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Janos Haits

Semantic Experiences - 1 views

    "Experiments in understanding language"
Janos Haits

Freebase API - Google Developers - 0 views

    Build intelligent apps with Freebase data Explore a free, open knowledge graph of 36 million people, places, and things.
Janos Haits

The Freebase Blog - 0 views

    Freebase is a free database of the world's information. This is the official Freebase blog.
Janos Haits

Freebase API Profile - 0 views

    Freebase Mashups
Janos Haits

Freebase / Explore Freebase Data - 0 views

    Freebase is organized by Domains, which provide a common namespace for annotating Topics. Facts are asserted through Schema (Types & Properties)
Janos Haits

google-refine - Project Hosting on Google Code - 0 views

    Google Refine is a power tool for cleaning up raw data, making it consistent, linking it to data registries like Freebase, augmenting it with more data from other data sources, transforming it into the required format for other tools to consume, and contributing it back to some data sources like Freebase. Google Refine is not a web service but a desktop app that runs on your own computer, so you can process sensitive data with privacy.
Janos Haits

ldspider - Java implementation for a linked data web crawler - Google Project Hosting - 0 views

    The LDSpider project aims to build a web crawling framework for the linked data web. Requirements and challenges for crawling the linked data web are different from regular web crawling, thus this projects offer a web crawler adapted to traverse and harvest sources and instances from the linked data web. We offer a single jar which can be easily integrated into own applications.
Janos Haits

Dataset Search - 0 views

    "Dataset Search enables users to find datasets stored across thousands of repositories on the Web, making these datasets universally accessible and useful."
Janos Haits

Welcome to GLT - 0 views

    "The Google Lit Trips project is the flagship project of GLT Global ED, a 501c)(3) educational nonprofit not affiliated or sponsored by Google. The essence of the Google Lit Trips project is the use of Google Earth to create immersive 3D literary field trips where students virtually become traveling companions with characters in stories commonly taught in grades kindergarten through high school."
yc c

How To Find 40.000 Ebooks with Google at - 0 views

    Search sting: (ebook | ebooks | books | book) (*.pdf | *.chm | *.lit | *.rar | *.zip) "parent directory" intitle:"index of /"
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