cscl » Outcomes - 0 views
Develop patterns such as reciprocity, compensation, and dominance in online conversations.
melissa wilson on 10 Jun 07(Melissa Wilson) Clarification would be beneficial Based on the text and Burgoon's research, the patterns of reciprocity, compensation and dominance are vital to online conversations. These terms were introduced, but an explanation and/or example would be beneficial for further understanding based on their importance.
Guideline 4.3 - Give groups opportunities to reflect on how they are functioning by providing Periodic and regular group processing opportunities. During this process students will be in a position to make changes to group patterns and relationships in order to be more successful. Group processing and review are mechanisms for revealing issues effecting the learning community or cooperative group.“Sharan (1990) also emphasizes the importance group management techniques and skills for the success of small cooperative learning goals” (McConnel p.135).
(Melissa Wilson) Guideline 4.6 Clarification: I understand what you are saying under the guideline on group reviews, but does Sharan advise that students typically make the changes (as stated) or that instructors typically make adjustments when needed? Are these merely self-assessments or are they instructor assessments which impact grading?
(Melissa Wilson) Sharisse, Thanks for the explanation! I understand what you are saying...I was just initially thinking of larger problems that typically require complete group changes, but I see what you are saying! Thanks for the clarification!