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How to get a child to learn a foreign language? - 5 views

started by milkyf on 09 Oct 24
  • milkyf
    How do you motivate your children to learn foreign languages? Sometimes it can be difficult to get a child interested in the language, especially if he does not see any practical benefit. What methods or approaches do you use to make language learning fun and interesting? Do you use game elements, cartoons, or any applications? And what results do you observe in the process? I will be glad to hear your advice and ideas!
  • samibaceri
    Getting a child to learn a foreign language can be difficult. It is important to create a positive attitude towards language, avoiding excessive pressure. Using games and cartoons can make the process more fun. Support and involvement from parents also play a key role in generating interest in learning.
  • samjones333
    It is possible to motivate a child to learn a foreign language through interesting and fascinating methods. For example, using bright and fun english kindergarten worksheetss can make learning more interactive. It is important to integrate language into everyday life: encourage your child to listen to songs, watch cartoons in a foreign language, or play games where new words need to be applied. It is also useful to organize classes with friends so that learning takes place in a friendly atmosphere. It would be nice to establish a small schedule so that classes are held regularly, but without unnecessary pressure. The main thing is to create a positive experience so that learning a language becomes an exciting process, not an obligation.

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