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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jeeyoon Kim

Jeeyoon Kim

Ear Trainer for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    This is another ear-training app that covers intervals, scales, chords, inversions and chord progressions. Showing the grand staff and keyboard is as good as "Karajan Pro". Personally I like Karajan Pro's look better than this, but chords progressions is a great feather that the other does not have. It also has a free lite version that you can try before getting a full version.
Jeeyoon Kim

Interval Ear Training for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    It is a drill app that you have to guess right note from the first note. Giving a correct interval afterwards is a good reinforcement of intervals. It can be a first step for whoever wants to learn to play by ear.
Jeeyoon Kim

Air Harp for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    You can create music with a relaxing harp sound. Anyone can play a familiar song by following the notes behind the string image, or create something original.
Jeeyoon Kim

Chordelia: Triad Tutor for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    It gives you a practice to recognize major, minor, augmented or diminished chords in different inversions. It is a great tool to train strong relative harmonic ears.
Jeeyoon Kim

RelativePitch for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    It is a great interval-training drill app. It has a training section that explains different intervals as well. I wish it could have more chords recognition for its price. It covers only intervals.
Jeeyoon Kim

Nota - A clever way to learn the Piano - 0 views

    An article about the music theory app, Nota.
Jeeyoon Kim

Rhythm Sight Reading Trainer for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    It is a rhythmic practice app, including various sets of rhythmic values for two measures. It has both a practice and test mode with metronome beats. It could be useful for students who need an extra rhythmic practice.
Jeeyoon Kim

Music Theory for Beginners for iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    It is a great music theory app for beginners. A cool owl animation, sound and graphic design are children friendly. Lessons and quizzes include excellent variety. Tapping rhythms and sight-reading exercises are also good. I wish I could select random lessons without going through everything in order. Nonetheless it is a very interactive music theory app.
Jeeyoon Kim

PianoMeter for iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    It is an excellent sight-reading reinforcement tool. I like the fact that it is on the grand staff using a keyboard. It monitors your rhythm and accuracy and provides feedback right away. The steady beat reinforces reading in time, and train to read faster. It is free also!
Jeeyoon Kim

Jam Pad App Review | T3 App Chart - 0 views

    It is a simple app that any one can create songs in a rock style. Built-in drumbeats, and chord progressions are excellent to make music with any level of students. Electronic guitar sound adds an instant rock feeling into the song.
Jeeyoon Kim

ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard for iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    It is a handy white board that you can use at your studio. From simple theory exercises on the white board to more advanced exercises over PDF score, it can be used in many ways. I wish it has a keyboard text input function, but it is an excellent app for its use.
Jeeyoon Kim

Things for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    It is a great to-do app that will make your busy life more organized. It is a great to utilize the ideas of David Allen, Getting Things Done, in your iPhone or iPad. It is a bit pricy for the other compatible apps though, especially if you wan to have it in your computer as well.
Jeeyoon Kim

AudioNote - Notepad and Voice Recorder for iPhone, iPod touch (2nd generation), iPod to... - 0 views

    You can record notes and audio synced with this app. It might be great to assign homework or explain concepts or parents meeting or interviews, and send the file to your students and parents. Students can review the lesson contents or lecture at home with audio!
Jeeyoon Kim

Dropbox for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    No more to worry about memory of your device, or keep e-mailing yourself a file to have an extra copy in other location. This is a great solution for anyone to keep a file in one place and be able to access and share with others. I think this is an absolute must.
Jeeyoon Kim

GarageBand for iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    It is a great way to encourage students' creativity. Composition can be done under just movement of fingertips with various instruments. Multiple tracks of composition are encouraging for anyone to compose cool songs.
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