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Home/ Fictional Worlds/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sunny Jackson

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sunny Jackson


Main/Mayfly-December Romance - Television Tropes & Idioms - 0 views

  • "I know that to love another, I must watch the world move past him. But such short years make an eternity worth living." — Tiki, Fire Emblem Awakening

Main/What Could Have Been - Television Tropes & Idioms - 0 views

  • "Of all sad words of mouth or pen, the saddest are these: it might have been." —John Greenleaf Whittier

Main/Shipper on Deck - Television Tropes & Idioms - 0 views

  • A character in a story actively ships two other characters in the story, trying to make them realize their true feelings
  • If everyone in the cast is shipping the same pairing, it becomes a case of Everyone Can See It.

Characters/Fire Emblem Awakening Second Generation - Television Tropes & Idioms - 1 views

  • Birds of a Feather: With Brady. They apparently find common ground with their cynicism.
  • Whereas everyone else is startled by Noire's psychotic persona, Lucina is not bothered in the slightest.

Characters/Fire Emblem Awakening First Generation Females - Television Tropes & Idioms - 0 views

  • Battle Couple: She can be paired with any first generation character, except Basilio and the male SpotPass characters.
  • She can be paired with any first generation character, except Chrom and Basilio as well as the male SpotPass characters.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: If paired with Chrom.
  • ...72 more annotations...
  • Bodyguard Crush: If paired with Lon'qu or Frederick. In Frederick's supports, she mentions that he was her First Love.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Sully garners a sizable group of female fans who often bestow her with gifts.
  • First Girl Wins: If paired with Chrom, due to Childhood Friend Romance.
  • The Heart: According to Chrom and Lon'qu, her greatest asset to the Shepherds is her ability to keep the army in high spirits.
  • Little Miss Snarker: She has her moments, especially when characters like Frederick and Virion give her plenty to work with.
  • Mentor Ship: If paired with Frederick.
  • Opposites Attract: In her supports with Libra.
  • sixteen years old in the early stages of the game
  • She's Got Legs: Virion describes her as having shapely legs.
  • That Came Out Wrong: Accidentally says "I'll put you on the table." to Gregor as a Lame Comeback.
  • Protectorate: She is watched over by Frederick, Lon'qu, and even Maribelle gets in on the protecting.
  • Battle Couple: She can be paired with any first generation character, except Chrom and Basilio as well as the male SpotPass characters.
  • Never Found the Body: In her conversation with Laurent in Future Past 3, he reveals that her body was never found and he kept hoping that one day he'd find her. Seeing Present!Miriel will allow him to let go and move on.
  • Nice Hat: Minerva even thinks so, according to Miriel's support with Cherche.
  • Show Some Leg: In their C Support, Miriel was able to use her being a woman to exploit Virion's chivalry, forcing him to assist her.
  • Sumia is a novel junkie.
  • Hidden Badass: Don't let her klutziness deceive you. Once she gets on her pegasus, this girl can pack quite a punch.
  • Covert Pervert: She gets quite excited by the idea of Sully entering a cross-dressing pageant (with a rather epic rant about the female body included), and teases Frederick during their own S Support about his... rather strong devotion to Chrom.
  • Her support with Avatar shows she LOVES to read novels.
  • Escapism: The reason why reading is one of her hobbies is because she can pretend to be the protagonist of the novel instead of her usual clumsy self.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Tries to do this to Chrom, with an Armor-Piercing Slap, but accidentally punches him instead.
  • Graceful in Their Element
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Cordelia.
  • Hidden Depths: In her A rank support with Cordelia. she affirms that, in fact, she doesn't care whether her flower fortunes are correct or not. She just uses them to motivate herself to create the best possible future. Cordelia responds by saying that's "the most reasonable nonsense she's ever heard".
  • Opposites Attract: She's kind, sweet and unassuming. Henry is creepy, snarky and weird. Of course, the game allows you to pair them if you want to.
  • Cultured Badass: Well versed in the art of tea and beating up brigands.
  • Battle Couple: She can be paired with any first generation character, except Basilio and the male SpotPass characters.
  • Freudian Slip: In her S Rank with Chrom, she wonders if he'll ever find a place for her in his heart. While he's right there."...Wait. Did I Just Say That Out Loud?"
  • Maribelle angrily retorts that it's because she loves him."Oh, my stars and garters. Did I really say that out loud?"
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She can be cold to be people, but she tends to warm up to people in decent time. Discussed amongst the Shepherds when first introducing her to the Avatar.
  • Luminescent Blush: While every character has it at one point or another, special mention goes to her S Rank supports with Chrom and Henry, where after the above mentioned Freudian Slips, her entire face turns completely red.
  • she became a magistrate who worked to reform Ylissean law and make it more equitable
  • Proper Lady: All the virtues of one, with a side order of hubris.
  • Rescue Romance: Possible, if paired with Ricken.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: Maribelle has the Avatar teach her slang to broaden her vocabulary. The result is Maribelle enthusiastically spouting phrases like "No skin off my arse!" and "I'll shut me north and south!"
  • Those who get past her frosty facade will have her eternal loyalty.
  • Battle Couple: She can be paired with any first generation character, except Chrom and Basilio as well as the male SpotPass characters.
  • Friendly Rivalry: Instigates one with Donnel when Panne becomes determined to overcome his hunting traps.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: She talks to Cordelia's pegasus
  • Super Hearing: She can hear people's heartbeats.
  • You Remind Me of X: Panne will have an easier time warming up to certain characters like Olivia, who she reminds Panne of her late younger sister.
  • friends with Sumia since childhood
  • Kellam
  • Gregor
  • Battle Couple: She can be paired with any first generation character, except her first crush Chrom and Basilio as well as the male SpotPass characters.
  • Battle Couple: She can be paired with any first generation character, except Chrom and Basilio as well as the male SpotPass characters.
  • Hates Being Alone: She's so outgoing because her greatest fear is being all alone.
  • Nowi is actually a lot more savvy than she lets on.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: In her supports with Libra.
  • "Turn my back one minute and you're married. The next minute? A baby!"
  • One of the Kids: She's at least a thousand years old and she likes to play with kids a lot, and she's very child-like in behavior. If she romances Henry, he says he's giving her kids to give her Manakete playmates.
  • "Who do you think I am?"
  • Her S support with Libra is a good example, when he manages to completely catch her off guard with his "confession".
  • Battle Couple: She can be paired with any first generation character, except Chrom and Basilio as well as the male SpotPass characters.
  • Deadpan Snarker: "Yay, danger."
  • Her supports with Kellam show she cares about her family
  • Odd Friendship: She has a platonic support with Nowi, and the two get along surprisingly well.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Future Tharja sacrificed herself to protect Noire
  • Her Stalker with a Crush relationship towards the Avatar doesn't change regardless of their gender
  • Even if she falls for someone else, the Avatar will be her first and foremost love
  • However she is clearly smitten by some men, in particular Donnel, of whom she doesn't mention the Avatar whatsoever in their supports (even S-rank) and she is actually the one who proposes to him.
  • Warrior Therapist: In her supports, when she's not obsessing over hexes or the Avatar, she's willing to lend an unjudging ear to the problems of others.
  • Odd Friendship: She has a platonic support with Tharja, and they get along pretty well, at least by Tharja's standards.
  • Badass: She gained her vicious mount wyvern Minerva by defeating her and surviving her fire breath. She only got a burn scar on her shoulder from the encounter. While nine years old.
  • Battle Couple: She can be paired with any first generation character, except Chrom and Basilio as well as the male SpotPass characters.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Frederick. They're both completely loyal to their lords, Workaholics that do all the menial chores said lords can't be bothered with without a single complaint, they're both quite well-spoken and abide by strict knightly virtues.
  • Deadpan Snarker: For such a sweet and ladylike Yamato Nadeshiko, she's got a wicked sense of humor.
  • Cherche will mention that she would only marry someone who Minerva also accepts.
  • Servile Snarker: To Virion.
  • Lon'qu
  • In Female Avatar's support with her, she says she wants to adopt the Avatar because she looks so lonely even in the midst of the army. But the proposal ends up sounding a lot like a love confession; hilarity ensues.
  • Shipper on Deck: For Chrom and Sumia, after seeing her punch him.

Awakening Supports/Avatar(F) Basilio - EmblemWiki - 0 views

  • From the moment I clapped my eye on you, I've been yearning to make you mine!

Frederick/Supports - The Fire Emblem Wiki - Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dawn, Path of Radian... - 0 views

  • And of course I know you well, Frederick. How could I not? You were my first crush.
  • To marry my first love
  • When we first came to know each other, it was as fellow knights and comrades. But as we fought, the bonds of friendship drew us closer together. So close, in fact, that I find myself thinking about you night and day. Cherche...will you do me the honor of accepting this?

Lucina/Supports - The Fire Emblem Wiki - Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dawn, Path of Radiance,... - 0 views

  • We have no flowers in my world. The whole land is barren
  • I didn't pick that bouquet to cheer you up. I did it because... Because I'm in love with you.
  • Lucina, I've fallen helplessly in love with you! I tried not to, but I couldn't help it!
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • my feelings cannot change! I love you, Lucina. With all my heart.
  • Yes, well, um... It seems that... People seem to think we're a couple.
  • I have admired you for many long years. I would gladly die for you.
  • You have been my most stalwart companion ever since childhood, Gerome.
  • I know no other way to say this... I love you.
  • If truth be told, I've felt this way since I first laid my eyes on you. But only after all these years have I finally found the courage to tell you.
  • I have felt the same, Gerome, for so long! Did you never sense it?
  • You mean... we've both had this feeling? And since long ago?
  • I feel as if I never really knew what hope was before I met you.
  • I am in love with you, Lucina. I can say it no plainer.

Nowi/Supports - The Fire Emblem Wiki - Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dawn, Path of Radiance, a... - 0 views

  • Ricken
  • Libra
  • Henry
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Fear of the unknown is the fear most dangerous.
  • ...And yet, why do I not feel that fear around her? I must learn why!
  • Put that dragonstone away, you little extortionist.
  • I will play one more time. ...But only because I happen to feel like it!
  • It is not entirely unpleasant, after all. With you I do not feel that icy grip of fear...
  • Oh, how sad! I don't know! I don't know anything about families!
  • Nowi: Yay! I bet no one's better at sneaking around people's houses than you! Lon'qu: ...What is that supposed to mean?
  • Lon'qu: This is a game no longer, Nowi. I want us to be a real family. And so I must offer you a real ring.
  • Lon'qu: No, silly. I want to be your husband. Nowi: Gosh! You mean we wouldn't have to pretend anymore? We could have our own real-life family? Oh, Lon'qu—tell me I'm not dreaming!
  • Lon'qu: Like you, I have been alone for a very long time. I find this new life agreeable, and I wouldn't want to share it with anyone but you.
  • When allies fight together, bonds grow strong and become more powerful, yes? So Gregor thinks we should train together, becoming unbeatable force!
  • S Support
  • Nowi: *Sigh* I wish I had some manakete friends. That would be more fun. Henry: Well, I can't promise anything, but I might be able to conjure one up for you. Nowi: You could? Henry: Sure! I'll need to make some preparations first, though. Might take some time.
  • Nowi: I want a real friend! Someone I can laugh with and talk with and cry with!
  • Henry: Hey, Nowi. I've finally conjured up a plan that'll solve your problem. Nowi: You mean about finding me a manakete friend? Henry: Yep. And unlike the hologram, this will be a real live, talking, laughing dragon. The only catch is it's going to take time. ...Lots and lots of time.
  • So my plan is, we'll get married and have a bunch of children. They're going to be part manakete, what with you being the mum and all. And then once they grow up, BAM! Manakete playmates for life! Nowi: Gosh, Henry! That's ingenious! Why didn't I think of that? Hee hee! So I suppose this means we're going to be husband and wife? Henry: Sure does! A lifetime of fun and games, coming right up!
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