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Matt Townsley

Digging Deeper into the Common Core State Standards: Going Beyond Awareness to Implemen... - 5 views

    Opportunity for IA educators to learn more about the common core.  
Matt Townsley

Should the Textbook Determine the Essential Skills We Teach? | AllThingsPLC - 6 views

    Although textbooks contain an incredible amount of content and a "game plan" for teachers, I believe that the most effective classrooms would use textbooks as a resource - not the only tool in the classroom. I also feel that many of the essential skills students need such as collaboration, inquiry, curiosity, innovation are hardly addressed by the standard text. There are so many current resources including and ways to publish, that teachers should be willing to break free from the textbook.
    In my world...teaching a Certified Nurse's Aid class at high school, the textbook certainly is the "ingredient list" of skills that are required for passing the State one mixes and stirs those ingredients however is open to interpretation and I feel strongly that students, particularly at the high school level need exposure to variations of the "recipe" of the CNA...hence they are taken on a variety of clinical learning opportunities, nursing home, respite care for children with disabilities, home health care....
    I agree that textbooks are the tools that introduce content. There are many other resources teachers can partner with the textbook to convey content in such a way that each student develops their own set of skills and knowledge. As each teacher has a different teaching style, each student has a different learning style and presenting the information in a variety of ways adds to their success in the understanding of the material.
Kathy Kaldenberg - 3 views

    This is an interesting read - ebook is Titles - Becoming a Core Ninja.
    I liked the interesting way the Common Core Standards were explained. It was an enjoyable read with examples to use, share or expand on.
Judy Boerm

Education Update:Taking the Fear Out of the First Year:Professional Learning Communitie... - 13 views

    • Laura Clausen
      Being a part of a collaborative culture helped to take my first year from being a complete, disorganized disaster to a year of successful learning for both the children and me.  I felt the mentoring process was a form of collaborative culture.
    • Allysen Lovstuen
      The time for groups of teachers to work together is key. This can be difficult at the secondary level, districts and administrators are getting more creative about finding ways to make this happen.
    • Sheryl Dales
      Specials teachers also like to be included in these communities. It seems like we get placed in the position of working with students while other collaborate in our building. Not sure how to solve this scheduling issue.
    • Jori Lizer
      Allysen is right! key is time for teachers to work together and learn the technology available
  • Because of teachers' busy schedules, it is important for administrators to allot specific time for teachers to meet as groups. "It's absolutely immoral to tell teachers they need to collaborate and not give them the time to collaborate," says Mike Mattos, principal at Pioneer Middle School in Tustin, Calif. His school implemented the Late Start Wednesday program, in which students come to school late on Wednesdays (the other days are longer to make up classroom time), allowing teachers time for collaboration.
    • Judy Boerm
      I think it's great that this article points out the importance to allot time for collaboration! We have implemented an early out once a month this year for basically this reason. We are using the time to work on AIW, Authentic Intellectual Work, with co-workers. This focuses on working together to improve tasks, student work and instruction.
    • Julie Taylor
      It is important to provide time to collaborate. In some schools the teachers only see each other at lunch, in the hallway, or at an already structured meeting. There should be an opportunity for teachers of all subjects to get together to talk about what they have been doing, what has worked, and what has not worked.
    an easy-to-read article describing the professional learning community philosophy
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    Here is a great article I found during a PLN class I am taking and it talks on how to use twitter. Our class on Personal Learning Networks fits right with PLC's. Our school in Grundy Center, Iowa just finished it's second year. Here is the sight for the twitter info.
  • Here is an article to see if your school is doing a good job with PLC's. Our school thought it had a great first year and the second year we didn't. We followed the steps the second year and didn't personalize it as much and we regretted it later. While assessing PLC's don't ever forget to make it your own.
    I am taking a class bout this concept of PLN's and we have been investigating multiple social media outlets in order to help contribute to the students' learning environment. Below is a link to the 2006 Time magazine "person of the Year" article. It's a good read and offers great perspective and it would be a great resource to explain to kids and other teachers (PD) as to what direction "learning" is heading and why is it important to continue to evolve our methods.,9171,1569514,00.html
    Good article
    The PLC team I was on this year really felt like we were successful at helping our first graders. We were able to focus on what we wanted to do to help our students and have the time to discuss if it was working. We were also able to have the time to discuss what we can all do to make things better.
    There is no question that a collaborative culture encourages improved student achievement. When we all work together, it's always better for the students and for us.
    I look forward to creating that collaborative culture in our district. I feel we have it, but turning the focus on to the student's actual learning will be very powerful and beneficial to all of our students. Providing the time for our teachers will be critical, and getting everyone to buy into the change in thinking.
    Perhaps because I am taking a class on and learning the power of PLNs, I am really impressed by the potential of this. And beneficial to teachers AND students.
Kris Ward

Is It Worth It? - Sharing Data from Successful PLCs | AllThingsPLC - 27 views

  • It was very easy to get together and “chat” about things like lesson plans, travel forms, and recess procedures.  It was not until we began to look at our data that we realized, by accident, that some of us were better at some things and some of us were better at others!
    • Jori Lizer
      It is amazing how all schools are similiar, when it comes to the nuts and bolts. We all have a group that have multi-talents if we could work with each other and benefit the students it would be a good day.
    • Clint Balsar
      This is a great resource! It goes very deep into the motives of using PLNs and breaks it down into a few ideas and questions so you can reflect on what a successful PLN would look like and how to utilize it for students' engagement and success.
    • Deb Sykes
      In the article, one district had late starts on Mondays for planning time for their PLCs. Our district plans to have groups meet once a month for 30 minutes. I'd like to hear what other districts are doing.
    • janet2658
      We are going into our 3rd year of PLC in my district. I think the idea is great and can be incredibly valuable. However, the group is only as powerful as the members in it. If all members buy into the concept, great things can come out of it. If members view it as a waste of time, come unprepared or do not participate then it truly is a waste of time. Getting members to believe is the most difficult part.
    • Sara Rowe
      We are just starting PLCs at my school. So far we have just had a training session about it. I will be interested to see how it works during the next few years.
    • Julie Collison
      The biggest hurdle for some districts may be having enough technology/computers available
    • rick gabel
      This is the first year of PLC's for Charles City. We are following a very 'patient' approach by 'dictating' the direction of the PLC's (everyone studies characteristics of effective instruction) for the first several months. Hopefullly, this will allow everyone to to understand the dynamics of PLC first before we allow individuals to 'breakout' by content or topic.
    • Alison Bixby
      This is our first year of PLC's in the Dike-New Hartford District. Like Charles City we are also easing into the direction our group wants to go. Right now we have two early dismissal days a month to meet. We are too getting to know the dynamics of PLC's to make them effective in our district.
    • vickiroberts
      This is our second year of PLC at GR. I ahve found working in our group this year during the extra 8 hours outside of school time very beneficial. Going 1 : 1 computers, this sharing has given us time to find new sources for ourselves and students to use as we improve learning.
  • “Is it worth it?” will always be a question for those interested in taking the PLC journey.  While we have data to support it and strategies to share on how we have moved in the direction of learning for all, the greatest answer to the question is in the smiles of our children and stories of their parents as they know and share that student learning is what we are all about at Fort Leavenworth Schools.
    • Abbey Thurn
      How do you get something like this started in your school? Can you get everyone on board?
    • Rick Roberts
      Collaboration is key. Cant be a complaint session. Must have input from everyone.
    • Joanna Seymour
      I agree. When we start working on solutions to challenges, rather than complaining, educators can make incredible gains.
    • Diane Sperfslage
      Our PLC made little flags with photos of Norm from "Cheers" on wooden sticks. When one of us starts going down a different path with the discussion, any of us can hold up our "Norm" to remind us to stay on track. This works well for us because it is a humorous way to keep organized and doesn't hurt anybody's feelings.
    • Gwen Wrich
      Diane: I love the creativity and team-bldg. by using humor ...and yet being organized and productive.
    • vickiroberts
      Just attended a PLC of 4 regional schools last friday where we were trying to develop curriculum alignment amongst school. Develping this network on line will allow us as a gorup to "steal" activities from others, discuss best practices and share our successes and struggles.
    • Kevin Kleis
      It seems as though my school's PLCs have been overshadowed by PD and our mixture of content teachers, while good in theory, has not worked in practice. I am a foreign language teacher, the only one in my school, and I am always paired with art, music, PE and the guidance counselor. Then we are so structured that any type of 'ah-ha moment' cannot be realized, due to the constraints of the itinerary.
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    • Diane Sperfslage
      Finding the time to meet consistently seems to be the biggest task for us. It seems that we begin to lose our inspiration when it is so complicated to get together.
    • Annette Watermiller
      We met in PLCs the last two years, but then became one to one and our focus has switched for this year. I wonder how this will change in the future.
    • Annette Watermiller
      I agree that time is the key. During basketball season my group was only able to meet at 6:30 am.
    • Diane Sperfslage
      I think these questions are so valuable to all of us. It forces us to think and evaluate what we are doing in the classroom and how much is necessary vs. "fluff".
    • Gwen Wrich
      I feel like I am coming up with more questions than solutions...yet am excited for the potential that increased PLC productivity can become using technology
  • she commented that one of the norms for her group was to leave their egos at the door.  When everyone did that, honest conversations started to happen and learning was paramount.  Realizing that it was not a personal affront to anyone when you spoke about data was a huge AHA moment for our teachers!  It gave professionals permission not to have to be supermen and superwomen in their classrooms, but to focus on what they can do better – together!
    • Kris Ward
      We are very passionate about what we teach that this can be very true. Always remembering we are there for the students and not ourselves makes all the difference.
    Nice write-up about learning teams and the use of common formative assessments. 
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    Having a PLC and actually using it effectively is important. As teachers, we know we need the time to work collaboratively to make effective changes. This was an excellent source on how teachers worked together to improve performance. Goood key questions used to keep teachers focused on improvement.
    This is our first year implementing PLC at Dike New Hartford. We are in the beginning phases and are dismissing two hours early twice a month. The big idea of focusing on learning and not teaching is a big shift in thinking, but a much needed one. After spending three days in Minneapolis, I feel I have a good handle on what a true PLC should look like, but not sure a lot of my teaching partners due yet.
    I would like to see more time in our school devoted to PLC...with increased focus on technology...this stuff takes time yet in the long run would SAVE so much time. I have to say technology gets me more excited as to the access of information than the actual Iowa Core does.
    I am in my first year in a district that uses PLCs for professional development. I find it to be a great way to share ideas and learn from colleagues from a variety of curricular areas; very worthwhile professional development.
Matt Townsley

UI College of Education's Iowa Testing Programs creates Iowa Assessments - 8 views

    information about the new Iowa Assessments 
    This is very interesting. I knew nothing about this and have still been referring to assessments as ITBS when I walk through that section of the IEP about whether a student will take district-wide assessments with or without accommodations. I am glad to know this and I learned several other tidbits including the $ aspect.
    There are many assessments the students take throughout the year at our school. The data generated would be interesting reading.
Brenda McKone

Iowa Honored for Work on 21st Century Skills - Iowa Department of Education - 1 views

    • Brenda McKone
      It's nice to know that all the hard work is begin recognized. I really think that the ICC is here to stay. This is definitely going to be a great thing for the education of our Iowa students.
    • John Olson
      Agree! Congrats
    • Lisa Yoder
      I am wondering when this award was given because the article says "Today...." but there's no date. It is so good to see that SOMETHING is working in Iowa's Education system. The news in the special education arena received in August 2011 from Marty Ikeda was nothing short of disappointing and frankly, a big let down, with the information that Iowa is LAST in the nation in regards to the gap between special educaiton and regular education student achievement. So, this article reinforces my long-standing belief that Iowa is a LEADER in education. I am pleased to see that Iowa continues to pursue forward-thinking opportunities!!
    It's great the ICC has gotten recognition for all of the hard work educators have put into it. What a great opportunity to focus on our students and creating the best educational curriculum possible for them.
Abbey Thurn

Resource Roundup: Making the Schedule Work for Your School | AllThingsPLC - 12 views

    • Laura Clausen
      Scheduling is so hard! Love having ideas! I loved when we went to Chicago and saw how they all took times to help with intervention times and every team was able to meet to help all children from this! 
    • Doree Cronan
      This is perfect! Our school is in the middle of revising our master schedule for next year. Lots of changes coming and we are all trying to contribute solutions.
    • Abbey Thurn
      I keep wanting to put this into my schedule and no one will jump on board with me to help. I knew I was on the right track! Now to do some sharing and convincing!
    Good resource for schools looking to create a time in the schedule for interventions. 
    We talked a lot last year about making some changes to our schedule to accommodate more students and for interventions. This is a great reference - wish I found it sooner!
Matt Townsley

Ames Administrator Said Curriculum is Sound - Ames, IA Patch - 4 views

  • or eliminating the Iowa Core.&nbsp; Heidi Doellinger, the district's instructional strategist, said prior to the core curriculums each Iowa school district wrote its own curriculum but that changed when the Iowa Core was implemented. Doellinger said they aligned the district's curriculum with the Iowa core and again with the national core. “It's tedious doing this again and again,” she said. Related Topics: Ames Community School District, Curriculum, Dan Woodin, Legislators, Mandy Ross, No Child Left Behind, and Schools Email me updates about this story. [["validates_email_format_of",{"message":"Enter a valid email address e.g."}]] Website: Thanks. We'll email you the next time we update this story. &nbsp;Email &nbsp;Print Follow comments &nbsp;Submit tip &nbsp; Comment Leave a comment [["validates_presence_of",{"message":"Hey, you forgot to let us know how you feel \u2014 please enter a comment."}],["validates_length_of",{"too_long":"Easy there, Tolstoy. Your comment cannot exceed 1500 characters.","maximum":1500,"allow_blank":true}]] Website: Get Email Updates Send me email updates for this article Would you like to receive email updates about this article? Yes, please No thanks Make a new comment on this article Close Read More in Government <
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