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Contents contributed and discussions participated by diigo373


iTweaks : Tweak Anything Apple - 0 views

    • diigo373
      Top 10 iPhone optimized sites
    Top 10 iPhone Ready Websites Posted in Uncategorized by Apple Tweaks on the April 3, 2008 Edit This Tags: iphone optimized sites, iphone plugin, wordpress for iphone As the Dot Com age is evolving so is the means of which we receive our information. Here is a nifty list that I found from I love this site! Subscribe today! These are the most Optimized sites for the iPhone 1. Facebook - : this is definitely the best iPhone optimized website that I have seen. I fell in love with it right off the bat. I have been using it for a while. My favorite feature is the text reply to messages. This feature allows you to see who just commented or emailed you and allows you a quick and easy way to reply back to that person. I also like the picture viewer app and it is really easy to browse profiles. Try it out! If you did not know about this iPhone opitimized site then your stoked and Facebook just got better :) 2. Digg- : Digg is a social network site that lets you share information about links to stories, articles, videos, blogs you name it. It is fast and easy! Check it out! 3. - : Brandone Eley writes about his accidental discovery of this iPhone optimized site. read more at 4. eBay - : of course if Amazon has one you should expect ebay to be optimized too. :) 5. Google - is optimized nicely. Click on and hit the mobile link. I love this one because I can get all of my rss feeds from my Google reader page. 6. Tada List - : Never heard of this site till yesterday! I guess this is good for making to do list on your iPhone. 7. Leafllets - : Once again never heard of it. But awesome and clean interface. Leaflets lets you check feeds from Newsvine,, yahoo upcoming events, flickr, NY Times and much more. It also points
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