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Home/ 2014 Group 88/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kevin Z

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kevin Z

Kevin Z

Song of the Towers - Aaron Douglas - 8 views

    This painting also represents similar traits as "Into Bondage", shows slavery and African-American history. Also represents hope, the man is standing with an instrument and light is shining down. Hope through music.
Kevin Z

If We Must Die- Claud McKay - 1 views

    It has 14 lines and after 8 lines he changes thought. The last 2 lines rhyme and sum up the poem about how if we must die we should give a fight. Each line has roughly 10 syllables.
Kevin Z

Flame-Heart by Claude McKay - 0 views

    This poem uses very vivid words and makes it a very powerful poem. I also like its use of its rhymes and how it all connects at the end with December.
Kevin Z

I, Too by Langston Hughes - 2 views

    I like this poem because Langston Hughes is standing up for himself and talking more about equality. He sends a really strong message with just short and simple words.
    In the poem "I, Too" By Langston Hughes he brings a real positive message about America saying how "I, Too am America." And how everyone is equal and everyone is America. He also says how he is the darker brother but how he also sings America. "I, Too Sing America." He brings this message about how everyone sings and is America no matter how they look. The poem that is more negative torwards America is "America" by Claud McKay. Claud starts off "Although she feeds me bread of bitterness, And sinks into my throat her tiger's tooth, Stealing my breath of life, I will confess." Claud is referring she to America, and how she does all this to him. He describes all the harsh things Claud has witnessed. He also talks how he feels about America and how he is scared almost. "I stand within her walls with not a shred Of terror, malice, not a word of jeer." Claud and Langstons poems have very different views in their poems. One is scared of America, and one feels he is America.
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