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Churchill A

Research Paper and Works Cited - 3 views

Research Paper "Well, when I think of steroids I think of an image. You have the advantage over someone, which is a form of cheating. I guess it wouldn't be right unless it was legal for everybody...

steroids Sports baseball steroid professional

started by Churchill A on 14 May 13 no follow-up yet
Churchill A

Timeline of baseball's steroid scandal - Baseball- NBC Sports - 3 views

  • Jose Canseco is “the most conspicuous example of a player who has made himself great with steroids.”
  • Trainer Curtis Wenzlaff is arrested for steroids distribution. Wenzlaff later publicly admits helping Canseco and 20 to 30 other major leaguers obtain steroids, but refuses to discuss another former client, Mark McGwire.
  • “It’s like the big secret we’re not supposed to talk about.”
    • Churchill A
    • Churchill A
      Steroids and Its Use in Baseball NBC Sports Phrase "It's like the big secret we're not supposed to talk about."
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A jar of androstenedione is discovered in the locker of Cardinals slugger Mark McGwire, who, along with Sammy Sosa, is chasing Roger Maris’ single-season home run mark of 61.
  • Ken Caminiti is quoted by Sports Illustrated as saying he used steroids during his MVP season in 1996 with the San Diego Padres, when he hit a career-high .326 with 40 home runs and 130 RBIs.
    • Churchill A
      Steroids and Its Use in Baseball NBC Sports Paraphrase In the process of winning the MVP in 1996, Ken Caminiti announced that he was actively using steroids. During this season, Ken set a record for himself when he hit .326, belted 40 homers and assisted 130 people (RBIs).
    • Churchill A
      This is actually a sticky for this sentence: Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler collapses on the field during a workout in Florida and dies from heat exhaustion. This is the regular stuff: Steroids and Its Result in Death NBC Sports Paraphrase While excersising with the Baltimore Orioles, pitcher Steve Bechler collapsed on the field and dies from heat exhaustion
  • The San Francisco Chronicle reports Giambi testified to a federal grand jury on Dec. 11, 2003, that he had used steroids for at least three seasons and had injected himself with human growth hormone in 2003
    • Churchill A
    • Churchill A
      Players Going to Court because of Steriod Use NBC Sports Paraphrase According to a San Fransisco Chronicle report, Jason Giambi announced to the federal government on December 11, 2003 that steroids were used while he was playing for three seasons and he injected himself with an HGH(Human Growth Hormones) in 2003.
Churchill A

Steroid use in NFL may be wider than thought - - 0 views

  • may be more widespread than tests have indicated
  • may be more widespread than tests have indicated
  • long with the recent report that three Carolina Panthers purchased steroids before the Super Bowl in 2004
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • "We're aware of the reports of the Panthers obtaining steroids,"
    • Churchill A
      Steroids and its Use in Football Baltimore Sun Phrase "We're aware of the reports of the Panthers obtaining steroids,"
  • Either the credible insiders are wrong when they say steroid use is widespread or else the testing program has a fatal flaw
  • NFL lineman who has said that steroids damaged his health, according to an updated witness list released yesterday
  • The NFL conducts year-round testing
  • We do have one of the most comprehensive treatment and testing programs in all of sports,
    • Churchill A
      Steroids and its Use in Football Baltimore Sun Phrase "We do have one of the most comprehensive treatment and testing programs in all of sports."
  • But the policy has come under increased scrutiny since CBS News reported last month that three Panthers players filled testosterone prescriptions issued by a doctor two weeks before they played in the 2004 Super Bowl.
    • Churchill A
      Steroids and its Use in Football Baltimore Sun Paraphrase Two weeks before the 2004 Super Bowl, three Panthers players bought testosterone prescriptions given by their doctor. This was reported by CBS News.
  • The NFL moved to strengthen its program by asking the players union to lower the criteria for what is considered a positive test for elevated testosterone levels
  • There were six violations in 2003, the newspaper said, and at least one in 2004
Churchill A

The 10 Most Notorious Steroid Users in Sports History | Bleacher Report - 3 views

  • In 1999, Schwarzenegger successfully sued German doctor Willi Heepe, who publicly predicted an early death for the actor-turned-politician.
  • Although Landis got off to a disappointing start, his unbelievable 20 km solo breakaway on stage 17 helped to pave the way for his eventual victory
  • Landis was stripped of that victory when it was announced that a urine test taken after his epic performance in stage 17 had come back positive with an unusually high ratio of the hormone testosterone to the hormone epitestosterone (T/E ratio).
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • The two-year ban ended in early 2009, and Landis is scheduled to participate in the Battenkill Professional Invitational on April 19
  • When Jose Canseco published his book "Juiced," he named Clemens as one of his many baseball colleagues who had expert steroid knowledge
  • Clemens' name was mentioned 82 times in the Mitchell Report on steroid use in baseball. It was alleged that he obtained amphetamines, anabolic steroids, and human growth hormone from someone recommended to him by former Yankees trainer Brian McNamee, who was a personal strength coach for Clemens. In the Mitchell Report, McNamee states that he injected Clemens with Winstrol throughout the 1998, 2000, and 2001 baseball seasons
  • Later tests revealed that Benoit suffered from
  • Though the coroner found elevated levels of testosterone in Benoit's system at the time of his death, it was ruled that the murders were not the result of "roid rage," as the media was widely reporting
  • A two-time World Heavyweight Champion, Benoit was a decorated wrestler, having competed in both the ECW, WCW and WWE. Tragically, Benoit's life ended in June 2007, when police discovered his body, along with the bodies of his wife Nancy and son Daniel, in what police later ruled as a murder-suicide
  • Johnson breezed through the 100m final, setting a world record time at 9.79 seconds. Subsequent urine tests revealed the sprinter had taken Stanozolol, and he was disqualified three days late
    • Churchill A
      Steroids and its Use in Running Heather Wright Paraphrase Three days later after Johnson easily won the 100m finals, he was eliminated because he used Stanozolol. While in the race, he set the record at 9.79 seconds. The testers found out because of urine tests.
  • Johnson remains a controversial figure in Canadian sports
    • Churchill A
      Steroids and its Use in Running Heather Wright Phrase Johnson remains a "controversial figure" in Canadian sports.
  • at thei
  • was only improved when Donovan Bailey won the 100m gold medal in Atlanta eight years later
  • One of the most decorated and well-known female track and field athletes, Jones admitted to steroid use in October 2007
  • Jones competed in her first Olympics in Sydney in 2000. Though she was aiming for five gold medals, Jones came home with three gold and two bronze, a feat that had never been achieved by a female athlete
  • doping allegations continued to follow the Olympic star. For starters, her ex-husband C.J. Hunter had tested positive numerous times for steroid use
    • Churchill A
      Steroids and its Use in Running Heather Wright Paraphrase Allegations for her doping kept flowing towards the Olympic "star". Her ex-husband C.J. Hunter, was caught using steroids time and time again. Always, he tested positive.
  • In a 2004 interview, BALCO founder Victor Conte told 20/20 that he had personally given Jones five different types of performance enhancing drugs before, after, and during the Sydney Olympics
  • Jones admitted to lying to federal prosecuters investigating the BALCO affair. She was stripped of her five Olympic medals and sentenced to six months in prison and 200 hours of community service.
Churchill A

Steroids in Professional Cycling - 2 views

  • American rider Floyd Landis, who won the 2006 Tour de France, was stripped of his championship a month after the race when the results of a drug test showed higher-than-allowable levels of testosterone as well as the presence of synthetic testosterone in his body
    • Churchill A
      Steroid Use in Cycling About Paraphrase Floyd Landis, an American rider won the the Tour de France in 2006, but lost the title because testosterone and synthetic testosterone. There was a limit for the testosterone and he went over it. Also, he lost the title a month later.
Churchill A

The Steroids Era - MLB Topics - ESPN - 2 views

  • "The steroids era" refers to a period of time in Major League Baseball when a number of players were believed to have used performance-enhancing drugs, resulting in increased offensive output throughout the game. Unlike other MLB "eras," there is no defined start or end time to "the steroids era," though it is generally considered to have run from the late '80s through the late 2000s.
  • nd later Jose Canseco's autobiography "Juiced" revealed how widespread PED use had become in baseball.
  • during a year in which 13 different major leaguers hit at least 40 home runs
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • McGwire went on to finish with five home runs in his team's final series to reach 70 for the season. Sosa finished second in the NL in home runs with 66, 26 more than his previous season high.
  • androstenedione, a substance that was banned by the National Football League and the NCAA
  • The home run heroics of the 1998 and 2001 seasons were called into question as McGwire, Sosa and Bonds were among a group of major leaguers linked to the use of PEDs in the following years.
  • Of the 10 players, six -- Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Mark McGwire, Manny Ramirez, Rafael Palmeiro and Gary Sheffield -- have been linked to PEDs
  • The case was turned over to a grand jury, which subpoenaed Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi, Gary Sheffield and dozens of other alleged BALCO customers
  • human growth hormone (HGH) provided by BALCO during the 2002 and 2003 seasons
  • While none of the players were charged with using PEDs
  • Mitchell warned league owners that a lack of cooperation with his investigation would increase the chances of government involvement in the matter. But Donald Fehr, head of the players' union (MLBPA), believed the investigation raised issues of privacy rights for players. He left it up to individuals whether to talk with the investigators, and most refused to cooperate
  • In December 2007, Mitchell released a lengthy report that linked 89 major leaguers -- including Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Ken Caminiti, Jason Giambi, Juan Gonzalez, Mo Vaughn and Miguel Tejada -- with the use of illegal, performance-enhancing drugs
  • and made 20 recommendations
  • the league should set up a stronger testing program
    • Churchill A
      Investigation of Players Using Steroids ESPN Phrase "the league should set up a stronger testing program"
  • Fehr maintained that the investigation was not a fair one, but he did report that the union would be willing to explore the possibility of adjusting testing procedures before the agreement expired in 2011
    • Churchill A
      Players Investigated/ Going to Court because of Steroid Use ESPN Phrase but Fehr stated that "the union would be willing to explore the possibility of adjusting testing procedures".
Churchill A

Can Steroids Cause Death? Real-Life Facts about Steroid Effects - 1 views

  • He admitted he took steroids for 20 years nonstop before developing cancer. Even his cancer - a brain tumor - was supposedly caused by contaminated growth hormone, not steroids. GH has been implicated in other brain tumors, while steroids have not
    • Churchill A
      Steroids Use and Its Result in Death FitFlex Phrase He "admitted he took steroids for 20 years nonstop" before developing cancer.
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