How to validate your Startup idea without spending a dime - Infographic | Branex - Digi... - 0 views
So finally you are done with the 9-5 job and want to start your own business? Good idea. But hey do you know that 83% of the businesses fail in the first 5 years of the startup. But the question is why? What are the reasons that a startup or an Entrepreneur fail? Is it the surroundings? Or the idea itself.
Build an App of your Own through these Easy App Development Tools | Branex - Digital Ag... - 0 views
A business owner decides upon the app development method by looking into various elements which could be the cost difference, the expertise required to develop the app, the interest of the business owner in-app development and so on. Apparently, mobile development tools not only ranks high in terms of project cost-saving but are easy to use by novice developers as well.
Calling All B2B Marketers Now's the Time to Use Facebook | Branex - Digital Agency Toronto - 0 views
Live video marketing is one of the hottest online marketing trends these days. Thanks to the introduction of Facebook Live and a large number of social mediums, more and more brands are working harder than ever to bring valuable, interesting, informational live videos to capture their customers' interest and boost engagement.
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