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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Laura Campbell

Laura Campbell

Renewable Energy Project for Kids: Power from Water - 1 views

    Energy can be made, or generated , using solids, gas or liquids as its source of power. So how do you use energy? Energy can be generated to produce light, heat or the movement of objects. In this experiment, we explore how to get power from water, or hydropower, which can be used to pick up household objects.
Laura Campbell

AE Kids : Virtual Field Trips - 1 views

    You use energy every day to power video games and to turn on the lights, but have you ever wondered how energy gets to your home? Take this virtual field trip and learn what happens before you plug and play or flip the light switch on. Travel hundreds of miles away to the power plant and gas refinery where energy is created. Follow along as energy travels through electric lines and natural gas pipelines all the way to your house. Along the way, you will learn the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources, and why it's important to use energy wisely.
Laura Campbell

Sortify: Natural Resources - 1 views

    Provides educational movies for K-3 students. Homework Help, leveled quizzes, games and activities for kids. Exceptional resource for teachers and homeschools.
Laura Campbell

BrainPOP Jr. | Science | Learn about Energy Sources - 1 views

    This animated Science movie for K-3 students teaches about renewable and non-renewable energy, fossil fuels, conserving energy, and using alternative energy sources like solar power.
Laura Campbell

Department of Energy and Evironmental Protection - 1 views

    Buy Recycled! If you're not buying recycled, you're throwing it all away! By now most of us are recycling at home, work, school or away from home. Or are we? Recycling does not end once you have dropped off your cans, bottles and newspapers at the curb or nearest recycling center. You can purchase recycled products to help the environment!
Laura Campbell

SAFARI Montage Video: Environmental Health - 1 views

    Taking care of the world around you may seem like a pretty big job. But keeping the environment healthy and clean is everyone's responsibility -- even kids! Young learners will see that one important way to help is to simply remember the three R's: reduce, reuse and recycle. Students learn that not all trash is created equal as we visit a recycling plant. Different kinds of pollution -- air, water and noise -- are explored, and the various causes behind them are revealed. Want to know what you can do to help eliminate waste and pollution? Environmental Health provides terrific tips for kids, families and communities to put those three R's in action! Part of the multivolume Health for Children Video Series. A teacher's guide is included and available online.
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