Scottish Bibliographies Online, National Library of Scotland - 0 views
The Web Site "Scottish Bibliographies Online Catalogue" presents information on and links to the following bibliographies: Bibliography of Scotland (BOS); Bibliography of Scottish Gaelic (BOSG); Bibliography of Scottish Literature in Translation (BOSLIT); Bibliography of the Scots Language (BOSLAN); Union Catalogue of Art Books in Libraries in Scotland (UCABLIS); US and Canadian Newspaper Holdings in Scottish Libraries; Scottish Book Trade Index (SBTI); and Scottish Books 1505-1640. As such this is an essential resource for anyone researching or studying Scots language, Scottish history, literature, and culture. It is useful for international scholars wishing to locate particular works or editions of works. The databases can be searched by subject, author or keyword, and there is a facility for a cross search.
SCONE: Scottish Collections Network Extensions: Home Page - 0 views
The project aims to aid researchers by extending existing collaborative collection management work carried out within the framework of the Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries (SCURL) into new areas and investigating effective models for building and sustaining a co-ordinated Scotland-wide distributed national resource. This would be conveniently accessible to researchers via the Cairns distributed catalogue, Research Collections Online (RCO), and SCURL inter-access policies, and also hospitable to accommodating further new collaborative initiatives among Scottish university and research libraries. In addition to enhancing existing online assistance to help researchers identify relevant collections, the project will also aim to provide online information and other facilities to assist library staff in jointly managing collaborative collection management processes in order to get the best out of limited national resources.
Intelligent Mr. Toad - 0 views
Scottish Screen Archive - 0 views
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