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yeterlik değerlendirmesi için istenilecek belgelerin ihale ilanı ile idari şa... - 0 views

    Toplantı No : 2015/067 Gündem No : 41 Karar Tarihi : 11.11.2015 Karar No : 2015/UY.III-3012 Şikayetçi: Hem Grup Asfalt İnşaat Mühendislik Oto Kiralama...
Alex Parker

8 commerce trends in 2015 - 1 views

    Looking forward to next year, Intershop's innovation director reveals his predictions. What's going to happen in e-commerce in 2015? Lars Schickner, Director Innovation Lab, Intershop, shares his predictions with CBR. Omnichannel commerce remains a trend for 2015, and a challenge for retailers.
Alex Parker

5 app development trends to expect in 2015 - 1 views

    Ovum's recent Decision Matrix, 'Selecting a Mobile App Development Platform Solution, 2015-16', ranked different providers in terms of their technological capabilities, execution and market share. Kony, Salesforce and IBM were recognised as some of the leaders in the category
Alex Parker

10 Internet of Things growth predictions for 2015 - 1 views

    Cloud to take up 90% of IoT data by 2020, says IDC. IDC's FutureScape report reveals the latest findings and predictions on the Internet of Things (IoT) between 2015 and 2020. CBR highlights 10 need-to-know predictions from the report's findings. 1.
The Insight Partners

North America Cannabis Market Value Over USD 3.5 Billion and anticipated to grow at CAG... - 0 views

    North America Cannabis Market Value Over USD 3.5 Billion and anticipated to grow at CAGR 33% During Forecast Period 2015 to 2021
Natalie Stewart

How Important Is a Mobile-Optimized Site for Your Business? | Business Updates | - 0 views

    Mobile traffic currently makes up 10% of global Internet traffic, as shown in the chart, and next year more people will use mobile phones than PCs to get online, according to Gartner. Purchases made on mobile devices amounted to $6.7 billion in the U.S. last year, or about 8% of total online sales, and are expected to nearly double to $11.6 billion this year. By 2015, U.S. mobile sales are forecast to reach $31 billion.
Alex Parker

5 vital lessons from RSA Conference 2015 - 1 views

    Now the week is over what can you do to improve your security?
Alex Parker

4 enterprise mobility partnerships from Citrix Synergy 2015 - 1 views

    Kony,, Intercede and Dell feature on the list.
Alex Parker

5 key announcements from NetSuite SuiteWorld 2015 - 1 views

    The Valley's sassy cloud software firm tells us how its year is shaping up. NetSuite, the cloud software company, is currently winding its SuiteWorld conference to a close in the sunny city of San Jose.
Alex Parker

5 must-sees at Computex 2015 - 1 views

    What to expect from Asus, Acer, NVIDIA, Intel, ARM, Sandisk and Microsoft at this year's Computex.
Alex Parker

5 things you won't be hearing at Infosecurity Europe 2015 in London - 1 views

    CBR gives you the inside line on what the industry won't be telling you.
Alex Parker

5 things to expect from Cisco Live 2015 - 1 views

    Executive strategy, industry collaboration, smart cities and...Aerosmith?
Alex Parker

6 issues surrounding IoT Security in 2015 - 1 views

    The Internet of Things continues to build momentum, with connected devices ranging from fridges, light bulbs and TV's. The question is, what happens to the data these connected devices create? What do we need to do to secure these networks?
Richard Parker

Cargill India to begin production at first maize unit - 1 views

    FBR Staff Writer Published 05 January 2015 Cargill India is set to commence production at its INR5bn ($78.8m) maize milling unit in Karnataka in June 2015. Construction work on the maize plant is currently underway, reports
Alex Parker

Will 2015 be the year of the Snapdragon 810? - 1 views

    With only two devices confirmed by Qualcomm featuring the chip, CBR rounds up rumours about where else we will see the 810. So, we know that Qualcomm has got some new chips out this year, the 808 and 810.
Alex Parker

5 phabulous phablets on the market in 2015 - 1 views

    CBR rounds up the big and beautiful smartphones on the market right now. Yes, we've all heard it and if it annoys you you're not alone - the little portmanteau that describes a smartphone with an above average-sized screen.
Aarushi Torres

International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology - 0 views

    Now attend all your important international conferences in 2015 by simply subscribing at The subscription process is quiet simple. Subscribe here and enjoy reliable services for lifetime.
Angel Scott

IRAJ-International Conference On Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science & Mechan... - 0 views

    Attend the International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science & Mechanical Engineering at Chennai, Tamilnadu on March 1st 2015. Please read the details through our site.
Alex Parker

UK election 2015: all quiet on the energy front? - 1 views

    The upcoming UK general election promises to be the most unpredictable in decades, but how could it affect Britain's energy future? Labour's energy price freeze has sparked debate, but uncertainty and ambiguity is rife in British energy policy, threatening the country's transition to a low-carbon energy mix.
Alex Parker

Accenture forecasts 5 tech trends for 2015 - 1 views

    Accenture forecasts what successful companies will need to do. Accenture has revealed its forecast for 5 technology trends affecting tomorrow's digital businesses. The 5 emerging technology trends highlighted in the report look at the key areas that companies are developing.
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