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Want to lower the price of oil? Iranian Oil Minister advises the United States not to i... - 0 views

    Trump is scheduled to host the UN Security Council meeting later that day, and the issue will be transferred from the previously proposed Iranian affairs to weapons of mass destruction. Some analysts have inferred that the issue change shows that the United States and European countries have differe

Ignore the US threat to the EU or will reach a crude oil purchase agreement with Iran - 0 views

    According to the US "New York Times" report, on the 29th, Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif said in an interview that although the United States threatened to sanction any country that does business with Iran, Tehran is close to the EU to reach an agreement on the sale of crude oil. The US government a

EU announces boycott of US sanctions against Iran, saying it continues to import oil fr... - 0 views

    At the same time, Iranian media reported on the 6th that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard is conducting a large-scale maritime military exercise in the Strait of Hormuz, the international crude oil transportation road. A spokesman for the Revolutionary Guard said that the purpose of the exercise was
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