GUIdebook > Articles > "The Xerox Star: A retrospective" | IEEE Magazine, 1989 - 0 views
With hindsight, we can say that it might have been better to release these technologies into the public domain or to market them early, so that they might have become industry standards. Instead, alternative approaches developed at other companies have become the industry standards. Xerox’s current participation in the development of various industry standards indicates its desire to reverse this trend.
Transcript of an article that showed the innovations in the Star workstation, which by then were found everywhere (though they may not have worked as well, and were not yet popular of IBM and Compaq PCs.) The overlapping windows, selection, menus, focus, object-oriented design and of course the mouse itsef were also found in Smalltalk-80. However, the icons, representing documents, folders, printers and so on, were a unique innovation. Did Apple license the Star technology as well as Smalltalk-80?
Transcript of an article that showed the innovations in the Star workstation, which by then were found everywhere (though they may not have worked as well, and were not yet popular of IBM and Compaq PCs.) The overlapping windows, selection, menus, focus, object-oriented design and of course the mouse itsef were also found in Smalltalk-80. However, the icons, representing documents, folders, printers and so on, were a unique innovation.