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Home/ Tech News/ Custom Flash Drives as Wedding Give-aways
Albert Steno

Custom Flash Drives as Wedding Give-aways - 14 views

Custom USB Drives

started by Albert Steno on 07 Mar 12
  • Albert Steno
    You might be surprised but yes we use custom flash drives as our give-aways in our wedding last Saturday. My wife and I decided that we want to be different this time and since most of our guests are technology-driven already, flash drives became our top give-aways choice. We had it customised at USB-extra. They did all the customisation and imprinted our name on the USB flash drives. It was cool and amazing!
    If you want your flash drives to be customised, contact USB-extra at 08700 434566, 01274 404594
    Or log on to Custom USB Drives
  • lanben
    A wedding is always very troublesome but very pleasant.
  • vynnetanon
    My wife and I will soon have our wedding anniversary - 10 years of married life together. And of course we plan to spend this day fun and festive. I recently found wedding anniversary songs and I really liked it, because now I am creating a playlist for our wedding anniversary. We don't have money to hire a band, so these songs were the perfect solution for me.
  • billyjohn
    I've never been to a wedding in my life
  • tbes50203
    I will invite you to my wedding
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  • samibaceri
    Wiesz, jeśli bezmyślnie grasz i nie podążasz za bankrollem, możesz stracić wszystkie pieniądze. I popadać w długi. Aby uniknąć uzależnienia i nie stracić wszystkiego, musisz mieć jasną kontrolę nad czasem spędzonym na platformach do gier, takich jak Cóż, ilość pieniędzy, z którymi możesz bezboleśnie rozstać się w przypadku przegranej.

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