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thanaads Thanaads Noo

2009 brings an easy option to unlock the iPhone 3G - but results vary | iPhone News Upd... - 0 views

    True to their word, the group known as Dev-Team unveiled their software unlock for the iPhone 3G, known as yellowsn0w, on New Year's Day. This software unlock will allow you to use your iPhone with a SIM card from another carrier other than AT&T (the exclusive iPhone carrier in the US). CrunchGear did a great step-by-step walk through with pictures, and it looks very easy to do, but there are some issues, which the Dev-Team has been updating on its blog.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

iPhone Bluetooth File Transfer coming soon | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Aside from lacking flash support, the iPhone doesn't also do Bluetooth filetransfer. Well, thanks again to jailbreak and the hardworking developers out there, this sorely missing feature may soon be available on the iPhone as developer MeDevil is currently working on one.
Toshiro Shimura

TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » iPhone向けGoogle Talk-あんまり期待しないでね - 0 views

  • App storeが開店すれば、初日だけで 500前後のIP電話ソリューションが見込まれている。それまでは、ゆっくり座ってイギリスの事でも考えながら、ブラウザベースのGoogle Talkを楽しもうじゃないか。新鮮なうちにね。
  • iPhone専用のブラザーベースのGoogle製のテキストチャットアプリケーションだそうだ。つまり、インターネットを経由して話す事は出来ないが、iPhoneのスクリーンからたどたどしいタイピングでメッセージを友達に送る事は出来るのだ。さらに、ランダムにページをクリアしてしまうSafariのありがたーい習性のお陰で、持続的なチャットも楽しめないだろう。
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