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John Pearce

Gliffy Diagrams Is A Full-Featured Diagramming App Based On Chrome - 0 views

    "Gliffy Diagrams is a Google Chrome app that makes the process of creating all such diagrams a lot easier. You can not only create a vast range of diagram types, but also modify them in plenty of ways, save the output as image files, and even export it to Google Docs, presentations, or web pages."
John Pearce

infuselearning | Empowering The BYOD REVOLUTION - 0 views

    "Infuse Learning is a free student response system that works with any Internet-connected device including iPads and Android tablets. Infuse Learning allows teachers to push questions, prompts, and quizzes out to students' devices in private virtual classrooms. In an Infuse Learning room a teacher can give students a wide variety of formats in which to response to a question or prompt. Students can reply to prompts and questions in standard multiple choice, true/false, and short answer formats. But Infuse Learning also offers an option for students to reply by creating drawings or diagrams on their iPads, Android tablets, or on their laptops."
John Pearce

Mind Mapping Apps: iPad/iPhone Apps AppGuide - 3 views

    "The iPhone and iPad provide several avenues for organizing your ideas and thoughts. In addition to text editors, list organizers, and outlining applications another category exists for Mind Mappers. If you are a visual learner then you may be familiar with the technique of Mind Mapping. Mind Maps are diagrams containing a central idea with branches for related topics. So if you need to solve a perplexing problem or plan the next big thing, one of these Mind Mapping Apps may be just what you need. "
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