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Graham Perrin

Dashboard Programming Topics: Designing Widgets - 0 views

  • design your widget’s front side
  • forcing the user to wait for content to display can be annoying and time-consuming
  • It should require no explanation
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • A cluttered widget is a jack of all trades, master of none
  • simple widgets, each focused on a single task
  • Design widgets for small screens
  • design unique, custom controls that integrate well into your widget’s overall design
  • Users may expect to drop files or other dragged items on your widget
    • Graham Perrin
      1: drag and drop.
  • Put information not vital to the widget on the back
  • Branding is appropriate on a widget’s back
  • Integrated Menus
    • Graham Perrin
      2: from a menu, select an action for the dropped content.
  • Support drag-and-drop
  • Displaying a menu in this context is common
  • Implementing Your Custom Menu Control
  • Help Tags
  • structure your elements logically
    It's taken me a long time to realise the value and possibilities of widgets …

Build iOS Outlet and Action via Drag and Drop Method - 0 views

    Outlet and Action can be defined as a property that is interpreted with the symbol IBOutlet and IBAction respectively, where IB knows as Interface Builder.
    Outlet and Action can be defined as a property that is interpreted with the symbol IBOutlet and IBAction respectively, where IB knows as Interface Builder.
Adam Mills

Apple drags the Nokia N97 Mini into Antennagate - 0 views

    Apple has posted N97 Mini antenna tests that show that not even Nokia's smartphones are safe from the clutches of the iPhone 4 death grip.
Adam Mills

Samsung Galaxy S ad takes a jab at Antennagate - 1 views

    Apple dragged Samsung into Antennagate and so it shouldn't be surprisingly that they took a dig at it and the iPhone 4 antenna issues in a new advertisement.

How to dig the useful part of the picture - 1 views

Many times, when we see a picture, we will go to evaluate it where there is better where there is defective. This time, we hope to have a tool that can help us achieve any editing to make the pictu...

Software AllPepole My PhotoEditor

started by allpepole on 05 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

SmartDraw Crack License Key Download [2023] - 0 views

    SmartDraw is a versatile and powerful diagramming and graphics software that has gained popularity for its user-friendly interface and robust features. This software is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface. It offers a drag-and-drop functionality that allows users to create diagrams and charts without any prior design experience.
sara khan

FI u Enjoy here Bad Girls All Star Battle **Season 1 Episode 3 Online live STREAMing ||... - 0 views

    Bad Girls All Star Battle Season 1 Episode 3 streaming,Watch Online Bad Girls All Star Battle Season 1 Episode 3 megavideo,Bad Girls All Star Battle Season 1 Episode 3 megavideo free online,Bad Girls All Star Battle s01xe03 Secrets and Liesstreaming,Bad Girls All Star Battle s01xe03 zshare WATCH HERE ==> Bad Girls All Star Battle Season 1 Episode 3 Online Episode Summary: Natalie, Flo and Amber form an early alliance, while squealing pigs and Velcro are the focal point of this week's challenge. Friendships between teammates quickly crumble after ugly truths are revealed. About The Show: Hosted by musician, actor and heartthrob Ray J, this one hour series will pit 14 of the biggest names in Bad Girls Club history under one roof to compete for $100,000 and title of "Baddest Bad Girl of All Time." The Bad Girls All-Star Battle will combine the baddest girls from past seasons in an all-out mattress dragging and weave-pulling competition.
Jeff Harvey

Got an iPhone App Idea - Make it Come Alive - 0 views

    Once registered, you are official and liable to develop custom iPhone applications for every Mac Products. Software Development Kit (SDK) is huge for iPhone and comes with all sorts of necessary sample codes, documentations and many more needed at the time of development.
yc c

Zoomify Express - 0 views

shared by yc c on 14 Mar 09 - Cached
    Zoomifyer EZ makes high-quality images fast and easy to view! It's simple to use, just drag any image onto the Zoomify Converter, then copy the folder it creates to your web site - no special setup is needed. Your site visitors use a tiny Flash movie as the 'viewer' - so there's nothing to download or install. And it's completely free - no strings!
yc c

ImageShack® - Improved! - 0 views

    Improved version supports videos, import from flickr, many tools (eg.drag and drop from explorer) and much more!
yc c

Ukelele - 0 views

    Ukelele aims to simplify keyboard layout editing by providing a graphical interface to .keylayout files, where the desired characters can simply be dragged onto keys as needed.
yc c

Parallels Desktop for Mac - 0 views

    Run Windows, Linux, and more side-by-side with Mac OS X on any Intel-powered Mac, without rebooting. You can even drag-and-drop files between desktops!
David Corking

How to Switch to the Mac - Tao of Mac | February 2007 | Rui Carno - 0 views

  • the installer creates the first user account. This is the important bit: it is an administration account – call it “Administrator” or something like that and create another for yourself afterwards (if you’re a UNIX head, this is not root, which is disabled).
    • David Corking
      Q: Why doesn't the installer _tell_ you this? It looks and feels like an ordinary unix user with 'sudo' access, but according to Tao, it can be troublesome. A: My guess is that Apple doesn't want you to have to remember two passwords. Perhaps Apple decided, unlike Tao, that the security of asking for passwords for important tasks is good enough.
  • Create your own Applications folder inside your home directory (Mac OS X will change the icon accordingly) and try out new stuff in there.
  • drag the entire Applications folder to the right-hand side of the Dock, forming what Apple calls a “stack”
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Put things you want to share among users in the /Users/Shared folder.
  • Set up separate accounts for kids using the Simple Finder or Some Limits option under the Limitations tab.
    • David Corking
      In Mac OS X 10.4, you find this in preferences under Accounts, and click the "Parental Controls" tab, then select Finder and click Configure .... I don't think there is a "Limitations" tab.
    This article is packed with great tips that you won't find in other introductory tutorials. Therefore it is a bit heavy to read, and worth dipping into even if you have used Macs for a year or two.

How to captured the classic picture immediately when the movie is playing - 1 views

Each film has its own unique, either classic screen, giving a feeling of bright spots, so we were shocked when we saw it; or that there are some very classic lines, it is easy to touch corner of ou...

My Player media players AllPepole

started by allpepole on 04 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
David Corking

Watch out, Apple: Windows 8 could trump the iPad - Sep 2011 - 46 views

  • Live is assumed and focused on letting an app's state roll across all devices a user has.
    • David Corking
      A pendulum swinging back towards mainframe computing, perhaps.
  • Apple designed iOS for gesture-based input, and people took to it easily -- and developers had to think in the mind-set to even be able to deliver apps.
    • anonymous
  • old "finger as mouse" approach to touch was a bad idea.
    • anonymous
      I agree, that blows.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "Legacy" Win32s apps from Windows 7 and earlier won't get the Windows 8 Metro UI goodness unless they are at least partially revised; even then, they'll be limited. Users will find that touch, syncing, and interapplication sharing won't always work.
  • (It's no accident that Excel was a Mac application first or that Windows Word shared almost nothing with DOS Word other than file format.) Microsoft's apparent strategy creates that risk for today's developers.
  • Sloppy developers could thwart Microsoft's seeming reinvention of Windows from taking root. Or, as happened with Apple's iOS, developers could wholeheartedly adopt the Windows 8 model and deliver an amazing portfolio of apps that pulls in users and drags IT behind them.
    Its amazings seems similar like :
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