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Understanding ELD Rules With Peoplenet Driver Login - Answers To Some Vital Questions - 0 views

    Well, in such case, you have to understand the basic ELD rules that are applicable as per the requirements of FMCSA. The latest systems allow you to monitor, manage and record the Hours of Service of the trucks as well as the drivers on a daily basis. What Is ELD ELD stands for Electronic Logging Device which is specially designed and developed for commercial vehicles and truck drivers so that their Hours of Service can be tracked and recorded conveniently.

All You Need to Know About Electronic Logs For Truckers - 0 views

    The Electronic logs for truckers was introduced to the trucking industry and made mandatory by the FMCSA with the intent tosimplify the process of recording the hours of service status of truck drivers who are operating on the road. With regard to putting this scheme into action, the ELD Mandate was declared, along with a deadline, making it obligatory for every commercial trucker to install an electronic logging device in his or her truck engines. The reason behind this mandate was to administer a more convenient method of accurately tracking, managing, and sharing records of duty status documentations, while creating a safer working environment for the truckers.

How To Track Your Truck Easily With The Help Of... - ELD Mandate - Quora - 0 views

    Driving a commercial vehicle involves a lot of risk and responsibilities including maintaining the driving log in a regular manner. One must concentrate fully on driving while transporting goods. A driver may feel a little distracted and disturbed when maintaining a log of their rides manually, or may forget when a break is required to be taken since it is not in direct focus. Hence, business owners try to make it a simple process and install an ELD or Electronic Logging Device. This is the easiest method of keeping track for the truck drivers' hours of service.

Secure your Fleet by Complying with the ELog Mandate - ELD Mandate - 0 views

    The much-discussed ELog Mandate was declared by the FMCSA in order to introduce a smoother, safer and faster method of tracking and recording the Hours of Duty Status of truckers. In the previous paper logbook method, accuracy in the documentation could not always be expected since the logbook could be easily altered or a mistake could happen while filling it out. Hence, the ELog mandate made it mandatory for all fleet operators to install an electronic logging device in their vehicles which had to be implemented by December 18, 2017. However, the time limit to comply with this rule had been extended to 1stApril, 2018. One can still abide by this mandate within December 16, 2019 if an AOBRD was purchased in advance of Dec 18, 2017. Here is how an electronic logging device protects your commercial fleet.

All You Need To Know About The ELD Mandate Deadline - 0 views

    The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrationpublished the final ELD Mandate on December 16th 2015 which had to be complied with by December 18, 2017. Meant to be applied on commercial fleets operating on the long haul, the chief intention of announcing this rule was to introduce a smoother, faster, safer and more efficient method of recording and tracking the hours of duty status of the truckers. However, not all the commercial vehicles have complied with this mandate so far. The cost of purchasing and maintaining an electronic logging device is a reason why some fleet owners are not complying with this mandatory rule. Discussed below are the many facts which are inseparably attached with the ELDs along with an account of the ELD Mandate deadline.
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