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Contents contributed and discussions participated by lane rottschafer

lane rottschafer

opium/taliban - 0 views

  • In 2000 Afghanistan's opium production accounted for 75% of the world's supply
  • On July 27, 2000, the Taliban issued a decree banning cultivation
  • 2001, production had reportedly been reduced from 12,600 acres (51 km2) to only 17 acres
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  • Opium production was reportedly cut back by the Taliban not to prevent its use, but to increase its price, and thus increase the income of Afghan poppy farmers and tax revenue
lane rottschafer

Opium Def. - 0 views

  • Opium (poppy tears,
  • is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy
  • contains up to 12% morphine
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  • an alkaloid, which is frequently processed chemically to produce heroin
  • The traditional method of obtaining the latex is to scratch ("score") the immature seed pods (fruits) by hand; the latex leaks out and dries to a sticky yellowish residue that is later scraped off the fruit.
lane rottschafer

Can Afghan Farmers Move Beyond Opium? - 0 views

  • Don Dwyer, a longtime expert in international agricultural development
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also dispatched 60 advisers to boost the efforts of Afghanistan's Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
  • The first thing Rahimi did in his post was put together a viable new national agriculture plan focusing on four components: natural-resource management, production, postharvest handling and marketing
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • What makes products like pomegranates, almonds and especially grapes so exciting, experts say, is that a plot of these legal gems can be five times more profitable than an equivalent-size plot of poppies.
  • The drawback, however, is start-up time.
  • Poppies, which are cultivated to produce opium, are an annually harvested crop. The establishment of a grape vineyard could take three to five years
  • the production cycle is only part of the problem
  • Saffron is also a high-value crop: one kilogram can fetch $2,000 to $3,000 in the local market
  • That compares to just over $90 a kilogram for poppies
  • The farmer's problem is processing, development, getting a brand and entering the international market ...
  • it's more practical to focus on enhancing the production of crops that farmers are already growing — like wheat and corn.
  • "Getting a farmer to try something new is very, very difficult. So we're trying to get them to take what they're doing now and just do it better,"
  • there has been significant progress. Over 1,000 new orchards have been planted, 30,000 tons of improved wheat seeds were distributed and ministry officials in provincial centers are working with foreign counterparts on development projects including aid programs to wean farmers off poppy
  • many complain that government involvement at the local level remains minimal to nonexistent.
  • "Agricultural production in Afghanistan needs long-term commitments and investments
  •,8599,1991283,00.html Can Afghan Farmers Move Beyond Opium? What are the effects of opium sales on Afghanistan? Summary: People are trying really hard to get them to grow other crops but its jut not working. They could make even more money than with the poppy if they just wait the period of time it takes to start a new crop Response: I think that this article shows that its pretty obvious things could change. It is hard to say to people, "stop what your doing and stop making money, but in the long hall you will make more money." I don't even know how many people here in america would take that chance. Questions: 1) what are the main foods that they could grow? 2) Why are those foods so fresh and tasty there? 3) They have the best ground for some of these crops, why aren't they using it? 4) What are all the crops that they could grow that would make them even more of a profit if they just wait? Citation: HAUSLOHNER, ABIGAIL. "Can Afghan Farmers Move Beyond Opium?." TIME. Ed. Kabul. N.p., 24 May 2010. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. .
lane rottschafer

Unknown disease wipes out half of Afghan opium crop. - 0 views

  •,,):FQE%3D(K0,None,23)opium+afghanistan++crop:And:FQE%3D(TX,None,22)opium+afghanistan+crop:And:FQE%3D(TX,None,23)opium+afghanistan++crop$&sgHitCountType=None&inPS=true&sort=DateDescend&searchType=BasicSearchForm&tabID=T004&prodId=AONE&searchId=R7&currentPosition=2&userGroupName=lom_accessmich&docId=CJ236030044&docType=IAC What are the effects of opium sales on Afghanistan ? Summary: in 2010 there was a huge dieses that swept over around 50 percent of all the poppy plants. They didn't know exactly what was causing it, they were wanting to blame British and U.S troops, but there was no way to prove anything. They thought it could be bugs but no way of knowing for sure. Reflection: I think that its interesting that there is a HUGE brake out with the plants and around 50% of them were killed and no one knows how?? That seems incredible to me that no one would no how to figure out what happened to them? Questions: 1) Why doesn't anyone know what happened? 2) Is there a reason that we don't know, why this happened? 3) How did this effect the sales? 4) How was this effected money wise? Citation: What are the effects of opium sales on Afghanistan
lane rottschafer

Addicted nation.(CURRENT COMMENT)(Afghanistan as an opium producer)(Brief article) - 0 views

  •,,):FQE%3D(ke,None,5)opium:And:FQE%3D(ke,None,11)afghanistan:And:LQE%3D(AC,None,8)fulltext$&inPS=true&searchType=AdvancedSearchForm&nav=prev Addicted nation.(CURRENT COMMENT)(Afghanistan as an opium producer)(Brief article) What are the effects of opium sales on Afghanistan Summary: Afghanistan is the worlds largest opium producers. Now they are seeing to have addicts to opium of all ages. The most common is a 28 year old male, married with children but separated from his wife. Parents are giving opium to there children as a pain killer because that have no other choices. Over half a million people don't have access to addiction treatment. The growing of poppy, (opium) is partly increasing because of greater access to irrigation and fertilizers. Families that grow poppy are reluctant to switch to a food crop because it would make them less money. Summary: I think that the issues are getting worse now that parents are starting to give it to there children. THis is creating a whole new generation of addicts. The fact that the people who are already addicted don't have access to a recovery center doesn't help either. Also, having poppy bring in more of an income to families who grow it, It will be almost impossible to make them switch to a food crop. Questions: 1) Why are there not other pain killers for families 2) What are other crops that people could grow to get a good income 3) How many exactly are addicted to opium 4) How many kids under the age of 18 are addicted. Citation: "Addicted nation." America 16 Aug. 2010: 4. Student Edition. Web. 8 Mar. 2011.
lane rottschafer

Afghan Opium Output at Record High - 0 views

  • Afghan Opium Output at Record High
  • Afghanistan farmers are growing 477,000 acres (193,000 hectares) of opium poppies
  • a 17 percent increase from 408,000 acres (165,000 hectares) recorded in 2006
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  • The southern province of Helmand alone—with 253,944 acres (102,770 hectares) under cultivation—accounts for more than half of the national total
  • no other country in the world has ever had such a large amount of farmland used for illegal activity
  • Afghan Opium Output at Record High How is the Opium Drug Trade affecting the people of the middle east? Summary: They are saying that the opium sales are getting really bad. Afghanistan farmers are growing 477,000 acres (193,000 hectares) of opium poppies, that is a 17 percent increase from 408,000 acres (165,000 hectares) recorded in 2006. The southern province of Helmand alone, with 253,944 acres (102,770 hectares) of land under cultivation, accounts for more than 50% of the national total. Except for china over 100 years ago, this is the most land that has ever been used for illegal activity. Reflection: I would say that if this is the highest its been on over 100 years, there is a huge issue. I think that its interesting that the first time i heard about this huge issue is because of this project. When there is this big of an issue, everyone should be aware of it. I think that we need to some how get these people to make money some other way, and to find other ways to be stable. Its a hard situation because people even in america will do whatever it takes to survive, and thats what these people have to do. Its sad that this is the only way that they can survive. Questions: 1) why is there so much be sold now? 2) how many people are growing it, not just how much land? 3) how much do they need to sell to survive for a week? 4) how much do they need to sell to survive for a month? Citation: Images, Reza/Getty. "Afghan Opium Output at Record High." National Geographic. N.p., 28 Oct. 2010. Web. 6 Mar. 2011. .
lane rottschafer

Iran hangs Dutch-Iranian woman for drug smuggling, report says - 0 views

  • Fars said Bahrami smuggled cocaine into Iran with the help of a Dutch partner.
  • drug charges were only a pretext to execute her.
  • accused of bringing cocaine into the country twice
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  • 70 lashes and a $1,400 fine
  • 450 grams of cocaine and 420 grams of opium were discovered
  • 150 grams of cocaine.
  • lawyer was "shocked" to find she had been hanged
  • Iran hangs Dutch-Iranian woman for drug smuggling, report says How is the Opium Drug Trade affecting the people of the middle east? Summary: In Tehran Iran, A Dutch-Iranian woman was hung for drug smuggling. Iran hanged Zahra Bahrami saying she was a drug smuggler. Fars said Bahrami smuggled cocaine into Iran with the help of a Dutch partner. The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran were saying that the drug charges were only a pretext to execute her. Her lawyer was shocked that she was hanged and had no idea of the situation. Bahrami was accused of bringing cocaine into the country twice, and of selling it. Cocaine and opium were booth found during a search of her home. Her sentence also included 70 lashes and a $1,400 fine. It was said that 450 grams of cocaine and 420 grams of opium were discovered and, through further investigation, it was found that she had also distributed 150 grams of cocaine. On Sunday, the Netherlands strongly advised Dutch-Iranian citizens not to travel to Iran. Reflection: I think that this whole situations is absurd. The first thing, is that not only was she hanged, but she also was given 70 lashes, and a fine. If the people knew they were going to hang her, why did they also need to do that. And The fact that all the Netherlands did is suggest that no one else goes there, its crazy. I know she did a lot of drug trade, but there are a lot worse people out there. She shouldn't have been tortured and then hanged. Questions: 1) Why was she hanged? 2) Before she was hung, why did she get the 70 lashes 3) Why didn't the Netherlands do more? 4) What is something else that could have been done other than executing her? Citation: CNN Wire Staff, . "Iran hangs Dutch-Iranian woman for drug smuggling, report says." CNN World 30 january 2011: n. pag. Web. 16 Feb 2011. <
lane rottschafer

Afghan opium poppy crop: Mixed results from drugs war - 0 views

  • predicted to be down for the second year running.
  • poppy growing will increase elsewhere in Afghanistan.
  • poppy growing will spread
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • the price to farmers more than doubled last year to $164 a kilogram
  • the third year running, Helmand's crop is forecast to reduce this year
  • These two provinces are by far the largest poppy-growing regions in Afghanistan - accounting for more than a third of the world's opium
  • Even these predicted reductions will leave more than 65,000 hectares under cultivation for poppies in Helmand and some 25,000 hectares in Kandahar.
    BBC News - Afghan opium poppy crop: Mixed results from drugs war Summary: This article is about the Afghan opium poppy crop. It talks about how the sales seems to be going down, but they think they will go up soon too. Also, According to satellite imaging, poppy growing will spread into provinces that were recently poppy-free. Last year, the price for farmers doubled, but for buyers it stayed the same. As stated, "When you see more conflict, when you see more poverty, you will see more opium cultivation." Helmand and Kandahar are the largest poppy-growing regions in Afghanistan - accounting for more than a third of the world's opium between them. Even these reductions will leave more than 65,000 hectares under cultivation for poppies in Helmand and around 25,000 hectares in Kandahar. Reflection: In this article, it talks a lot about the poppy crop, and if its going up or down. In some ways its going down, but they also suspect it will go up again. I feel bad for these people that they need to grow and sell these drugs, to survive in there culture. Even though the amount being sold might be going down, there is still a huge issue with how large of an amount is still being sold. Questions: 1) What would it take to make it go down 2) What would we need to get rid of it completely 3) Who are the main sellers? 4) Who are the main buyers? why?
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