way of searching for and compiling data from one or more tables. Running a query is like asking a detailed question of your database. When you build a query in Access, you are defining specific search conditions to find exactly the data you want. HOW ARE QUERIES USED? Queries are far more powerful than the simple searches or filters you might use to find data within a table. This is because queries can draw their information from multiple tables. For example, while you could use a search in the customers table to find the name of one customer at your business or a filter on the orders table to view only orders placed within the past week, neither would let you view both customers and orders at once. However, you could easily run a query to find the name and phone number of every customer who's made a purchase within the past week. A well-designed query can give information you might not be able to find out just by examining the data in your tables. When you run a query, the results are presented to you in a table, but when you design one you use a different view. This is called Query Design view, and it lets you see how your query is put

Target the Most Relevant Results with Semantic Re-Ranking - 0 views

    Over 30% of valuable patents are missed in traditional searches. PatSeer's AI re-rank tool reshapes results based on relevance-whether you select key records or paste a target paragraph. Instantly access the top 500 patents, boosting accuracy in FTO and invalidity searches. Find the patents that matter most-start your smarter search now! #Patent Search #Patent Analysis Software #Patent Research Software #AI-based Patent Search #PatSeer #Intellectual Property Strategy #Patent Research #Patent Analysis # Intellectual Property Search #Patent Valuation #Patent Database #Patent Landscape Analysis #Intellectual Property Management Software #Intellectual Property Software #Patent Search Engine #Patent Law #FTO searches
Alexandra IcecreamApps

Google Search Alternatives - Icecream Tech Digest - 0 views

    When it comes to searching for something online, the first website we turn to is Google. This king of the search engines has become so major that plenty of people say "Google it" instead of "Look this up online." However, … Continue reading →
    When it comes to searching for something online, the first website we turn to is Google. This king of the search engines has become so major that plenty of people say "Google it" instead of "Look this up online." However, … Continue reading →
Akmal Yousuf

Note-Taking Showdown: Evernote vs. OneNote (2016 Edition) - - 0 views

  • Blogs: Evernote and OneNote are two of our favorite tools, but both have changed substantially since we last compared these two apps-in some ways, not for the best. Here's where these two stand today. LIFEHACKER FACEOFF: ONENOTE VS. EVERNOTE Now that Microsoft OneNote is free for Mac and Windows, the price and cross-platform barriers to…Read more WHAT'S NEW IN EVERNOTE In the last year, Evernote introduced a new pricing plan, redesigned its webapp, and added new features for its Android and iOS apps. THE FREE PLAN LOSES A FEATURE, BUT NOW THERE'S A MORE AFFORDABLE PAID PLAN Let's talk price first with Evernote, since it's the biggest change in the last year. The free plan no longer lets you email notes to Evernote, something most users enjoyed and used often prior to that change. Although you can get around this limitation with an IFTTT recipe, you won't get the full flexibility of Evernote's email-to-notes feature, such as specifying your destination notebook in the email subject line. So that's a bummer. On the positive side, however, Evernote introduced a new, more affordable paid plan called Evernote Plus. For $25 a year, you get offline notebooks for Evernote's mobile apps and the ability to lock the app on your phone with a PIN. Both of these used to require Evernote's Premium plan, which used to cost $45 a year. Finally, Evernote's Premium plan now costs $50 a year. But in return for those five extra bucks, you get larger upload limits: 10GB a month, instead of the previous 4GB data cap. With Evernote Premium, you can search attachments, scan business cards, view previous note versions, annotate PDFs, and use the new note presentation mode. EVERNOTE'S USER INTERFACE KEEPS EVOLVING Last year, Evernote took its redesigned, minimalist web client out of beta. Though slicker and easier on the eyes, the makeover also made the webapp less functional. You can't order

Improve Patent Searches using Images with AI Search Form - 0 views

    Problem: Looking for a patent drawing but don't know how to describe it? Text-based patent searches often miss the mark when it comes to finding patents based on visual elements. Words can't accurately define the intricacies of drawings, such as detailed circuit designs. Solution: Try PatSeer's AI-driven image search tool! Simply upload an image, and our technology will scan for visual similarities in the patent database. Enhance your search with intuitive features and customizable filters such as registration year, classification, assignee details, and more for pinpoint accuracy. Upload, click, locate-simplify your search for patents and designs today!
Willis Wee

How Google Social Search Works [VIDEO] - 0 views

    Google Social Search went live just 2 days ago. It might be confusing to some about how Google indexes its search results. From the laymen point of view, Google Social Search pulls out relevant content created by the people in your online social circle and includes them into your search result.
Akmal Yousuf

Office 2016's Smart Lookup is the next-best thing to a personal research assistant - ww... - 0 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: USE THIS HELPFUL FEATURE TO QUICKLY VERIFY FACTS AND FIND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AS YOU WORK. Blogs: Among all of Office 2016's useful new features, there's one in particular you'll definitely want to take the time to master: Smart Lookup. In short, it serves as a digital research assistant, pulling in information from the Web to enhance your work or help you decipher unfamiliar content. If you're an Office regular, Smart Lookup holds the key to a more powerful workflow. WHERE TO FIND IT Smart Lookup is just one right-click away in any Office 2016 app. Highlight a word or phrase you want to research, right-click, and select Smart Lookup from the context menu. You can also get to this feature by launching Review > Smart Lookup and entering a query. smart lookup word - Right-click on a word or phrase to launch Office's Smart Lookup tool. Smart Lookup works similarly in both Windows and Mac versions of Office 2016. When you launch the tool, a sidebar appears on the right side of the screen that displays the results of your query. Here's the really cool thing about Smart Lookup: It takes context from the words around the one you're searching for in order to provide you with the most relevant results, because so many words and terms have multiple meanings. There's a reason it's called Smart Lookup! Smart Lookup proves its value in many scenarios. Here are some examples. BE A WORD NERD Living up to its name, Smart Lookup will find a definition, synonyms, and the parts of speech for any word you highlight. smart lookup definitions - Find definitions and other information to assist with writing. Select the Explore tab to get word-usage information, or scroll down the page for entries from Wikipedia or Bing search results. Click on Define for a word's meaning and to hear how it's pronounced. PULL IN RESEARCH FROM THE WEB The most useful feature for me on a day
Paul Papadopoulos

Best E-Commerce SEO Services in 2020 - Gadget Rumors - 1 views

    This is the battle of SEO and only the best one wins here. According to Niel Patel, "SEO is all about content creation." The more you have optimized content on your channel, website, account, or profile, the more likely you get the viewers, visitors, and followers. The basic aim behind content generation is to provide the users with the needed information in the most authentic way. Google Analytics works by assessing all the information about a certain website or a channel. For example, if the website is about kids' education, then the search engine will first look for the user intent and how and what the audience is most commonly searching for when it comes to the stated subject. After that, it breaks down the keywords on the basis of search results and rates the website accordingly. Furthermore, for instance, around 45% of the people, when writing the word "Jaguar" in a search bar, are actually looking to find the information about all the automobiles generally. So the word Jaguar has become a keyword for all automobiles and is regarded synonymous to all the vehicles in the internet language. This is why search results are made according to the audience's demands.
Akmal Yousuf

Microsoft Office 2016 review: It's all about collaboration - - 2 views

    WWW.OFFICE.COM/SETUP BLOGS: GO TEAM! THAT'S WHAT OFFICE 2016 IS BUILT TO ENCOURAGE, WITH NEW COLLABORATIVE TOOLS AND OTHER WAYS TO TIE WORKERS AND CONTENT TOGETHER. pcw office primary 2 - Blogs: Office 2016 is a major upgrade, but not in the way you'd first suppose. Just as Windows 10 ties notebooks, desktops, phones and tablets together, and adds a layer of intelligence, Office 2016 wants to connect you and your coworkers together, using some baked-in smarts to help you along. I tested the client-facing portion of Office 2016. Microsoft released the trial version of Office 2016 in March as a developer preview with a focus on administrative features (data loss protection, multi-factor authentication and more) that we didn't test. I've been using it since the consumer preview release in May. Microsoft seeded reviewers with a Microsoft Surface 3 with the "final code" upon it. That's a slight misnomer, as the Office 2016 apps upon it used the same version that Microsoft had tested with the public, with a few exceptions: Outlook was pre-populated with links and contacts of a virtual company to give reviewers the look and feel of Delve, Outlook's new Groups feature, and more. Office 2013 users can rest easy about one thing: Office 2016's applications are almost indistinguishable from their previous versions in look and feature set. To the basic Office apps, Microsoft has added its Sway app for light content creation, and the enterprise information aggregator, Delve. Collaboration in the cloud is the real difference with Office 2016. Office now encourages you to share documents online, in a collaborative workspace. Printing out a document and marking it up with a pen? Medieval. Even emailing copies back and forth is now tacitly discouraged. office 2016 review powerpoint demo shot - Microsoft says its new collaborative workflow reflects how people do things now, from study groups

Google Now Search App features and Download - 0 views

Google Now Search App features and Download:The Google Now search app is the one stop search engine for Android Smartphone and tablets. The Google Now search app for Android is available on Google ...

Google Now Search App features Download

started by soumya1234 on 03 Jul 13 no follow-up yet

Top 5 Best Image Search Engines - 0 views

Top 5 Best Image Search Engines: When you are searching for a particular image sometimes you won't get required images. Now days if you want the image exactly what you need is a complicated task. F...

image search engine best engines

started by udit4143 on 20 Jul 13 no follow-up yet

Comprehensive Chemical Search for Synonyms, Registry Numbers, and More - 0 views

    Looking up chemicals in patents just got easier! Use PatSeer's Chemical Lookup to search by chemical name or CAS number. Get full molecular data and craft accurate search strings to improve your patent research. Achieve more accurate patent search results today! #patseer #patents #patentlandscape #PatentPortfolio #patentsearchai #aipatentsearch #AI #intellectualproperty #Patentanalysis #patentdatabase #PatentAnalytics

Introducing AI Patent Search V2 - 0 views

    PatSeer has announced AI Patent Search v2, a significant upgrade to its AI search engine. The new version demonstrates an average 33% improvement in recall across various technology domains. This enhancement is due to extensive fine-tuning of the underlying LLM, resulting in a better understanding of search context and more relevant results. Interested in experiencing the power of AI-driven patent research? Sign up for PatSeer today. Read the full article here: #patseer #patentsearch #patents #patentlandscape #PatentPortfolio #patentsearchai #aipatentsearch #AI #intellectualproperty #Patentanalysis #patentdatabase #PatentAnalytics
Pooja Runija

Apple and FireFox ditching Google as its default search engine - 0 views

    This is really an embarrassing week for Google due to some breakups with their partners. Few days back news came from Mozilla Firefox that from 2015 Yahoo will be their default search engine. Google has been the default search engine for Mozilla since 2004 but this time in the year of renewal Mozilla has decided to break the pact and chosen to go with Yahoo.
10Seos Company

Guide To Google Search Console - 1 views

    Search Analytics is a form of Search Console that helps in providing you with an overview of how your website is doing on the Search Engine Result Pages organically i.e. the search queries that led people to your website.
10Seos Company

Cost of SEO varies with the type of keywords - 1 views

    Search engine optimization is the process by which a website can be made more responsive for search results. Optimization helps the search engine to understand the website and its intent and produce it in search engine result page when the user's search around the topic. The ranking in the search engine varies with the amount of best practice done by the webmaster in terms of SEO.
Akmal Yousuf

Use cross-site publishing to set up a product-centric website in SharePoint Server 2013... - 0 views

    Bella Engen is a Technical Writer on the SharePoint User Content Publishing team, focused on search-driven experiences. Cross-site publishing is a new publishing method in SharePoint Server 2013 that can help streamline the publishing process in your organization, and at the same time reduce costs associated with maintaining and updating your website. By combining cross-site publishing with SharePoint search features, you can reduce the number of pages needed to maintain your website, and gain flexibility in how content is presented to your customers. In a nutshell, cross-site publishing simplifies the authoring experience by separating the process of how content is authored from the process of how content is displayed. SharePoint search features enable you to add user-specific behavior to your website, such as displaying different content to different customer groups, or displaying recommendations based on user behavior. In a blog series on the SharePoint IT Pro blog, you can learn how you can use SharePoint Server 2013 to set up a website that is based on product catalog data. The blog posts describe the different functionalities that are involved when setting up such a site, and show you step-by-step how the features are configured. To demonstrate how it all comes together, data from a fictitious company is used. The blog posts use several screenshots and diagrams to explain everything from how the cross-site publishing feature works, to how you can use search features to influence how product data is displayed to visitors on a site. To give you an idea of what type of site this blog series describes, here are a few screenshots of the final website:
Akmal Yousuf

Use cross-site publishing to set up a product-centric website in SharePoint Server 2013... - 0 views

    Bella Engen is a Technical Writer on the SharePoint User Content Publishing team, focused on search-driven experiences. Cross-site publishing is a new publishing method in SharePoint Server 2013 that can help streamline the publishing process in your organization, and at the same time reduce costs associated with maintaining and updating your website. By combining cross-site publishing with SharePoint search features, you can reduce the number of pages needed to maintain your website, and gain flexibility in how content is presented to your customers. In a nutshell, cross-site publishing simplifies the authoring experience by separating the process of how content is authored from the process of how content is displayed. SharePoint search features enable you to add user-specific behavior to your website, such as displaying different content to different customer groups, or displaying recommendations based on user behavior. In a blog series on the SharePoint IT Pro blog, you can learn how you can use SharePoint Server 2013 to set up a website that is based on product catalog data. The blog posts describe the different functionalities that are involved when setting up such a site, and show you step-by-step how the features are configured. To demonstrate how it all comes together, data from a fictitious company is used. The blog posts use several screenshots and diagrams to explain everything from how the cross-site publishing feature works, to how you can use search features to influence how product data is displayed to visitors on a site. To give you an idea of what type of site this blog series describes, here are a few screenshots of the final website: Visit the "How to set up a product-centric website in SharePoint Server 2013" blog series overview page for the complete list of current and upcoming posts.
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