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Grace Kat

Research Advisory Board | Berkman Center - 0 views

    * About * People * Research * Publications * Teaching * Events * Interactive * Newsroom * Get Involved Berkman Center for Internet & Society Internet Safety Technical Task Force > ISTTF Research Advisory Board The Research Advisory Board (RAB) is comprised of scholars and Researchers whose Research addresses children's online safety. The RAB was constructed to help the Task Force develop a rich understanding of what is currently known about online safety issues with respect to youth.

How to Do Keyword Analysis | Keyword Research Tools - 0 views

    Digital Marketing School provides professional training in how to conduct research and keyword research tools. Learn about free keyword research, SEO research tools and research tips.
Anne Bubnic

Coming Soon: A National Center for Edtech Research - 0 views

  • The National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies is part of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, approved by Congress at the end of July, and signed into law by President Bush on August 14.
  • The purpose of the Center shall be to support a comprehensive research and development program to harness the increasing capacity of advanced information and digital technologies to improve all levels of learning and education, formal and informal, in order to provide Americans with the knowledge and skills needed to compete in the global economy…
    This past week, President Bush signed into law a bill that will establish a new national research center for studying digital technology and learning. The center aspires be to edtech what the National Institutes of Health have been for medical research.
Anne Bubnic

New U.S. Research Center to Study Education Technology - 0 views

    Congress has authorized a new federal research center that will be charged with helping to develop innovative ways to use digital technology at schools and in universities. The National Center for research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies was included as part of the latest reauthorization Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader of the Higher Education Act, approved last month. President Bush signed the law on Aug. 14. The center will be charged with supporting research and development of new education technologies, including internet-based technologies. It will also help adapt techniques already widely used in other sectors, such as advertising and the military, to classroom instruction.
my serendipities

Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project - 0 views

    . The goal of this work was to gain an understanding of youth new media practice in the U.S. by engaging in ethnographic research across a diverse range of youth populations, sites, and activities. A collaboration between 28 researchers and research collaborators, this was a large ethnographic project funded by the MacArthur Foundation as part of their Digital Media and Learning initiative.
Anne Bubnic

Digital Native Project Wiki [Berkman Center] - 0 views

    An academic research team -- joining people from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School and the research Center for Information Law at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland -- is hosting and working on the core of this wiki, which illustrates the beginning stages of a larger research project on Digital Natives. The site offers a wealth of information in 10 topic areas:
    Digital Identity, digital safety, digital privacy, digital creativity, digital opportunities, digital information overload, digital information quality, digital piracy and digital education.

Anne Bubnic

Teachers Driving Web 2.0 Use in Schools Says National Research Survey - 0 views

  • The research indicates that the movement toward Web 2.0 use to engage students and address individual learning needs is largely being driven in districts from the bottom up – starting with teachers and students
  • Overall, the research confirms school districts are using or planning to use several types of Web 2.0 technologies, but reveals there is still resistance to using online social networking for instructional purposes.
  • ther key results of the survey include: The three most frequently cited reasons for adopting Web 2.0 technologies are: addressing students’ individual learning needs, engaging student interest, and increasing students’ options for access to teaching and learning. Online communications with parents and students (e.g., teacher blogs) and digital multimedia resources are the Internet technologies most widely used by teachers, and a majority of districts have plans for adopting these technologies or promoting their use. Teacher-generated online content (e.g., multimedia lessons, wiki-based resources) is likely to be the next area of growth in the use of Web 2.0 technologies. Almost half of districts have plans for adopting or promoting the creation and sharing of this content through Web 2.0 tools.
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  • Over the next several months, the companies will conduct online focus groups, prepare a white paper summarizing and interpreting the research, and develop resources based on the insights learned to help guide districts in harnessing the educational power of the collaborative Web
    While many stakeholders are involved in developing policies on the use of Web 2.0 technologies in K-12 education, new research suggests that teachers are the most important group driving adoption. This is a major finding from a national research survey of more than 500 district technology directors. The survey was commissioned by Lightspeed Systems Inc., a leader in network security and management software for schools, and Thinkronize Inc., creators of netTrekker, America's number one educational search tool, with support from Atomic Learning.
Anne Bubnic

New Research Study to Examine Teens' Online Behavior - 4 views

    The Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) and the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project have agreed to conduct a Research project aimed at understanding teenagers' behavior online. The Research will examine how this behavior ties to digital citizenship - the behaviors, expectations and skills teens have around interacting with others in digital spaces. The Research is jointly funded by the Pew Internet Project and Cable in the Classroom. The study will begin in November 2010 and results are expected in November 2011.
Anne Bubnic

Researchers present the facts and debunk myths about online victimization - 0 views

    Links to video/audio and full transcripts of a children's online safety panel [May 2007] with Danah Boyd, David Finkelhor, Amanda Lenhart and Michelle Yberra. This was the first time these prominent academics have appeared together to present their research, which, altogether, represents volumes of data on the state of online youth victimization and online youth habits. The 34-page transcript/download is worth the read. You'll also want to download a copy of David Finkelhor's Just the Facts: Getting It Right , which he developed so that presenters would accurately represent his research findings. In this document, he coaches you explicitly on how to report the facts. Very valuable, since reports on incidences of online victimization are so inconsistent and so many people misinterpret the findings!
Anne Bubnic

Internet 2: K20 Initiative/Global Learning - 0 views

    Internet2 is a non-profit membership organization of 208 universities working in conjunction with government and industry to operate a private national Internet Protocol (IP) network reserved for the exclusive use of the US research and education (R&E) community.As the national R&E backbone, the Internet2 Network provides connectivity between institutions and connectivity to international research and education networks thereby providing access to the global research and education community. While there are many benefits of using Internet2 in the classroom here are the top three for K12:
    1. Immediate access to experiences and expertise
    2. Access to rich multi-media digital collections and resources
    3. A truly global education network at your fingertips.

    In California, we have a localized statewide version of this effort called K12 High Speed Network/K12HSN

Anne Bubnic

Video Games as Learning Tools? - 0 views

  • One study even looked at whether playing "World of Warcraft," the world's biggest multiplayer online game, can improve scientific thinking. The conclusion? Certain types of video games can have benefits beyond the virtual thrills of blowing up demons or shooting aliens.
  • In one study, 122 fifth-, sixth- and seventh-grade students were asked to think out loud for 20 minutes while playing a game they had never seen before. Researchers studied the statements the children made to see if playing the game improved cognitive and perceptual skills. While older children seemed more interested in just playing the game, younger children showed more of an interest in setting up a series of short-term goals needed to help them learn the game.
  • "The younger kids are focusing more on their planning and problem solving while they are actually playing the game, while adolescents are focusing less on their planning and strategizing and more on the here and now," said researcher and Fordham University psychologist Fran Blumberg. "They're thinking less strategically than the younger kids."
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  • Another study compared surgeons who play video games to those who don't. Even after taking into account differences in age, years of medical training and the number of laparoscopic surgeries performed, researchers found an edge for gamer surgeons. "The single best predictor of their skills is how much they had played video games in the past and how much they played now," said Iowa State University psychologist Douglas Gentile. "Those were better predictors of surgical skills than years of training and number of surgeries performed," Gentile said. "So the first question you might ask your surgeon is how many of these [surgeries] have you done and the second question is, 'Are you a gamer?'"
    Researchers gathering in Boston for the American Psychological Association convention detailed a series of studies suggesting that video games can be powerful learning tools - from increasing the problem solving potential of younger students to improving the suturing skills of laparoscopic surgeons.
Anne Bubnic

Internet Safety for Teens: Getting It Right [pdf] - 0 views

    VERY helpful document!!!

    A growing number of people are promoting Internet Safety Education in effort to keep youngsters safe from Internet sex offenders. But be cautious about some of the statistics that you may find from lectures, pamphlets, videos and web sites. Not all of the data accurately reflects what researchers have learned about cyberpredator crimes. For the real stats and myths vs. realities on child predators , download a copy of: Internet Safety For Teens: Getting it Right . This fact sheet (created by Dr. David Finkelhor at the Crimes Against Children research Center) is packed with helpful clarifying information for your next presentation.
Anne Bubnic

Survey of Cybercrime in K12 Schools - 0 views

    The Rochester Regional Cybersafety and Ethics Initiative has conducted the largest cyber safety and ethics survey of K-12 students in the Nation, with more than 40,000 students throughout the area participating. This new study shows that the majority of cyber offenses involving children, adolescents and young adults are perpetrated, not by adults, but rather by peers of approximately the same age or grade level. For a summary of the research report, see: Key RIT Cybercrime research Findings.

Anne Bubnic

How To Stop Cyber-Bullying - 0 views

  • Yet with so many different types of cyberbullying, ranging from online impersonation to e-mail hacking and distributing embarrassing materials about a person, it can be difficult for kids, let alone those trying to help them, to know how to respond and stop the 21st century bully in his or her tracks. "Awareness about the issue is high, but awareness about what to do when it happens is mixed," says Michele Ybarra, president and research director for Internet Solutions for Kids (ISK) and an adjunct faculty member at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
  • Research suggests that those on the receiving end of traditional bullying may be more likely to cyberbully as a form of retaliation. Kids involved in the more severe instances of cyberbullying also tend to have more psychosocial problems, exhibiting aggression, getting in trouble at school and having poor relationships with their parents, says Nancy Willard, an expert on cyberbullying and author of Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats. And while traditional bullying appears to peak in middle school and drop off as kids reach high school, cyberbullying tends to slightly increase among kids in high school, a trend Researchers can't yet explain.
  • One of the tricky things about helping cyberbullying targets is that they aren't always willing to talk about the problem. Teens often cite a fear of having their Internet privileges revoked as a reason for keeping quiet, Agatston says. Kids who receive threatening messages in school may not divulge what's happened for fear of getting in trouble, since many schools ban use of cellphones during the day. To get around that problem, Willard recommends having a frank discussion with your children about cyberbullying before it happens.
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  • Research is also beginning to show that just like traditional forms of bullying, cyberbullying can lead to anxiety, lower rates of self-esteem and higher rates of school absence, says Patti Agatston, a licensed professional counselor with the Prevention/Intervention Center, a student assistance program serving more than 100 schools in suburban Atlanta, Ga.
    Kids can be mean.\n\nIt's a fact of life we've all experienced. Gone are the days, however, when avoiding a bully meant ducking out of the back door at school. Thanks to personal computers, cellphones and instant messaging, it's now easier than ever for children to attack each other, often anonymously.
Anne Bubnic

CRLT - Quest Atlantis - 0 views

  • Over the last four years, more than 10,000 children on five continents have participated in the project. We have demonstrated learning gains in science, language arts, and social studies, and students have completed literally thousands of Quests, some of which were assigned by teachers and many of which were chosen by students to complete in their free time.
    Quest Atlantis is an international learning and teaching project that uses a 3D multi-user environment to immerse children, ages 9-15, in educational tasks from the Center for Research on Learning & Technology at Indiana University. QA combines strategies used in the commercial gaming environment with lessons from educational Research on learning and motivation. It allows users to travel to virtual places to perform educational activities (known as Quests), talk with other users and mentors, and build virtual personae.

Common Blood Test Could Predict Risk Of Stroke Recurrence: Research - 0 views

    Common Blood Test Could Predict Risk Of Stroke Recurrence: Research
Anne Bubnic

Fact Sheet: Nat'l Ctr for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies - 0 views

    The National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies is part of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (section 802) approved by Congress on July 31, 2008, and signed into law by President Bush on August 14, 2008. The National Center will be organized as a Congressionally originated 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation located within the Department of Education. Supporters are seeking a $50 million appropriation for the National Center for FY 2009.
Anne Bubnic

Terror in the Classroom: What Can be Done?, Part 1 - 0 views

  • Nancy Willard, author of "An Educators Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats" breaks down cyberbullying into the following categories: Flaming. Online fights using electronic messages with angry or vulgar language. Harassment. Repeatedly sending nasty, mean, an insulting messages. Denigration. "Dissing" someone online. Sending or posting gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendships. Impersonation. Pretending to be someone else and sending or posting material to get that person in trouble or damage their reputation. Outing. Sharing someone's secrets or embarrassing information or images online. Trickery. Tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information and then sharing it online. Exclusion. Intentionally and cruelly excluding someone. Cyberstalking. Repeated, intense harassment and denigration that includes threats or creates significant fear (Willard, 2006).
    What is Cyberbullying?About a third (31%) of all students ages 12-14 have been bullied online according to a study by Opinion Research Corporation (2006). This Research paper will examine some of the reasons for "cyberbullying," and what may be done about it.
Anne Bubnic

Terror in the Classroom: What Can Be Done?, Part 3 - 0 views

  • Of those that reported that they had been cyberbullied, over 50 percent reported the cyberbullying lasted on average 2-4 days, while approximately 30 percent lasted a week or longer. Over 41 percent of the time cyberbullying took place with instant messaging, chat rooms and blogs (MySpace, Xanga, Facebook, Bebo, etc). In addition, 35 percent reported that e-mail was used to cyberbullied them.
  • ngry, depressed and hurt were the top three emotions experienced
  • he most reported reasons those that admitted to cyberbullying (14/59) gave were out of revenge (57 percent) and anger (43 percent) while 21 percent admit to cyberbullying because they did not like the other person. When asked how the cyberbullying take place, the results are similar to the ones reported by victims of cyberbullying: 43 percent by instant messaging or chat rooms and 36 percent by e-mails or blogs
    A Look At The Cyberbully. This study confirms other studies (Opinion Research, (2006) on the prevalence of cyberbullying in that about a third (29%) admitted to being bullied with half of them reporting that additional bullying accompanied the initial cyberbullying. Research finds a connection between bullies, cyberbullies and their victims. Bullies, compared to non-bullies, were more likely to be cyberbullies; while victims of physical bullying were more likely to be victims of cyberbullying
Anne Bubnic

Youth Work and Social Networking Research Project - 0 views

    This research is being carried out for The National Youth Agency who offer a range of opportunities for young people to influence policy and practice. How does youth work best support young people to manage the risks and make the most of the opportunities presented by social networking technology? Running from December 2007 till mid-January 2008 this UK-based survey seeks to identify youth workers current use of social networking technologies; their current role support young people to safely and effective use social networking technologies; their understanding of the benefits and risks of social networking technologies; their interests in developing their use of social networking technologies; and potential barriers to youth workers using, and supporting young people to use, social networking technologies.
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