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Alison Hall

What2Learn ICT resources - 0 views

    literacy activities and games

boysedhfs » Boys and literacy resources we ve used - 0 views

    There are lots of web sites that although not specifically made for boys' literacy needs, offer great activities that seem to be particularly good for encouraging boys.
Leigh Newton

BBC - Schools Ages 4-11 - Literacy Sites - 0 views

    Primary literacy tools.
Rick Beach

Teaching Publishing is a 21st Century Literacy | DMLcentral - 11 views

    Posit the value of publishing students' writing as a 21st Century literacy
Dana Huff

AAUP: New-Media Literacies - 3 views

    Being literate in a real-world sense means being able to read and write using the media forms of the day, whatever they may be. For centuries, consuming and producing words through reading and writing and, to a lesser extent, listening and speaking were sufficient. But because of inexpensive, easy-to-use, and widely available new tools, literacy now requires being conversant with new forms of media as well as text, including sound, graphics, and moving images.

Adolescent Literacy Toolkit - 0 views

    to develop the skills, knowledge, and resources of content-area high school teachers to implement adolescent literacy best practices and strategies in their classrooms.
Donna DesRoches

Teaching Publishing as a 21st Century Literacy | DMLcentral - 0 views

    The task of teaching writing is also teaching writing for public consumption, and teaching writing for public consumption in the network society means teaching writing and publishing as being inseparable.
Dana Huff

Langwitches Blog » What does it Mean to be Literate? - 7 views

    Our definition of literacy is changing. Are we ready? Are our students?
Leigh Newton

Literacy in AAC - assistivetech - 0 views

    A group focused on speaking about current literacy instruction for users of augmentative communication.
Todd Finley

Jim Burke: English Companion - How To Read an Image - 0 views

    The age demanded an image. -Ezra Pound Rationale In our world of multi- and visual media, we must expand our notion of what a text is and how we must read it. As more texts are used to convey information print once did, we must bring to these visual texts critical literacies that will help us construct meaning from their elements. The following questions are designed to help readers make sense of images they encounter in various contexts. Ask the Following Questions * Why are we looking at this? * What are we looking for? * How should we look at this? * What choices did the artist make and how did they affect its meaning? * Is this image in its original state (i.e., no manipulation or "doctoring")? * What are the different components in this image? * How are they related to each other? * What is the main idea or argument the image expresses? * In what context or under what conditions was this image originally created? Displayed? * Who created it? * Was it commissioned? (If so, by whom? And for what purpose?) * What was the creator trying to do here? (i.e., narrate, explain, describe, persuade-or some combination?) * Can you find any tension or examples of conflict within the image? If so, what are they? What is their source? How are they represented? * Do you like this image? (Regardless of your answer: Why?) * How would you describe the artist's technique? * What conventions govern this image? How do they contribute to or detract from its ability to convey its message? * What does it consist of? * Why are parts arranged the way they are? * What is the main idea behind this image? * What does this image show (i.e., objectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * What does it mean (subjectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * Is this presented as an interpretation? Factual record? Impression? * What is the larger context of which this image is a part? * What is it made fro
    The age demanded an image. -Ezra Pound Rationale In our world of multi- and visual media, we must expand our notion of what a text is and how we must read it. As more texts are used to convey information print once did, we must bring to these visual texts critical literacies that will help us construct meaning from their elements. The following questions are designed to help readers make sense of images they encounter in various contexts. Ask the Following Questions * Why are we looking at this? * What are we looking for? * How should we look at this? * What choices did the artist make and how did they affect its meaning? * Is this image in its original state (i.e., no manipulation or "doctoring")? * What are the different components in this image? * How are they related to each other? * What is the main idea or argument the image expresses? * In what context or under what conditions was this image originally created? Displayed? * Who created it? * Was it commissioned? (If so, by whom? And for what purpose?) * What was the creator trying to do here? (i.e., narrate, explain, describe, persuade-or some combination?) * Can you find any tension or examples of conflict within the image? If so, what are they? What is their source? How are they represented? * Do you like this image? (Regardless of your answer: Why?) * How would you describe the artist's technique? * What conventions govern this image? How do they contribute to or detract from its ability to convey its message? * What does it consist of? * Why are parts arranged the way they are? * What is the main idea behind this image? * What does this image show (i.e., objectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * What does it mean (subjectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * Is this presented as an interpretation? Factual record? Impression? * What is the larger context of which this image is a part? * What is it made fro
Todd Finley

A Colorado Conversation - Administrators - 0 views

  • Networking: The New Literacy
  • Our students must be nomadic, flexible, mobile learners who depend on their ability to connect with people and resources. As educators, we need to master this as well, we must know for ourselves how to create, grow, and navigate these collaborative spaces in safe, effective, and ethical ways. We need to create our own Personal Learning Networks not only to learn ourselves, but to model these shifts for our students. Come join this session with Friday’s Keynote Speaker Will Richardson as we discuss what steps administrators can take to ensure that they – and their schools – are meeting the needs of our students.
  • Capture Everything: What's worth capturing in my classrooms? My building? My district? Audio? Video? Text-based assignments? Student work? Writing? Share Everything: Where can I share it? With whom? What audiences is our organization working to serve? How will they benefit from these shared items? Who needs to see what’s going on? Open Everything: What are the closed silos of information in our schools that shouldn't be? What things outside of our schools have we closed (blocked)? What can we do to open both of those up? Only Connect: How can I help my students and teachers connect with content, with each other, and with others outside the classroom (students, teachers, experts, mentors, the community, etc.) in a meaningful way?
    • Todd Finley
      Good TRWP Cumulating Event
    Great link for an activity on new literacies
Leigh Newton Buy Used Books to Fund Literacy Worldwide - 1 views

    Purchase books and fund world literacy
Rick Beach

A Manifesto for Media Education - 6 views

    media educators voice their idea about the need for media literacy education
Todd Finley

Wild Apricot Blog : Make Your Own Infographic - 8 views

    This article on infographics would make a great visual literacy activity
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