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How can freelancers organize their working day more efficiently? - 3 views

started by javekas on 03 Dec 24
  • javekas
    As a freelancer, I often lack the discipline to stick to a clear schedule. There are times when I start working late or get distracted, which hinders productivity. What tips do you have for effectively optimizing your daily routine and keeping up with everything?
  • agentlost
    I'm a freelancer too, and I've realized that the most important thing is to separate work and personal time. I use time management, planning my day in blocks: in the morning I work on difficult tasks, and in the evening - on lighter ones. Limiting time for social media and distractions also helps. By the way, here at this link there are some useful tips on optimizing daily routines for freelancers
  • dellasa
    I agree, time splitting is key! I, for example, make a list of tasks for the day every morning and always try to stick to time slots. But the most important thing is to remember to take breaks so you don't burn out.

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