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Twisted Melon - Fine Mac OS Software (Remote Control Solutions and more) - 0 views

shared by wen071 on 23 Feb 07 - Cached
  • mira Personal Control for Your Apple Remote™ Designed exclusively for the Apple® Remote, Mira takes it beyond Front Row and gives you personal control for any application, on any Mac®. The Apple Remote on any Mac! Remote enable your G3, G4, G5 or Mac Pro today Built-in, Manta TR1, Keyspan & MCE 2005 receivers Works with any USB Mac running Mac OS 10.4+ Order Manta TR1 online now - special bundle price     Friendly, Attractive, Easy & Compatible The Apple Remote will let you control your Mac from up to 33 feet (10 meters) away. Its signal will even bounce off walls, ceilings and furniture so you don't have to point right at the computer. Mira drops into your System Preferences and provides an easy interface to change button settings for all your applications. Settings are made in a familiar profile fashion for individual applications and over 60 profiles are already built-in. Of course you can change any of them as well as add unlimited of your own.   Best of all, you don't have to fiddle around with Mira to make it work, it's automatic! The corrrect settings are immediately available when using any application.   Easily Open Your Favorite Programs Why limit yourself to opening only Front Row when Mira provides a giant menu that you can see across the room? The Mira Launch Menu lets you decide what appears inside it and how it should look. It's not limited to applications either, you can launch documents and AppleScripts too.   Mira is for Everyone Just point and click one of the on-screen buttons to select what it should do. Mira has been designed to be powerful, yet compact and extremely easy to use. You don't have to know anything about programming or wait for anyone else to create scripts. If you know how to use the keyboard and a mouse, you can use Mira right away to control any program. A full-featured built-in help book takes you through the whole program and Help Tags offer assistance within the interface. Take a look at the full list of features and screenshots for much more information. Built-In IR receiver on newer Mac models Manta TR1 & MCE/eHome 2005 IR Receivers for All Macs
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Apple Human Interface Guidelines: Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference - 0 views

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Home | Zootool - 0 views

    • anonymous
      This bookmarking application is great and all, however the biggest issue is the usability.  It's not really info-friendly and it lacks basic functions, such as descriptions and indexting. My thoughts, Chris December 29, 2010
thanaads Thanaads Noo

RIM Blames iPhone for AT&T Bold-faced Delays! | iPhone News Updated - 2 views

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