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Elisa Graceffo

The Latest Travel Ban: Your Laptop and Tablet? - 0 views

    The US and UK have both released a new travel ban on some electronics. Starting on Tuesday, March 21, if you are flying directly to the US from one of ten designated airports in Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, or the UAE, you will not be able to board the plane carrying any electronic device larger than a smartphone. The official reasoning behind the electronics travel ban is a growing concern that terrorists could hide bombs inside devices like laptops. How long will the electronics travel ban last? Checkout the whole story here!
jane dent

Lebara Mobile - low cost international phone calls from your mobile - 0 views

    Low cost international phone calls with a Lebara Mobile Pay As You Go SIM card. Call international from 5c/min. Multilingual customer services, no hidden charges, no access codes, high quality network. \nAVAILABLE NOW @ THE GREENROOM INTERNET CAFE (5 Raglan Street Manly NSW 2095)
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