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Todd Finley

Jim Burke: English Companion - How To Read an Image - 0 views

    The age demanded an image. -Ezra Pound Rationale In our world of multi- and visual media, we must expand our notion of what a text is and how we must read it. As more texts are used to convey information print once did, we must bring to these visual texts critical literacies that will help us construct meaning from their elements. The following questions are designed to help readers make sense of images they encounter in various contexts. Ask the Following Questions * Why are we looking at this? * What are we looking for? * How should we look at this? * What choices did the artist make and how did they affect its meaning? * Is this image in its original state (i.e., no manipulation or "doctoring")? * What are the different components in this image? * How are they related to each other? * What is the main idea or argument the image expresses? * In what context or under what conditions was this image originally created? Displayed? * Who created it? * Was it commissioned? (If so, by whom? And for what purpose?) * What was the creator trying to do here? (i.e., narrate, explain, describe, persuade-or some combination?) * Can you find any tension or examples of conflict within the image? If so, what are they? What is their source? How are they represented? * Do you like this image? (Regardless of your answer: Why?) * How would you describe the artist's technique? * What conventions govern this image? How do they contribute to or detract from its ability to convey its message? * What does it consist of? * Why are parts arranged the way they are? * What is the main idea behind this image? * What does this image show (i.e., objectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * What does it mean (subjectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * Is this presented as an interpretation? Factual record? Impression? * What is the larger context of which this image is a part? * What is it made fro
    The age demanded an image. -Ezra Pound Rationale In our world of multi- and visual media, we must expand our notion of what a text is and how we must read it. As more texts are used to convey information print once did, we must bring to these visual texts critical literacies that will help us construct meaning from their elements. The following questions are designed to help readers make sense of images they encounter in various contexts. Ask the Following Questions * Why are we looking at this? * What are we looking for? * How should we look at this? * What choices did the artist make and how did they affect its meaning? * Is this image in its original state (i.e., no manipulation or "doctoring")? * What are the different components in this image? * How are they related to each other? * What is the main idea or argument the image expresses? * In what context or under what conditions was this image originally created? Displayed? * Who created it? * Was it commissioned? (If so, by whom? And for what purpose?) * What was the creator trying to do here? (i.e., narrate, explain, describe, persuade-or some combination?) * Can you find any tension or examples of conflict within the image? If so, what are they? What is their source? How are they represented? * Do you like this image? (Regardless of your answer: Why?) * How would you describe the artist's technique? * What conventions govern this image? How do they contribute to or detract from its ability to convey its message? * What does it consist of? * Why are parts arranged the way they are? * What is the main idea behind this image? * What does this image show (i.e., objectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * What does it mean (subjectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * Is this presented as an interpretation? Factual record? Impression? * What is the larger context of which this image is a part? * What is it made fro
Leigh Newton

The Newspaper Clipping Image Generator - Create your own fun newspaper - - Cr... - 0 views

    Newspaper clipping image generator allows a short piece of students' writing to be presented as a newspaper clipping.
Rick Beach

Mixel lets you create and share iPad art | Macworld - 6 views

    Mixel, iPad app for collecting and remixing images for collages.
Dana Huff

AAUP: New-Media Literacies - 3 views

    Being literate in a real-world sense means being able to read and write using the media forms of the day, whatever they may be. For centuries, consuming and producing words through reading and writing and, to a lesser extent, listening and speaking were sufficient. But because of inexpensive, easy-to-use, and widely available new tools, literacy now requires being conversant with new forms of media as well as text, including sound, graphics, and moving images.
Dana Huff

250+ Free Stock Photography Sites | Media Militia - 7 views

    A collection of links to free stock image sites.
Dana Huff

Indexed » Blog Archive » Euphemisms are often misleading. - 0 views

    Great image for teaching denotation and connotation to students.
Dana Huff

Spell with flickr - 4 views

    Spell with flickr is a neat app that allows you to create banners or other text with flickr images. Perfect for embedding in wikis or using on blogs or other Web sites.
Caroline Bachmann

Cool Google Tools for Teachers - 0 views

    We all know Google will do searches, mail, calendars, images and tons more stuff, but I got really excited when I came across a list on Twitter with all the Google Tools and Apps, listed A-Z. There are so many great resources for educators and students. It was so helpful, I have done several workshops for our district on the lesser known Google tools that can play big roles in the classroom and plan to do several more. Check out this video of all this video presentation of my favorite cool tools!
John Atkinson

Crocodoc - Comment on, edit, and fill PDF files, Word documents, images and more | Croc... - 0 views

    Upload, comment and edit files, inc add notes and highlighting. Idea - sharing past papers and model answers
lea magne

!Apprendre l'anglais:Cours d'anglais,jeux,exercices,grammaire,tests-Enseigner l'anglais - 0 views

shared by lea magne on 03 Feb 12 - Cached
  • ite de soutien scolaire entièrement gratuit pour apprendre ou réviser l'anglais. TOUS NIVEAUX: débutants, intermédiaire, avancé. Presque 3 millions de visites/mois. [En savoir plus-1ère visite] Nous vous proposons aussi le français, l'espagnol, l'allemand, le néerlandais, l'italien, les mathématiques et bien d'autres matières! (liens tout en haut) [In English]
    activités ludiques pour apprendre l'anglais
Leigh Newton

Textorizer - vectorize a picture using text strings - 0 views

    Grapic representation of text. Good for poetry.
    Good for poetry representation. Will need some tinkering to get a balance of the graphic variables.

FotoFlexer - The world's most advanced online photo editor - 0 views

    FotoFlexer is the world's most advanced online digital photo editor. It performs advanced effects previously only available to professionals using expensive software.

DSC00406 - 0 views

shared by manalli on 14 Nov 14 - No Cached

Finland PM Sanna Marin's photoshoot for Trendi magazine sparks sexism debate - CNN Style - 0 views

    Kids will be underwhelmed, but. Article: men backlash, women love it.
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