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in title, tags, annotations or urlStories | Narrative Magazine - 0 views

story star - 0 views
After students have read a narrative, give students a blank Story Star. Have them fill in the key information in dot points.
Author's Craft - Narrative Elements - Setting - 12 views
"Where is it? In a middleclass neighborhood; I'm not sure yet where it is.\nWhen is it? Wintertime in the evening, during an era when it was still common to see driving horses-maybe the late 1800s.\nWhat is the weather like? Cold, and the night falls early.\nWhat are the social conditions? In this neighborhood it seems people mostly stay inside in the evening; the narrator is aware of "rough tribes from the cottages" nearby-probably members of a lower social class.\nWhat is the landscape or environment like? Dark and quiet, with a sense of heaviness that contrasts with the narrator's shouting and playing.\nWhat special details make the setting vivid? Sensory details: the violet color of the sky, the dim lanterns, the stinging cold, the ashpits' odors, the music of the horse's harness."
Was Dickens's Christmas Carol borrowed from Lowell's mill girls? - Ideas - The Boston Globe - 0 views
Dickens had encountered that narrative trope in the stories written by the Lowell mill girls, who typically published either anonymously or under pseudonyms like “Dorothea” or “M.” In one anonymous story called “A Visit from Hope,” the narrator is “seated by the expiring embers of a wood fire” at midnight, when a ghost, an old man with “thin white locks,” appears before him. The ghost takes the narrator back to scenes from his youth, and afterward the narrator promises to “endeavor to profit by the advice he gave me.” Similarly, in “A Christmas Carol,” Scrooge is sitting beside “a very low fire indeed” when Marley’s ghost appears before him. And, later, after Scrooge has been visited by the ghosts of Christmases Past, Present, and Future, he promises, “The spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.”
That’s not how the scholars see it. Literary borrowing, even quite detailed borrowing, was accepted practice at the time—“It was just a different way of looking at things back then,” says Archibald. (“American Notes,” for instance, includes many pages of writing by the famed 19th-century physician Samuel Gridley Howe, all without attribution, and apparently without any thought by Dickens that he was doing something improper.)
Creative Guided Story Writing - 0 views
A Brief Handbook of Revision for Writers | Narrative Magazine - 0 views
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: How New Media is Transforming Storytelling: A New Video Series - 6 views
Michelle's Blog - 0 views
This requires not only knowledge that people have thoughts that are different from our own (basic Theory of Mind concepts) but that they also can narrate a story across time and/or sequence so the reader can follow and make reasonable conclusions to avoid confusion (this is called narrative language). They also have to recognize that people move from ideas (gestalt or main idea) to thoughts (details). To help the reader the writer has to organize his information so that he introduces his idea and then supports it with a reasonable set of thoughts (details).
1. Teach them how we brainstorm information related to the topic we are going to write about. Most 2nd grade students learn about "brainstorming" through the use of what are called, "graphic organizers". "visual organizers" or "mind maps". This lesson needs to be extended for our students and taught much more extensively.
2. Learn to tell the difference between ideas or what we call in writing "main ideas" and how these are different from "details".
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The Writing Revolution - Peg Tyre - The Atlantic - 0 views
teaching the basics of analytic writing, every day, in virtually every class.
a coherent, well-turned paragraph
the essay questions were just too difficult. Many would simply write a sentence or two and shut the test booklet.
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Brain Pop- Edgar Allan Poe - 0 views
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