Personalized Learning Chart - 0 views
Digital Stories in ePortfolios - 0 views
An ePortfolio is a purposeful collection of work that demonstrates effort, progress and achievement over time, stored in an electronic container (CD, DVD, WWW). In this context and in terms of the technology, a digital story is a digital video clip, told in the author's own voice, illustrated mostly with still images, with an optional music track added for emotional effect. Rhetorically, a digital story is a personal narrative that may show the author's identity: strengths, weaknesses, achievements, disappointments, learning experiences, passions, and hopes for the future; in other words: reflection.
Bubble Comment - 0 views
youpd - 0 views
Microsoft Word Tutorial - 1 views
MS Classroom Corner This section of Microsoft's website includes ready-to-use ideas, activities, lesson plans, and more - designed for the classroom teacher. We have selected a few favorites to share. Visit the site for frequent additions! Creating a Personal Slide Show (42kb)Find and Replace Activities (28kb) Descriptive Cards (52kb)Making Words Stand Out (28kb) Designing Bookmarks (101kb)Translate MS Word Text (70kb) Drag & Drop Feature Activities (56kb)Using the Letter Wizard (26kb) Draw a Snowflake (37kb)Using the Thesaurus (26kb)