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Jessica Doerr

DGL Disinformation Debate Statement (rough copy) - 27 views

I was going to send it in when I returned today but okay.

rough draft DGL Debate statement

Josh Clark

Top 10 Benefits of Digital Literacy | - 3 views

  • Top 10 Benefits of Digital Literacy
  • 10 – It Saves Time: Being digitally literate can save minutes and hours per week for tasks that could only be done offline in the past.
  • 9 – You Learn Faster: When I was in middle school my teacher used to encourage us to read our books with a dictionary right next to us.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • 8 – You Save Money: This benefit should be the most obvious - between coupon codes, daily deal sites, comparison shopping sites and mobile apps, today’s consumer is more informed than ever to not only get the best product, but also get the best price.
  • 7 – It Makes You Safer: For all the talk about the Internet being a dangerous place, it actually does a great deal of everyday good that often goes unnoticed. Whether you need tips on staying safe in a foreign country on vacation, ways to make your house more secure or getting the fastest route to the nearest hospital, you can find it all in the digital world.
  • 6 – It Keeps You Informed: Ignorance is bliss. Once you have knowledge it is hard not to crave more. In the “old” days adults would rush home to watch their favorite TV anchor on the 6 o’clock news. Today, everyone has their favorite news site they check daily. From the Huffington Post to the New York Times, we not only crave information, but we require it.
  • 3 – It Can Keep You Employed: The world runs on computers. If you have ever witnessed the cash machine go down at a grocery store, gas station or restaurant you’ll realize how dependent we are on computers.
  • 4 – You’ll Make Better Decisions: When you have limited ways to get information, your choices are also limited. Digital literacy allows you to search, study, analyze and compare the vast resources available to you.
  • 5 – It Keeps You Connected: When social media took off, many people started to debate the effects it was having on “real” relationships. While some of the concern is certainly valid, people have always had certain levels of relationships way before the Web was popular.
  • 2 – It Makes You Happier (LOL): No matter how serious or technically advanced the world gets, humans will always love a good laugh. From Pinterest to Tumblr, there is an animated GIF, picture or video out there to make someone laugh.
  • 1 – YOU Can Influence the World: Thousands of babies are born around the world in major cities each day. You never will know who will be the next great leader. Through politics, religion, activism and even entertainment, people have brought change to places they didn’t know existed.
    • Josh Clark
      the statement source was with references from Brian Wright who is the founder of webpercent as well as the original author
    Top 10 benefits of digital literacy via
    this source explains the benefits of digital literacy as well as referencing the website that the author founded. it is the authors original piece
Jalonzo Bateman

Team ROLE - 18 views

okay thanks trying to get the hang of using diigo


Jessica Doerr

Could 'digital literacy' deal with internet conspiracy theories? | Liberal Conspiracy - 1 views

  • Teachers are worried that young people are not being equipped to tell the difference. The 500 teachers polled rated their pupils’ ability to recognise bias, apply fact checks and verify sources to be below average.
  • For digital literacy to be embraced, teachers have to be equipped with the resources, training and precious time to teach it.
    Teaching children about digital literacy and how to determine when information is false
Lona Bibb

Study: Children Who Blog Or Use Facebook Have Higher Literacy Levels - 0 views

  • having a blog is connected to enjoyment of writing and confidence in writing
  • computers allow them to be more creative,concentrate more and encourage them to write more often.
  • research shows that technologyoffers different writing opportunities for young people
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • different forms of writing thatthey engage in and their confidence in using these different forms of writing
Jessica Doerr

Tools for the TEKS: Integrating Technology in the Classroom - 0 views

  • Digital literacy IS a necessity and NOT an option
  • digital immigrants (the older generation) as well as digital natives must learn, practice, and continually strive to improve their digital literacy skills
  • students in the "Net Generation" who have a high degree of digital literacy can naturally learn to be critical consumers and wary netizens
    This whole page is about Digital Lit and disinformation
Lona Bibb

Sesame Street | PBS KIDS - 2 views

    Should we use this one as one of the example Kids learn how to navigate computer at a young age playing on site like this one along with the shows on television
    this does seem like an excellent website for children to develope literacy at an early age, its colorful and musical as well as simple to understand and navigate
Josh Clark

Technological Literacy Programs - 0 views

    • Josh Clark
      four resources with explanations of their function in improving literacy
  • Translate is a translating application that could help someone who is literate in another language get the meaning of words
  • PictureThat Dictionary is a talking picture dictionary that is designed to meet the needs of people with dyslexia who are learning to read.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • TheAdult Learning Activities (California Distant Learning Project) is an online resource to help adults develop their reading skills
    this article provides an example of some technological resources that help to improve literacy
    This article contains four examples of literacy programs that can assist with different literacy issues and lists the resources for them.
Jessica Doerr

Why New Media Literacy Is Vital for Quality Journalism - 3 views

    This might be able to help with our topic, its about how Digital Literacy changed Journalism
Lona Bibb

Steve Vosloo | mobile learning specialist - 1 views

shared by Lona Bibb on 13 Feb 13 - No Cached
Amanda Buck and Lona Bibb liked it
  • While education struggles to cope, mobile communication has grown exponentially. Africa is today the fastest growing and second largest mobile phone market in the world.
    • Lona Bibb
      example of areas that struggle with education are proved that their literacy is improved. Because computer and other device is expensive, the fact that these area are fastest growing because it is the economic way for them to access information
  • using mobile technologies to distribute educational materials, support reading, and enable peer-to-peer learning and remote tutoring through social networking services.
  • Mobiles are streamlining education administration and improving communication between schools, teachers and parents.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Mobiles are also increasingly being used to access long-form reading material
  • For millions of Africans, much of their daily reading and writing happens on mobile phones in the form of SMS and instant message
  • Mobile learning, either alone or in combination with existing education approaches, is supporting and extending education in ways not possible before.
  • projects such as Yoza Cellphone Stories, which offers downloads of stories and novels, has shown impressive uptake amongst young African readers who enjoy mobile novels or ‘m-novels’
  • it is cheap – the actual service is free but users pay a minimal data charge to their mobile providers – and it operates in the evenings, when learners need help with homework. For many children in South Africa, this is the most qualified tutor that they will have access to.
  • (IM) chats
  • In many countries, mobiles are the only channel for effectively distributing reading material, given the high cost of books and their distribution, especially to rural areas
  • Reading on a mobile device is different to reading in print. Mobile devices offer interactivity, the ability for readers to comment on content, the ability to connect with other readers and to publicly ask questions and receive support. Mobile devices can be used to deliver appropriate and personalized content, in ways that print books cannot
  • South Africa-founded service not only allows its mostly young users to stay in touch by text chatting, it also facilitates live tutoring on maths homework. 
  • Dr Maths on MXit has helped 30,000 school-aged children work through maths problems by connecting them with maths tutors for live chat sessions.
  •  Worldreader has provided school children in a number of developing countries with access to digital books through donated Kindle e-readers. Recently, it has begun to publish the books via a mobile phone-based e-reader.
  • A core feature of mobiles is that they support ‘anywhere, anytime’ learning
  • Because they are personal and always at hand, they are perfectly suited to support informal and contextual learning.
    This has been the most popular source supporting Mobile Learning Creditability: "Steve Vosloo is a mobile learning specialist with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris"
Lona Bibb

How "Facebook Contribute to Increase Literacy Skill - 7 views

Amanda I think this quote is very supportive statement from your link " betweenblogging and (self-reported) writing ability and enjoyment of writing"

Facebook Group

Lona Bibb

How "television" Contribute to Increase literacy skill - 6 views

Hong Kong is a personal experienced example on how TV support our statement. Before cable. they have 4 channels 2 chinese and 2 english, almost everyone there are capable of some level of english

Television Group

Lona Bibb

group discussion - 8 views

It say we need to write a statement , case, what does that really mean


Lona Bibb

Real Time Group Discussion suggestion - 21 views

I think we have 4 of us on the AIM if I haven't added you please AIM me


Amanda Buck

How "Internet" Contribute to Increase Literacy Skill - 11 views

the internet is full of literacy resources only a click away. Thesaurus, dictionary and spell check are utilized for correcting grammar and there are an endless supply of free digital tutorials reg...

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