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Sunny Jackson

2 B R 0 2 B by Kurt Vonnegut - 0 views

    2 B R 0 2 B is a satiric short story that imagines life (and death) in a future world where aging has been "cured" and population control is mandated and administered by the government. (Summary by Wikipedia and Laurie Anne Walden)
Sunny Jackson

Signals in the Deep by Greg Mellor (audio) - 0 views

  • "Signals in the Deep"
  • read by Kate Baker
  • by Greg Mellor
    This is one of my favorite stories
Sunny Jackson

EP298: The Things - 0 views

Sunny Jackson

EP228: Everything That Matters - 0 views

  • By Jeff Spock
  • Read by Geoff Michelli
    "I have done over fifteen hundred dives," I said, and let that sink in. The number was astronomical for a guy my age, even for a professional. "I have done free diving down to eighty meters. I have worked as a commercial diver and in commercial salvage." They were listening and nodding, concentrating on me while recording the conversation. "Then you, of all people, should have known better," said the little guy. "I did know better!" They were acting like the shark was the victim, not me. "How many people in the whole fucking galaxy could have come up alive, huh? How many would have had the technology and experience and conditioning?" "If you want our congratulations, you got 'em," said Odenny. "But we're more interested in what you were doing."
Sunny Jackson

EP233: Union Dues - The Threnody of Johnny Toruko - 0 views

    I duck through the door behind her. The place is jammed with customers. "You have any money? I didn't think to ask Miss Jennifer for any." TK answers, "don't worry, just tell me what you want." "Large with extra sugar and cream." TK grins and focuses her attention on the line of people stretching from the entrance down to the counter. They all sidestep and she walks unimpeded front of the pack. "One large black, and one large with extra sugar and cream." The barrista, a girl of about 18, repeats the order in a flat monotone. "And these are on the house. Everyone gets free coffee for the next two hours." "Free for everyone," the clerk answers then puts our order together. TK snickers and hands the coffee over.
Sunny Jackson

EP239: A Programmatic Approach to Perfect Happiness : Escape Pod - 0 views

    My step-daughter Wynter, who is regrettably prejudiced against robots and those who love us, comes floating through the door in a metaphorical cloud of glitter instead of her customary figurative cloud of gloom. She enters the kitchen, rises up on the toes of her black spike-heeled boots, wraps her leather-braceleted arms around my neck, and places a kiss on my cheek, leaving behind a smear of black lipstick on my artificial skin and a whiff of white make-up in my artificial nose. "Hi Kirby," she says, voice all bubbles and light, when normally she would never deign to utter my personal designation. "Is Moms around? Haven't talked to her in a million." I know right away that Wynter has been infected.
Sunny Jackson

EP225: A Hard Rain at the Fortean Café - 0 views

    The diner stood off the highway outside a small town optimistically called Hope. Hope was being stuck in the middle of the Northwest and wishing you were someplace, anyplace else. And Hope was also the name on the tag pinned to the dead woman in waitress uniforms that was currently lying against the wall inside the _Barbie-Q Roadhouse_. I had to stop myself from worrying at the connection: looking for patterns when sometimes there are none at all. I wasn't worried about Hope (the waitress, not the town). I didn't get called down here for a murder: shit, murder is an honest-to-God American pastime. Just look at the statistics. No, I got called in because of the Marilyn. The Marilyn was also dead. All in all, there were five dead people in the Barbie-Q: two waitresses; a balding man who - from his bag full of cheaply-printed catalogues - was some sort of a general salesman; the diner's manageress; and Marilyn. They had been shot by a machine gun, probably an Uzi. Marilyn's head left a red smear against the glass of the booth she sat in. She was there alone. What the hell was a Marilyn doing out here?
Sunny Jackson

EP314: Movement : Escape Pod - 0 views

  • Words are such fleeting, indefinite things.  They slip through the spaces between my thoughts and are lost.
  • Other people do not see the shoes the same way I do.  They see only the faded satin, battered so much that it has grown threadbare, and the rough wood of the toe box where it juts through the gaps.  They do not see how the worn leather has matched itself to the shape of my foot.  They do not know what it is like to dance in shoes that feel like a part of your body.
  • I begin to warm my muscles, keenly aware of the paths the shadows trace along the walls as sunset fades into darkness.  When I have finished the last of my pliésand jetés, stars glimmer through the colored glass of the windows, dizzying me with their progress.  I am hurtling through space, part of a solar system flung towards the outer rim of its galaxy.  It is difficult to breathe.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Often, when the flow of time becomes too strong, I crawl into the dark space beneath my bed and run my fingers along the rough stones and jagged glass fragments that I have collected there.  But today the pointe shoes are connecting me to the ground.
  • Time stretches and spins like molasses, pulling me in all directions at once.  I am like the silence between one movement of music and the next, like a water droplet trapped halfway down a waterfall that stands frozen in time. Forces press against me, churning, swirling, roaring with the sound of reality changing.  I hear my heart beating in the empty chamber.  I wonder if this is how Daniel Tammet felt when he contemplated infinity.
  • Finally I find it; the pattern in the chaos.  It is not music, precisely, but it is very like it.  It unlocks the terror that has tightened my muscles and I am no longer a mote in a hurricane.  I am the hurricane itself.  My feet stir up dust along the floor.  My body moves in concordance with my will.  There are no words here.  There is only me and the motion, whirling in patterns as complex as they are inconstant.
  • When my muscles lose their strength I will relinquish the illusion of control and return to being yet another particle in the rushing chaos of the universe, a spectator to my own existence.  But for now I am aware of nothing except my own movement and the energy rushing through my blood vessels.  Were it not for physical limitations, I would keep dancing forever.
  • “No new shoes,”I say.  “I couldn’t dance the same in new shoes.”
Sunny Jackson

PodCastle » PodCastle 106: Little Gods - 0 views

  • “I wish I could be a little goddess of cinnamon,”
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