iLife ’06
Multimedia Tutorials
Whether you're taking digital photographs, putting your home videos on DVD, or writing your own songs, iLife ’06 has an easy solution for you. With these Tutorials, you can watch step-by-step movies that will help you learn the great things you can do with iPhoto 6, GarageBand 3, iTunes, iMovie HD 6, iDVD 6, and iWeb.
Use these Tutorials just the way you want; proceed through the Tutorials topic by topic or use the Tutorial Menu links to find the topic you need. Look for the iLife Connections links within each tutorial to see how seamlessly you can use these applications together—how, for example, you can take your iPhoto slideshow to iDVD or use GarageBand to score a movie in iMovie HD.
To start an iLife ’06 tutorial, select an application you want to learn about from the top menu bar, abov