Safety Products to Prevent Workplace Accidents - 0 views
Nick Robinson on 26 May 16Large or small any construction project can be dangerous for workers around. Safety is not only about protecting the workers from a physical and psychological point of view, but also comes down to providing the confidence and trust that the workers require to do the best job possible. To create a healthy and safe workplace, ProjectLink takes pride in providing a wide spectrum of solutions when it comes to safety like safety wear, safety belts, safety signage, safety storage cabinets and infrared cameras to identify potential critical condition. Visit us and find best products to manage safety at your workplace and ensure that your business is getting the best outcomes that it deserves.
Nick Robinson on 13 Oct 17With multiple teams, heavy machinery, castings and concrete works and precarious spaces - Construction sites are busy and fairly dangerous spaces. Therefore, it becomes imperative for the organisations to ensure the health and safety of all members present on site. To reduce the hassle of choosing an appropriate safety solution for the construction sites, ProjectLink has listed out the top safety products from its online database of Australia's leading suppliers. These products would not only support high levels of productivity but would create a safe environment. Be sure to integrate them into your safety procedures and protocols.