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started by charlerze charlerze on 12 Jun 14
  • charlerze charlerze
    Celleci peutelle encore réagir pour arrêter ce nouveau bain de sang, ouvrant ainsi, enfin, la voie à la paix et à la réconciliation avec son Orient proche , La Méditerranée pourratelle enfin re devenir «notre» mer commune, sans ingérence d'outreAtlantique , Extrait de l'ouvrage majeur de Raul Hilberg, La Destruction des juifs d'Europe,Gallimard, Folio/histoire, Paris, .There is no indication that for Hezbollah a ceasefire goes hand in hand with the end of armed combat against Israel.At a loss facing a war it neither declared nor has the power to end, the Lebanese government is still trying to obtain a ceasefire by demanding a UN resolution that includes the withdrawal of Israeli troops from its territory, the exchange of prisoners and the immediate placement under international supervision of a contested sector of the Shab'a Farms. In de facto aligning itself with the claims of Hezbollah, the parasitic Shi'i protostate that holds the keys to peace and war in the Land of Cedars, the tactic of the Lebanese government is clear, at least to those of its members who are not dominated by the Party of God or its Syrian sponsor.In depriving Hezbollah of excuses for its action against Israel, and deploying the Lebanese army along the border six years after the Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon, the government of Fu'ad alSanyurah hopes to be able to finally resolve the question of the arming of the Shi'i party.But despite the denials of Hasan Nasrallah, who barely a few weeks before the ambush of an Israeli patrol that precipitated the war promised the Lebanese ''a calm summer'', the radical Shi'i movement has clearly shown that its goals are not those of the state.A small radical group born in from the meeting of the ideology of the Iranian Islamic revolution, the political demands of the Lebanese Shi'i community and the strategic interests of Syria, over the years Hezbollah has gained in military effectiveness and political influence thanks to the prolonged occupation of southern Lebanon by Israel, to the point of becoming one of the country's main forces, competing with the authority of the state. chemise ralph lauren pas cher
    chemise ralph lauren pas cher'' Policy of chaos''There is no indication that the return of a few prisoners of various types of status or the evacuation of the western slopes of Mount Hermon means the end of the movement's armed struggle against Israel. And especially not the deliberate ambiguity maintained by Hezbollah regarding its ultimate objectives.''The resistance was born as a reaction to the Israeli occupation, which started in Palestine before spreading to other Arab regions,'' recalls Shaykh Na'im Qasim, deputy secretary general of Hezbollah since and founding member of the party in his work, ''Hezbollah, the story from within'', issued in by the London publisher Saqi. ''Diplomats and journalists often ask what would become of Hezbollah if the Lebanese territory were entirely liberated and all the prisoners returned. To give an answer would serve only the Israeli interests, and for this reason it is better to leave the question unanswered,'' explains Na'im Qasim. And he suggests that Hezbollah will not stop its fighting before the destruction of the state of Israel: ''Hezbollah beliefs in the duty to fully liberate all the occupied Palestinian and Arab lands, and feels that the establishment of the Zionist entity in the region is illegitimate, a cancerous tumour whose existence is only the prelude to a domination of the entire region.''For six years, everyone in Lebanon has been almost voluntarily deluded regarding Hezbollah,'' the Lebanese political scientist Wadah Sharara, editorialist at the daily AlHayat, explains to Le Figaro. chemise ralph lauren homme pas cher chemise ralph lauren homme pas cher ''Noone has wanted to see the intrinsic logic in a movement that exercises its sovereignty over a fifth of Lebanese territory. Nor to anticipate the total unpredictability of a party that participates in the government and that from one day to the next acts like an independent force putting everyone in front of an accomplished fact. This policy of chaos has more to do with that of [Iranian President Mahmud] Ahmadinezhad or the Syrian Ba'th party than with anything else.''Le secrétaire général des Nations unies, Kofi Annan, a appelé hier à l'adoption avant la fin de la semaine par le Conseil de sécurité d'une résolution sur le Liban, alors que la France et les EtatsUnis cherchaient toujours à s'entendre sur un texte. Paris a proposé un aménagement du projet de résolution prévoyant un retrait graduel des forces israéliennes. La suggestion vise à sortir de l'impasse dans laquelle se trouve le projet initial qui est refusé par Beyrouth et les autres capitales arabes, parce qu'il ne spécifie pas que les troupes israéliennes doivent se retirer du Liban. Mais Washington et Israël veulent que Tsahal puisse rester au LibanSud jusqu'à ce qu'une force internationale soit en mesure de les relever. chemise ralph lauren femme pas cher
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