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The Social Media Lifecycle [Infographic] | Social Media Today - 2 views

    This is a cracker - great reference for those clients who ask; why should my company do social media? Carl at AVON needs support on this trying to educate his team on the merits of doing SM
    Liked the Metrics section. Good to know what you're aiming for when dreaming up a SM activation.

Australia's 2011 PR Disasters Awards announced | PR Disasters - 1 views

    This is great reference for us- some examples that we could use when I piece together a Sputnik presso on social media and why you should have a plan in place before you indulge in social media from a marketing perspective

(1) Energizer Australia - 0 views

    I see lots of brands jumping on the digital scene especially social media with just our product messages- and in reality most people don't care.  what I like about brands like this they align themselves to charities to do good for the community . Love this idea and approach - - most clients would say; To hard basket - just talk about my batteries and that they last longer on TV this works - but in the online space that approach doesn't work

Chopper Read, Coles and Twitter: going down and staying down? - 3 views

    Not a bad look at what is "a very 21st century story". To quote: "We are seeing an amplification of views, a faster uptake of resistance where any kind of able to get traction more quickly online... The reality is that despite some criticism of social media and its capacity to actually effect real change or real action, if this translates to people avoiding Coles for whatever reason, then the effect is significant."

Beauty SIte - 0 views

    A very savvy site for reference on AVON
Kitt Tidd

How to Tell if You're Addicted to Facebook - 0 views

  • ou spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook or plan use of Facebook.
  • You feel an urge to use Facebook more and more.
  • You use Facebook to forget about personal problems.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • You have tried to cut down on the use of Facebook without success
  • You become restless or troubled if you are prohibited from using Facebook.
  • You use Facebook so much that it has had a negative impact on your job/studies

One Way to Get a Twitter 'Verified Account': Buy Ads - 0 views

    $15,000 buys you a verified account on Twitter, apparently.
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