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Amit Green

Hmm ... What Obama Says vs. What He Does - 0 views

    One plain fact should outweigh all the words of Barack Obama and all the impressive trappings of the setting in which he says them: He tried to rush Congress into passing a massive government takeover of the nation's medical care before the August recess-- for a program that would not take effect until 2013!
Amit Green

Anything I Own - Part II - 0 views

shared by Amit Green on 09 Sep 09 - Cached
    But this tonic dose of truth-telling may be too little too late. As an Obama supporter and contributor, I am outraged at the slowness with which the standing army of Democratic consultants and commentators publicly expressed discontent with the administration's strategic missteps this year.
    Part I is here: Anything I Own
Amit Green

Purpose: Explore Diigo software, meet a few people, then move on to next social website - 4 views

The purpose of this forum is to conduct an experiment for one week of how a social website works. After the experiment is done, this group will be clos...

Purpose Diigo

started by Amit Green on 30 Aug 09 no follow-up yet
Amit Green

Diigo Interface, RE: The last brother - 8 views

Trying to highlight this article: The Last Brother has run into a few issues: (1) I tried to share this url: (2) Richard...

Diigo Belmont Annotations

started by Amit Green on 31 Aug 09 no follow-up yet
Amit Green

Exploring Reputations & Links - combinations, simplicity, bubbling - 6 views

Again, one of the main things we are exploring is combine. How would you combine some of the best features of facebook with some of the best features of diigo? As one person put it to me...

Reputation Links Simplicity Bubbling

Amit Green

Obama will urge kids to go to private school - 0 views

    Although Obama attended public school in Indonesia early in life, he soon switched to a private Catholic school, and from fifth grade through graduation went to a private college-prep school in Hawaii. His own daughters now attend a private school in Washington D.C.. "Do you think you're going to get into Harvard University with your one-size-fits-all public school diploma?" the president will reportedly say. "Come on! Don't make me laugh. You'll be lucky to survive through graduation. Seriously, you gotta get out of this mediocrity machine. Go ahead! Get up right now. Run for the door. What are you waiting for?"
    Some pretty obvious parody from Scott Orr.
Amit Green

There once was a blogger from Nantucket - 0 views

    Blogging has also become more than simply writing. There's Twitter, that I do occasionally enjoy, but I feel so out of the loop since I can't spend hours interacting like it seems so many others do. I talk to people, they don't talk back. I talk to people and sometimes I don't have time to reply. Hello vicious cycle! I cannot keep up, I feel like I'm drowning in the wake of bloggers who must have 48 hours in their days to my mere
Amit Green

Singularity University Grads Plan to Help a Billion People in 10 Years - 0 views

  • University grads everywhere may feel pressure to succeed, but the stakes ramp up when your school's co-founders include AI visionary Ray Kurzweil and Peter Diamandis of the X Prize Foundation. Now recent grads of Singularity U have announced their strategies for using emerging technologies to help one billion people over the next 10 years.
    • Amit Green
      This is actually a quote from the original article & is not my thoughts. I just highlighted them as interesting thoughts.
    Changing the world, one person at a time ... Domus 3D Printing looks to scale up 3-D printing technologies, which have already begun creating items from silicone and even stainless steel. The end goal involves creating affordable and customizable housing on a mass scale.
    This is an interesting program ... to help others with great ideas ... escape from the dimension of ideas ... and move from ideas ... to implementation.
wretchard the cat

Obama ends frenetic vacation - 0 views

  • On Wednesday, the president will head off to his official Camp David retreat in Maryland for a four-day break -- seeking the quiet that evaded him in the millionaires playground on the US east coast. "He is looking to get a break from his vacation," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said. "I don't think you can replicate such a terrific place as Martha's Vineyard, but I do think that he's looking to get some more rest and relaxation when he goes up there," Burton said. The Camp David trip, over the Labor Day weekend, had been tentatively planned before Obama headed on vacation.
    • Amit Green
      This is a highlight from the original article
    Obama: Trapped in the Dimension of the Presidency ... Can't even take a vacation & relax properly from it. And he really does need a vacation, the Presidency will wear anyone & everyone out. No one can handle such a stressfull job.
    I posted my thoughts on Obama needing a vacation: I like how the talk by Azides ends, the goal of a Prime Minister or a President is to buld "Mutual Trust & Respect" in a country. May Obama succeed in this, this is why the American people got excited in him from his 1994 speech at the Democratic convention, and a lot of what he ran his campaign for President on. This is why America trusted him with the Presidency … I hope he returns to this theme of his & starts to govern that way. Hopefully a vacation can give him the perspective he needs.
wretchard the cat

How Rahm Is Reviving the GOP - Page 1 - The Daily Beast - 0 views

    This is an article I read last week ... I do however, think the Republicans are clueless ... Rahm is not reviving the GOP, he is reviving citizen involvement, especially as the Tea Party movement. However, the Tea Party Movement is actually probably more of a threat to Republicans than to Democrats, at this point. Therefore, the reality is, that Rahm is splitting up the Republican Coalition...
    This turned into a posting at Belmont Club: Rahming things through
Amit Green

What is a leader? - 0 views

    A truly superb talk by Dr. Azides. Please watch
    A truly superb talk by Dr. Azides. Everyone from Tocqueville project please watch it.
Amit Green

Belmont Club » The last brother - 0 views

  • Torture is an emotionally charged word, especially when it is used to further one’s political ends. One person’s torture is another person’s useful tool. What we are talking about is how far we are willing to go and with what tools available in our kit are we willing to use on hard cases to obtain vital information for our survival. Therefore, the end result is intelligence of reliable quality to act upon. Tools used in a battlefield situation will be different than tools used to obtain intelligence of a strategic value. It has been shown that use of sadistic torture, like pulling nails, electric shock, and other means of causing pain is counterproductive and will produce information that may be useless. The subject will say anything to get the pain to stop. So the interrogator is going to have to to get inside the head of the subject and take the subject on a psychological journey that will strip away the subject’s defenses. How deep one has to go depends on the subject and the value placed on the intelligence. The islamic hardcases, by nature of their beliefs and their training, can be very tough nuts to crack. So the interrogator has to look into his toolkit and see what would be an APPROPRIATE method to use, and put it to work. The stakes are high. Our survival as a nation and civilization are what’s on the line. We are at war, and we need the intelligence. People who use interrogation techniques and the T word to beat govt agencies on the head are not talking about humane behavior. They are playing politics. War is settling disputes when everything else has failed. War is about breaking things and killing people. And the gathering of intelligence by interrogation, using appropriate techniques, is part of war.
    • Amit Green
      This comment is from Alaska Paul
  • Those who choose to terrorise in a no-rules fashion should expect no rules to gallop over the horizon to rescue them. That this does happen can be seen as either (a) a manifestation of our ethical standards, or (b) a product of politically correct obfuscation, since those rules that exist were framed (quite some time ago)for the regulation of state-sponsored armies, not stateless actors. It depends on your point of view. In my opinion, once confronted by terrorism of the Al-quaeda variety, all bets are off and you do what has to be done, with extreme prejudice.
    • Amit Green
      This comment is from blogstrop
  • The problem with McCain’s acceptance speech was that there was no follow-through on how he wrapped it up. “Stand up and Fight!” he said. That was the closing refrain, repeated several times for emphasis. It was the most powerful part of the speech. Standing up and fighting against all the things that had been dragging down our society for so long was what we needed. But he never did that. He didn’t fight. He tip-toed through the rest of the campaign, pulling his punches and insisting the rest of the GOP pull theirs.
    • Amit Green
      This comment is from JMH
    The two comments by Wretchard are actually not by Wretchard, but highlights from the post using the Diigo tool. So the Diigo interface is a bit confusing. The first comment is from Alaska Paul and the second from blogstrop.
    The comment I highlighted about McCain is not from me but from JMH
wretchard the cat

Diigolet | Diigo - 0 views

    Alternative to the toolbar?
wretchard the cat

SitePen Blog » Transport - 0 views

  • The transport is a new technique for secure cross-domain browser based data transfer, and can be utilized for creating secure mashups with untrusted sources. is implemented in Dojo in the new module, and it is very easy to make web services available through the protocol. works by loading a cross-domain HTML file in an iframe. The HTML file then sets its to the string content that should be delivered to the requester. The requester can then retrieve the value as the response. The requested resource never has access to the requester’s environment (JavaScript variables, cookies, and DOM).
wretchard the cat

add Zotero-like citation management? | Diigo - 0 views

    Unfortunately when you follow this discussion through, the link to does not work ... So can't see the original article the discussion is about, oh well.
    Try to do a google search on ' zotero' doesn't work either --- so the original article has been lost in the ether
Amit Green

A new business model: detect Adblock plus - 0 views

    Hey, it seems that you are using AdBlocking software just like me. However I tend to disable it for small blogs like this one. If you would like to help me pay for my webhosting please allow your Adblocking software to show adverts from this site. Thanks!
wretchard the cat

Adblock Plus :: Add-ons for Firefox - 0 views

    Currently 54,535,005 downloads ... I would say that meets the definition of going viral.
Amit Green

The Record of the Federal Reserve - 0 views

    From 1776 to 1912 (136 years), the value of the dollar, relative to the Consumer Price Index, increased by 11% ... After the Fed's creation, from 1913 to 2008 (95 years), the value of the dollar, relative to the Consumer Price Index, decreased by 95%
    The article goes on to argue that "The Federal Reserve System is fraudulent. Whatever its stated purpose, its effect is to create a hidden mechanism of deficit spending by politicians, through the insidious invisible taxation of monetary debasement (inflation)." However, I disagree.... Having studied what the stable monetary policy from 1776 to 1912 did ... and what the unstable monetary policy of the Federal Reserve from 1913 to 2008 has done ... Its clear to me, it is much preferable to have the unstable monetary policy ... our economy during the second period of time has been far superior by an order of magnitude than the economy before the federal reserve. Thus the slow debasement of the dollar (95%) over the last 95 years has been *good*, and to the benefit of America.
    The article goes on to argue: "The Federal Reserve System is fraudulent. Whatever its stated purpose, its effect is to create a hidden mechanism of deficit spending by politicians, through the insidious invisible taxation of monetary debasement (inflation). With printed money, the Government can buy services for its voters before the effects of inflation are felt. The voters money buys less the following year, as the new money has raised prices, and they are often none the wiser." My comments on this are at Hope for America: I don't agree. Having studied the economy of this country from 1776 to 1912, and from 1913 to 2008, it is quite clear to me that the overall economy has been much better off in the last 95 years. Thus, although the currency has been debased (95%) in 95 years, this is what we want ... a slow debasement of the currency, it helps the economy overall. The real risk these days, is we are heading to a fast debasement of the currency, and are likely to hit 10% to 20% inflation in a few years. That would be truly bad [Though not as horrible as another great depresssion, which would probably happen if we were not printing money as fast as we are these days].
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