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thanaads Thanaads Noo

The Kenmore Countertop Microwave with built-in Pizza Oven | Your Gadget - 0 views

    If there were ever a gadget perfect for college students, this would be it. Most of us have probably gone through the phase where we eat unhealthy, yet cheap food. Which stereotypically is Ramen and pizza. Well this microwave can help out with both items. Your Ramen can go up top in the normal part of the microwave, whereas your frozen pizza can go in the small drawer underneath to be cooked by the oven. It's the perfect appliance to have around if you love pizza or for someplace that doesn't have a full kitchen set up.

Apple iPad Pro: an Impressive Enterprise Workhorse to Make All Possible - 0 views

    Apple iPad Pro is one of the greatest additions to the apple gadget. Apple has released numerous iPhones and iPads. Now this brand has released its iPad pro that has earned good popularity among the individuals. Brand has manufactured this wonderful product using modern technology. You will locate numerous latest features in this gadget.

iPads by Apple, a Revolutionary Electronic Product - Reasons That Make Them worth the M... - 0 views

    Apple has always maintained its standard for developing amazing electronic gadgets in tech world. The company has reached on top in manufacturing and designing computer software, personal computers and consumer electronics. Apple's best-known electronic gadgets include desktop computers and macintosh laptops, apple iPod, apple iPhone and apple iPad.
James White

Get latest Accessories for Your Beloved Gadgets - 0 views

    Gadgets like iPod Nano and Nintendo DS are very popular among youngsters. These guys like to get the latest iPod Nano skins and Nintendo DS skins to personalize these gadgets.
James White

They are the Apple of your eye - 0 views

    Loving your gadgets is a complete love when you protect them from harm and wear and tear as well. Many people, who are mad about their gadgets, even try to get different protective covers and cases for their gadgets even before they get their gadgets delivered to them.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Google's latest gadget bursts the iPhone tragic's bubble | iPhone News Updated - 1 views

    ON AN average day in the life of the new economy, the release of a landmark gadget is generally cause for joy. Before resuming a wait for the next tiny, shiny thing, a culture fuelled by innovation is unified by a new consumer toy. That is, until last week.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Experiencing Problems with unlocking any iphone?? Read on!!!! | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Iphone is one of the coolest gadgets and the latest brain child of technology. It supports latest 3G technology. But unlocking it makes a big deal
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Creamer Media takes first bite at developing local iPhone application | iPhone News Upd... - 0 views

    Independent media organisation the Creamer Media group has launched what it believed to be the first South African-developed iPhone 3G application, with its Mining Weekly Online publication set to be one of the myriad of applications available for the gadget.
Toshiro Shimura

「iPhoneで最もイラつくことトップ10」・2週間利用しての感想[WIRED VISION] モバイル-最新ニュース:IT-PLUS - 0 views

  • 1. 恐ろしく短いバッテリー持続時間  iPhone 3Gのバッテリー持続時間(日本語版記事)はかなり短い。AnandTech社のテスト結果によると、3Gを使ったウェブの閲覧で200分しかもたない。  バッテリー持続時間を少しでも伸ばすには、『Wi-Fi』と『Bluetooth』を使わないときはオフにする、使用開始後1週間でバッテリーをいったん使い切ってから充電し直す、複数の充電器を用意してどこでも充電できるようにする、3Gを使ったブラウズは控えめにする、といった対策をお勧めする。  2. Bluetoothでデータ転送ができない  iPhoneでは、Bluetoothを使ってファイルを転送することができない。不便だ。  3. 『Outlook』との同期サポートが不完全  iPhone 3Gは、Outlookの連絡先とカレンダーのイベントとは同期するが、メモや予定表とは同期しない。  4. カットアンドペースト不可  説明不要(この機能は近日中に実装されるらしい)。  5. カメラの機能不足  iPhoneについているのは、お粗末な2メガピクセルのカメラだ。せめてフラッシュだけでも搭載してほしい。  6. データのダウンロードマネージャが搭載されていない  これは米国でiPhoneを使う場合にはあてはまらないが、Aranez氏はオーストラリアで、容量制限のあるデータ・パッケージを追加で購入する必要があった。自分がどれだけダウンロードしているかを教えてくれるダウンロード・マネージャをAranez氏は望んでいる。  7. 音声ダイヤル機能がない  なんと、iPhoneほどのハイテク機器に、まだ音声ダイヤル機能がない(近日中に搭載される可能性がある)。  8. スクリーン側にカメラがない  これがあればビデオ会議に便利なのだが(ただし、バッテリー持続時間はますます短くなるだろう)。  9. 手書き認識機能がない  iPhoneはタッチスクリーンで制御するというのに、なぜ手書き認識機能が付いていないのだろうか?(中国語版では認識可能なので、そのうち英語版にも登場するかも?)  10. GPSソフトによる本物のナビゲーション機能がない  iPhone 3GのGPSは、2次元の地図に現在地を示すピンが表示されるというものであり、現在入手できる多くのGPS機器のような、移動するにしたがって方向が変わる本物のナビゲーションではない(まもなく変更される模様)。  以下は、Gadget Labスタッフによる追加項目だ。  1. ウェブ・アプリケーション以外での横長画面入力ができない  『Safari』以外のアプリケーションでは、いまだに横長画面で入力できない。少なくとも電子メールやテキスト・メッセージについては、横長画面入力を採用してほしい……。  2. マルチメディアのテキスト・メッセージのサポートがない  iPhoneのような高度な機器に、なぜか足りない機能の1つだ。真面目な話、一体どうなっているんだろう。  3. バグが多い『iPhone 2.0』  数多いバグの中でもいちばん困るのは、テキスト・メッセージを書いたり『App Store』を読み込んだりと、いろいろな処理をするときの速度が全体的に遅いことだ。ああ、イライラする。
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Worth Ave Group Now Offering iPhone, iPod Touch, Apple Notebook Insurance | iPhone News... - 0 views

    If you meandered over to the Worth Ave. Group booth at Macworld Expo, you might have noticed their staff hammering on expensive gadgets. Per Macworld, the Worth Ave. Group is now offering notebook and iPhone insurance and invited Macworld Expo attendees to take a hammer to some of the MacBooks, iPhones and iPod touches they had on hand.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Time: Droid and Android depose Apple's iPhone | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    While the global spread of Apple's iPhone is still increasing, it would appear the touch-screen smartphone is losing its gloss in existing markets. Specifically, the tech gurus over at Time magazine have just released their Top 10 Gadgets of 2009 list, and the iPhone has been deposed by Motorola's Droid handset.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Apple iPhone 4G: 5 Lessons from the Fallout | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    It's been a crazy few days for the gadget blog Gizmodo, ever since the site published detailed information about a new iPhone prototype that may or may not be the next-generation iPhone. The device has now been returned to Apple, and some of the last bits of information about the handset, and the fallout from the debacle, are being reported.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

12 things to know about the iPad | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    You've seen the television commercials and the product reviews. But maybe, like many gadget lovers, you're still debating whether you really need this new touch-screen computer from Apple.
Adam Mills

iPhone and iTouch OS 3.0 release only months away - 0 views

    Good article on the upcoming release. Does anyone know the exact release date? I've been scouring for it but it doesn't seem Apple wants to disclose it.
    An updated look at the features Apple's new OS 3.0 will bring to the iPhone and iTouch when it is released. What does it include? When will it be released? If you don't know already, this article has some answers.
Adam Mills

Apple to release video game system? - 0 views

    Ever wondered about Apple making a splash into the video game world and how it might turn out? This article features commentary on a big video game company's CEO making a prediction that Apple will make that jump. Read and chime in.
Adam Mills

Release of 32GB iPhone may have been confirmed - 0 views

    With all of the rumors swirling around about Apple's third generation iPhone, how about a rumor corroborated with potential evidence? The article discusses some newly found information that might give Apple fans hope for a release of the 32GB iPhone model and how much it might cost.
Adam Mills

Rumored features of the third generation iPhone - 0 views

    An article discussing the features the rumored third generation iPhone might include. Before you fall in love what is talked about inside, remember, this is all just rumor and we'll all have to wait and see if it comes to fruition. Come check them out.
Adam Mills

Possible release date for third generation iPhone, OS 3.0 - 0 views

    Many people have been wondering when the third generation iPhone and Apple's OS 3.0 will be coming out. Well, as we inch closer to a probable release date, there may be an exact date to circle on your calendar. Come find out when that is.
Adam Mills

Pulse Smartpen should be required for college, not the iPhone - 0 views

    A week ago, the University of Missouri journalism department announced it would require its students to purchase an iPhone or iTouch for the fall semester. Many people have voiced their opinions on the subject but the alternatives to these products have been left without a voice. Until now.
thanaads Thanaads Noo

Gadget: Dahon Takes Your iPhone For A Bike Ride | iPhone News Updated - 0 views

    Okay, at first the idea of using your iPhone while biking makes about as much sense as gabbing away on your phone while behind an auto's steering wheel.
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