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Acoustic Printed Panel | Acoustic Printed Polyester Panel - 1 views

    Acoustic Printed Panel | Acoustic Printed Polyester Panel | custom printed acoustic panels | printed sound panels | printed acoustic wall panels
ekta das - 1 views

    Acoustic 3D embossed panels are decorative wall panels designed to enhance both the visual and auditory experience of a room. Unlike traditional flat panels, these panels feature raised patterns and textures, giving them a three-dimensional appearance. This not only adds depth and character to a space but also contributes to improved acoustics.
yc c

Jaikoz Audio Tagger - 0 views

    Jaikoz uses MusicBrainz, an online database of over seven million songs. Many of these songs also have an Acoustic Id provided by MusicIP, allowing a song to be identified by the actual music, so it can do a match even if you have no metadata! These feature means that Jaikoz gives you the flexibility to lookup your songs by both the acoustic id and the metadata making Jaikoz a very accurate tool. But no identification system is 100% accurate so we have made it as quick and easy as possible to edit your data manually as well using a convenient spreadsheet view, with many autoformatting features.
market reports

Optical Imaging Market worth $1.9 Billion - 2018 - 0 views

    [Price: $4650] [No of Slides - 147] Browse 10 tables and 36 figures/charts on Optical Imaging Market report covers the global market based on Technological aspects of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Hyper Spectral Imaging (HSI), Photo Acoustic Tomography (PAT), Key Drivers & Geographic Regions covered.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Griffin adds more sight, sound to iPhone 3G | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    At Apple Expo in Paris on Wednesday, Griffin Technology unveiled its latest iPhone accessories, including the AirCurve acoustic amplifier dock and the Clarifi protective case.
yc c

Welcome to MusicBrainz! - MusicBrainz - 0 views

    iEatBrainz to fix your mp3 and aac tags in iTunes after they've been ripped using acoustic matchings using MusicBrainz music metadatabase. -very useful!
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