Preventing Java's java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space failure | Eric's Agile Answers - 0 views
The "OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" message is normally encountered during development activites where a long-running JVM is asked to load/unload builds.
The message is a symptom of an incomplete garbage collection sweep where resources are not properly released upon unload/restart. There is no shortage of debate (Hibernate forum, Sun forum, Spring Framework forum ) regarding which codebase is responsible for this symptom, but the finger of blame has been pointed at CGLIB, Hibernate, Tomcat, and even Sun's JVM.
In my experience, the most pain-free method of resolving this issue is to switch from Sun's JDK implementation to BEA's freely available JRockit implementation.
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又是一位和我一樣都慘遭 "PermGen Space" 錯誤的開發者了!
其中這篇文章所提到的技術,恰巧都是我現在所發生問題的架構,像是 Hibernate, Spring, Tomcat 等,還有 Sun JVM.... Orz
比較特別的是,多數提供的解決方式,都是去調整 JVM 的設定(-XX:MaxPermSize=256m)。這位老兄則是採用了 BEA JRockit 版本的 JVM 解決此問題,他表示至少這招對他是管用的!
不過,軟體開發很多時候都會發生這種「魔咒」,這種狀況底下,就好像一個並無可醫的人,只好嘗試各種偏方了! -
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