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Twitter / ad4dcss - 0 views

    Advocates for Digital Citizenship, Safety, and Success grouptweet:- follow, be followed then any 1 of us direct texts ad4dcss which auto-re-tweets to followers-of-ad4dcss of course.

Do You Read Blocked Blogs? at Change Agency - 0 views

  • This morning, Bud The Teacher, posted a request for designs for a 21st Century version of the “I Read Banned Books” buttons that we are all so familiar with. In response to this request, I played around with an idea:
    Bud the Teacher and Stephanie Sandifer are planning an I read blocked blogs day. This is going to be an event for educators advocating access. It would also be a great time to talk about ways to monitor when you provide access. This also happens to be the first aspect of ad4dcss and we've listed it on the wiki. They have shirts that people can get and buttons for your blog.
    This is going to be a great project.

ad4dcss » Video Contest - 0 views

    We're starting a video contest -- nominate the videos that you think best advocate digital citizenship, safety or success in schools. We plan to have some surveys in the future to let you vote.

AD4DCSS: Online Course Development [Meetings Schedule] - 1 views

    Information for those who want to be part of the curriculum development/course planning effort.

Silencing Cyberbullies [NEA Today] - 0 views

    Digital sticks and stones can't break bones-but they can hurt even more. What can educators do to curb bullying in cyberspace? Talk about it," says Cathy Smith. "Define it and discuss expectations and consequences. Don't ignore it or take it lightly." To get kids talking about cyberbullying, Smith meets her students where they live: online. The article cites classroom strategies, including use of some of the information we've collected on this site: NetSmartz videos and Ad Council PSA's


ICT in Education - 0 views

    This is a gem from UK for "users, teachers, leaders and managers" of educational ICT. As members of ad4dcss are, like it or not, leaders (with all that entails) I think we will find much helpful here. Also this is home of the e-book, "Coming of Age" and soon to be released "Coming of Age 2.0" that are just slightly relevant.

Hashtags - ad4dcss - 1 views

shared by Vicki Davis on 13 Apr 08 - Cached
    Where we can go to see what people are saying on twitter about this idea.
    The hashtag page for the Advocates for Digital Citizenship, Safety, and Success -- use this hashtag on twitter for people to read about it.

Advocates for Digital Citizenship, Safety, and Success | Google Groups - 0 views

    • Jocelyn Chappell
      This is exactly what we do. We model behaviour -- it is a gift. The others (parents, teachers, policy makers -- politicians and media even) _will_ catch on -- but maybe only as our pupils make it into those spheres of influence. 10 years or 20 -- anyone?

Digital Citizenship Topics & Resources --Master List - 5 views

    For a wide range of topics/resources on Digital Citizenship, check out this Diigo List. All resources have been tagged and cataloged from the entries found in the Ad4dcss Diigo Group on Digital Citizenship. This just makes them easier to find when educators are preparing a workshop or focusing on a specific topic area.


    If you're attending NECC and have an interest in Digital Citizenship topics, here are some workshops and sessions you'll want to attend:

What Petraeus affair teaches about email. - 5 views

    Those who still have illusions about online privacy might want to consider the old adage "I can keep secrets; it's the people I tell who can't."

A Great Guide on Teaching Students about Digital Footprint - 10 views

    Have you ever Googled yourself ? Have you ever checked your virtual identity? Do you know that you leave a digital footprint every time you get online? Do you know that whatever you do online is accumulated into a digital dossier traceable by others ?

What to Do About Consequences of Poor Decisions on Social Media [Video] - 5 views

    Web Wise Kids discusses the consequences of poor decision making on social media, and gives advice on what to do to rectify such situations.

Know IT All for Primary Schools - 1 views

  • Childnet's Know IT All for Primary Schools has been especially designed for primary school staff to help them understand important E-safety issues and how to help young pupils get the most out of the internet
    From Childcare International. Safey issues for kids.

A Parent's Guide to Social Networking [pdf] - 1 views

    Free 27-page guide from McAfee. Includes five lessons to keep your kids safe when they socialize online.

C-SAVE | - 1 views

    NCSA launched the Cyber Security Awareness Volunteer Education Project (C-SAVE) in April of 2009. The program will teach youngsters not just to be wary of online predators and bullies but alert to the tricks of data thieves and scam artists. Curriculum is customized for three grade levels: K-2, 3-5 and middle/high school. What makes this program unique is that they plan to use "tech pros" from the technology industry to deliver the curriculum in the classroom.

Fostering Learning in the Networked World - 1 views

  • Imagine a high school student in the year 2015. She has grown up in a world where learning is as accessible through technologies at home as it is in the classroom, and digital content is as real to her as paper, lab equipment, or textbooks. At school, she and her classmates engage in creative problem-solving activities by manipulating simulations in a virtual laboratory or by downloading and analyzing visualizations of real-time data from remote sensors. Away from the classroom, she has seamless access to school materials and homework assignments using inexpensive mobile technologies. She continues to collaborate with her classmates in virtual environments that allow not only social interaction with each other but also rich connections with a wealth of supplementary content. Her teacher can track her progress over the course of a lesson plan and compare her performance and aptitudes across a lifelong “digital portfolio,” making note of areas that need additional attention through personalized assignments and alerting parents to specific concerns. What makes this possible is cyberlearning, the use of networked computing and communications technologies to support learning. Cyberlearning has the potential to transform education throughout a lifetime, enabling customized interaction with diverse learning materials on any topic—from anthropology to biochemistry to civil engineering to zoology. Learning does not stop with K–12 or higher education; cyberlearning supports continuous education at any age.
    The more one delves into the Net Generation - Cyber Safety Debate, the more one is inclined to think that one of the most difficult challenges facing educators and parents is to embrace the "cultural" shift.
    (EDUCAUSE Review

Proposed social media policy for school employees | - 7 views

    One school district's proposed policy. Note the meaty discussion of the policy points at the end of the article.

WSJ|Five Misunderstandings About Bullying - 9 views

    Note dana boyd's position that "Most anti-bullying assemblies are ineffective, and the messages of well-meaning advocates tend to fall on deaf ears". Students need to learn empathy, sensitivity and respect, all of which are life skills.
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