Mango Dash: Surprising Top Health Benefits of Mango Juice - 0 views
Mango Dash india on 20 Dec 14Weight gain: Mango Juice is highly beneficial in gaining weight because of the presence of adequate amount of protein both in milk and mango. The underweight people can drink mango juice regularly during summer. 150 grams of mango has about 86 calories, and starch easily converts into sugar thereby helps in weight gain. This is the most important health benefits of mango juice. However, obese person should avoid drinking of mango Juice. Good for anemia patient: The mango Juice is the most delicious juice and filled with important nutrients like iron, protein and beta-carotene. It is good for anemia patient and those have protein deficiency. One of the important benefits of mango juice is to increase red blood cells count in the body. Mango juice also has significant amount of iron. Regular drinking of one glass of mango juice is enough to provide necessary amount of iron to the body. Mango juice is also beneficial for pregnant mother as far as iron content is concern. A number of studies have shown that iron content is beneficial in reduction of muscle cramp, anxiety, stress and heart related problems. Good for eyes: Mango contains vitamin A, which is beneficial for eyes and skin. The sufficient amount of vitamin A helps the eyes against dryness, night blindness along with facilitating good eye sight. Strengthen bones: Milk, which is the integral part of mango juice, is having vitamin D and calcium, helps in strengthening of bones. Maintains blood pressure: Mango juice is rich in potassium and magnesium, which helps to keep blood pressure under control. Potassium assists the heart and regulates blood pressure as well as balance fluids in your body. Mango juice also lowers blood pressure due to tinnginya fiber, pectin and vitamin C. Pectin and vitamin C reduces the serum cholesterol levels, especially the low-density lipoprotein For heart health: Mango in Mango Drinks has high amount of pectin, a dietary fiber and helpful in lowering cholesterol