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Dana Huff

APA Style Blog: How Do I Cite A Kindle? - 1 views

    A new conundrum for reseArchers. How do you cite A book on A Kindle? This APA blog hAs some suggestions for APA style users.
Sora Lee

Learning SEO Techniques through Online Courses - 1 views

Because of the recent economic downturn, I was planning of setting up a business that is unique from the common business ventures people go into. One time, I was searching through the Internet and ...

online course

started by Sora Lee on 06 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
Certificate IV Assessment

Qualified Trainers with Certificate IV in Training and assessment - 1 views

With a talent for helping others and teaching, becoming a trainer is the perfect career progression for me. To train myself and become recognised in my chosen field, I enrolled to get a Certificat...

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

started by Certificate IV Assessment on 26 Sep 11 no follow-up yet
Caroline Bachmann

Safety Mode: giving you more control on YouTube - 0 views

    Diversity of content is one of the great things about YouTube. But we know that some of you want a more controlled experience. That's why we're announcing Safety Mode, an opt-in setting that helps screen out potentially objectionable content that you may prefer not to see or don't want others in your family to stumble across while enjoying YouTube. an example of this type of content might be a newsworthy video that contains graphic violence such as a political protest or war coverage. While no filter is 100% perfect, Safety Mode is another step in our ongoing desire to give you greater control over the content you see on the site. It's easy to opt in to Safety Mode: Just click on the link at the bottom of any video page. You can even lock your choice on that browser with your YouTube password. To learn more, check out the video below. and remember, aLL content must still comply with our Community Guidelines. Safety Mode isn't fool proof, but it provides a greater degree of control over your YouTube experience. Safety Mode is rolling out to all users through out the day, watch for the new link at the bottom of any YouTube page.
Gary Plumley

Limo Hire London in Luxury Limousines - 0 views

    If you're looking for flawless limousine hire service, we offer a wide range of models for a corporate event, special celebration or a wedding; we can provide you with a service which is nothing short of perfect.
Andrew Spinali

Was Dickens's Christmas Carol borrowed from Lowell's mill girls? - Ideas - The Boston Globe - 0 views

  • Dickens had encountered that narrative trope in the stories written by the Lowell mill girls, who typically published either anonymously or under pseudonyms like “Dorothea” or “M.” In one anonymous story called “a Visit from Hope,” the narrator is “seated by the expiring embers of a wood fire” at midnight, when a ghost, an old man with “thin white locks,” appears before him. The ghost takes the narrator back to scenes from his youth, and afterward the narrator promises to “endeavor to profit by the advice he gave me.” Similarly, in “a Christmas Carol,” Scrooge is sitting beside “a very low fire indeed” when Marley’s ghost appears before him. and, later, after Scrooge has been visited by the ghosts of Christmases Past, Present, and Future, he promises, “The spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.”
  • That’s not how the scholars see it. Literary borrowing, even quite detailed borrowing, was accepted practice at the time—“It was just a different way of looking at things back then,” says archibald. (“american Notes,” for instance, includes many pages of writing by the famed 19th-century physician Samuel Gridley Howe, all without attribution, and apparently without any thought by Dickens that he was doing something improper.)
Chiki Smith

TheHandbookofCheating Taught Me a Lot - 2 views

TheHandbookofCheating is a very helpful book for me. It gave me ideas how to face cheating partners. This book even taught me how to empathize with them than to lash out right away without hearing ...

relationships advice

started by Chiki Smith on 19 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
creative outdoors

Superb Creative Outdoor Ideas - 2 views

I have always wanted to build a patio to enjoy a lazy afternoon whilst looking out to my garden or where I can enjoy a cup of coffee during weekends as well as an area to receive and entertain gues...

started by creative outdoors on 31 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Nica Nogard

Must Have Teacher Interview Guide - 1 views

I am a newly qualified teacher and I am very excited to work on my first job. I already applied to one of the most prestigious universities in our place yet I am a little bit hesitant if I can answ...

teacher interview questions

started by Nica Nogard on 23 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
Dana Huff

Put Poor Students to Work - Brainstorm - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 7 views

    Sent to me just now via a my blog. Would be a great piece to pair with "a Modest Proposal."
lea magne

!Apprendre l'AnglAis:Cours d'AnglAis,jeux,exercices,grAmmAire,tests-Enseigner l'AnglAis - 0 views

shared by lea magne on 03 Feb 12 - Cached
  • ite de soutien scolaire entièrement gratuit pour apprendre ou réviser l'anglais. TOUS NIVEaUX: débutants, intermédiaire, avancé. Presque 3 millions de visites/mois. [En savoir plus-1ère visite] Nous vous proposons aussi le fraais, l'espagnol, l'allemand, le néerlandais, l'italien, les mathématiques et bien d'autres matières! (liens tout en haut) [In English]
    activités ludiques pour apprendre l'anglais
Margaret Giacalone

Lexil Find a Book - 0 views

    A Lexile meAsure is A vAluAble piece of informAtion About either An individuAl's reAding Ability or the difficulty of A text, like A book or mAgAzine Article. The Lexile meAsure is shown As A number with An "L" After it - 880L is 880 Lexile.
Gary Plumley

Pink Limousine Limo hire reading - 0 views

    These days a limo is not just exclusively used by the rich and the famous, just about anyone can hire a limo for any occasion that that they choose to hire it for, and that is why there are a lot of limo hire companies.
Dana Huff

Shakespeare in american Life - 8 views

    A lAsting online resource And A compAnion project for ShAkespeAre in AmericAn Life, A rAdio documentAry produced by RichArd PAul And nArrAted by SAm WAterston, Airing on Public RAdio InternAtionAl (PRI) stAtions beginning in April 2007.

» Voki Bright ideas - 0 views

    Voki is a resource that enables users to create a talking avatar a fun way to jazz up (dare I say pimp?) your blog.

HOW TO GUIDE: 60+ Great How To Sites and Resources - 0 views

    Here's a run-down of more than 60 great how-to sites and guides covering everything from building a mashup to being more productive, creating a website and more.

Gamebook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    For a list of gamebooks, see List of gamebooks. a gamebook is a book that allows the reader to participate in the story by making choices that affect the course of the narrative
Joshua Sherk

Debategraph home - 0 views

    (1) A wiki debAte visuAlizAtion tool thAt lets you: present the strongest cAse on Any debAte thAt mAtters to you (2) A web-bAsed, creAtive commons project to increAse the trAnspArency And rigor of public debAte everywhere-by mAking the collective insight And intelligence of the globAl community freely AvAilAble to All And filtering out the noise. (3) A globAl grAph of All the debAtes thAt enAbles us to visuAlise And deepen our understAnding of the wAys in which different debAtes Are semAnticAlly interrelAted, And wAys in which these interrelAted debAtes shApe, And Are shAped by, eAch other.
Leigh Newton

Author's CrAft - NArrAtive Elements - Setting - 12 views

    "Where is it? In a middleclass neighborhood; I'm not sure yet where it is.\nWhen is it? Wintertime in the evening, during an era when it was still common to see driving horses-maybe the late 1800s.\nWhat is the weather like? Cold, and the night falls early.\nWhat are the social conditions? In this neighborhood it seems people mostly stay inside in the evening; the narrator is aware of "rough tribes from the cottages" nearby-probably members of a lower social class.\nWhat is the landscape or environment like? Dark and quiet, with a sense of heaviness that contrasts with the narrator's shouting and playing.\nWhat special details make the setting vivid? Sensory details: the violet color of the sky, the dim lanterns, the stinging cold, the ashpits' odors, the music of the horse's harness."
Dana Huff

Home | JOG THE WEB - 3 views

    Jog the Web is a web-based tool that allows anyone to create a synchronous guide to a series of web sites. Its step by step approach of taking viewers through web sites allowing the author to annotate and ask guiding questions for each page is unique.
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