Trichoderma Harzianum 1% WP | Manufacturer & Exporter - Peptech Bio - 0 views
peptechbio on 16 Aug 23Trichoderma harzianum is a filamentous fungus belonging to the genus Trichoderma, which encompasses a diverse group of fungi known for their beneficial interactions with plants and other organisms. Trichoderma harzianum is widely recognized for its role in biological control, plant growth promotion, and enhancement of soil health. One of the most significant attributes of trichoderma harzianum is its ability to act as a potent biocontrol agent against plant pathogens. It competes with and antagonizes harmful fungi and bacteria by producing a range of enzymes, antimicrobial compounds, and volatile organic compounds. In agriculture and horticulture, trichoderma harzianum is utilized as a biofungicide and biofertilizer.