ITSCO @ Ohio on iTunes U
ITSCO brings “Exploring WEB 2.0” to Ohio on iTunes U. We have thirteen tracks ranging in length from 2-10 minutes with topics including Google, Twitter, Flicker, and Yahoo Pipes. These vodcasts (video podcasts) provide an introduction to some of the more popular WEB 2.0 tools.iTunes is available at as a free download.
We are taking requests! If there is a Web 2.0 application that you would like to see featured in our iTunes U content, let us know!
Instructional Technology Services, Inc. - 0 views
PRESS RELEASE ITSCO Selected as Exemplary Program by the State Library of Ohio!The State Library of Ohio is pleased to announce that Instructional Technology Services of Central Ohio (ITSCO) has been selected as an Exemplary Program for the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) 2009 Program Report to the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). As part of the Report to IMLS, the State Library of Ohio must identify three to six exemplary projects. State Library staff selects these projects based on their relation to LSTA goals, impact of the project on the target population and the ability to be replicated in other parts of the state. » R
Fall Courses ITSCO's Fall Courses offer a variety of professional development opportunities to help educators enhance their curriculum with the use of technology. New classes this semester include:
Wii Now Part Of Classroom | mtvU - 0 views
100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) | Ozge Karaoglu's Blog - 1 views
Little Giraffes Kindergarten Teaching Ideas, Themes and Resources - 1 views
Little Giraffes is now part of the A to Z Teacher Stuff family of sites. After Mrs. Flanagan's announcement that the site would be closing, A to Z Teacher Stuff made arrangements to take over maintenance and ownership of the site. I am thrilled to take part in keeping all these great ideas free and online for years to come!
Microsoft Word Tutorial - 1 views
MS Classroom Corner This section of Microsoft's website includes ready-to-use ideas, activities, lesson plans, and more - designed for the classroom teacher. We have selected a few favorites to share. Visit the site for frequent additions! Creating a Personal Slide Show (42kb)Find and Replace Activities (28kb) Descriptive Cards (52kb)Making Words Stand Out (28kb) Designing Bookmarks (101kb)Translate MS Word Text (70kb) Drag & Drop Feature Activities (56kb)Using the Letter Wizard (26kb) Draw a Snowflake (37kb)Using the Thesaurus (26kb)
K-5 iPad Apps for Evaluating Evaluation: Part Five of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy | Edutopia - 2 views
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